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So i’m reading the Sunday paper and i notice a new guru add and as any respectable PIer would do i went in for a look.
Now i really admire some one who tries to do some thing different but i can’t work out for the life of me how anybody (W.B)fires up what is now old hat.
Is it that some people think that people are that stupid to take up the cause (don’t answer that!!!)and go down the same weary path?
What i realllllllly couldn’t believe is this site has coppied word for word some of the old timers. And the key strategy is buying a property below the market price when you know (because of research)the true value then, because you r broke and desperate, borrow the deposit from family and friends (bl…y fools) revalue the property and do it all again because it is so easy and become a millionaire in 3 years.
Now don’t tell any body this strategy because it is so new that even the Americans haven’t heard of it (you r kidding right??)
Oh by the way you can become a partner and generate instant cash flow by introducing others to get sucked in as well, but don’t worry its not multilevel marketing, this is a totally new concept because as the slogan goes its the best on earth.
O.K so who has signed up …
Probably an off-spin of ‘The Mugs (Investors) Club’.
The Mortgage Adviser
Essential LinksAlso saw the ad and have sent for the DVD.
I also picked up on a lot of re-hashed lines that other gurus have used.
As the DVD is free, I thought not a lot to lose.
I pasted a couple of links in the WB thread elsewhere if ya wanna take a look at a couple of (old) articles about his seminars.
kay henry
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