All Topics / Help Needed! / Everybody has one big money-making idea.

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  • Profile photo of Nathan BirchNathan Birch
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 189

    So whats yours?

    Hey everybody, just thought id pop me head in and start an interesting thread. Just wondered what your biggest and best financial goal is? and what your biggest money making idea?

    Should be intereting.

    BTW mine is to open a retail franchise.

    Profile photo of DazzlingDazzling
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 1,150

    This has never been tried before, but I was thinking something along the lines of ;

    1. Start up my own website
    2. Conduct seminars
    3. Cross promote my books on said website
    4. Further cross promote other products
    5. Flog off manufacturing rights to the “Dazzling doll”
    6. Intellectually patent the word ‘property’.
    7. Buy cake and eat it with the avalanche of proceeds

    Do you reckon it could be a goer ?? Do you want to be my silent financial backer ?? [biggrin]



    “No point having a cake if you can’t eat it.”

    Profile photo of Robbie B

    I don’t think many people are going to tell you their money making ideas or you may start it before them. Just like you have simply stated a retail franchise mine is to start a new profitable business.

    The Mortgage Adviser
    Essential Links

    Profile photo of techhowsetechhowse
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 63

    my big money making idea is to be:

    a smart and rich businessman who buys mutual funds [tongue]

    Profile photo of waynel2waynel2
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 311

    G’day Nathan_b,

    My idea is to find a financial backer, or a marketing partner to help launch Australia’s largest online Real estate and Accommodation Network of websites across Australia!:)

    I’ve spent the last 2 years or so programming web based technology that is much better, and cheaper, than market players such as , – though it’s just a matter of getting my name out there:)

    I just released which seems to be going okay as I’ve had 100 or so WA holiday home owners sign up… so things r starting to come together:)

    If that plan fails – then I’ll settle for becoming a financially independent Property Developer:)


    Wayne Leech

    *Below are links to my websites – any feedback, comments would be appreciated:) – Holiday Homes in Western Australia – Accommodation in Western Australia – List your property for FREE

    Profile photo of bderrybderry
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 8

    great topic
    I think everyone has unlimited big ideas if you start making them happen
    I found in my business that when you work to build up one good idea to success that many more show up along the way giving you more great opportunities than you can keep up with
    Focus on your great idea with persistence until it becomes great success[biggrin]

    Profile photo of Robbie B

    My biggest idea is to live on a 40 foot sailing cat so if I get sick of the view, I can raise the anchor and move!

    The Mortgage Adviser
    Essential Links

    Profile photo of camder

    My biggest idea , or 2 actually is to win Miss World and bring world peace to all after I become a brain surgeon, and my second is to see the people on this forum use their intellect and power for good —not evil.

    Maybe one is a money making idea because you see I am nearly 60 yrs young and a male!!!!
    Cheers Len

    Profile photo of just_carljust_carl
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 2

    my dream is to have so much wealth that i can do what i want, when i want, like follow the wallabies around the world for a year. biggest problem is im 19yo uni student, with no property because i have very little income at the moment. So i have looked into other paths that may allow me to invest in property in the future and have now got involved with network marketing. Dont worry, we will all get there!

    Profile photo of gatsbygatsby
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 708

    My plan is to recruit a platoon of mercenary ‘Army Ants’, have them disguised as ‘rice’ and rob a chain of Chinese restaurants!!.
    Then I’m going to make a low budget independent movie about the escapade and entitle it,……….”RESERVOIR ANTS!”
    Mr Gatsby!
    (or is it Mr Pink, or Mr Brown?)

    “Sometimes the hardest thing to do in life is often the best thing to do.”

    Profile photo of Endless SummerEndless Summer
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 62

    How about an annual trip to the Island of Santorini. That would suit me during Australia’s winter. [exhappy]

    Back to property……

    Profile photo of christobellchristobell
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 30

    Well..mine was to marry Tom Cruise but dam it Katie got in before me.

    Profile photo of camder

    Oh Geez —So nice to see another reasonable topic turned into a “valuable useless” rabble of ideas
    Cheers Len

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