All Topics / Help Needed! / SE QLD investors?

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  • Profile photo of wallace

    I know that there is no one area which is good and that you can good investments in alot of areas. but where is SE Qld do you consider to be a good place to invest?

    Profile photo of Fast LaneFast Lane
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 527

    That really all depends on what you want to get out of your invstments. You could invest in blue chip areas like Surfers or inner Brisbane or you could go the other way and invest in really cheap places because they might have the most scope for growth.

    You could invest a million different ways in SE Qld. so it’s really about what you can do at this moment in time and what you’re hoping to get out of the investments.

    Hope this helps…G7

    Profile photo of wallace

    yeah i know what you mean.

    You see the problem that i have (not really a problem, just one i need to sort out) is that i am fairly young, and am looking at getting started ASAP in investing. But due to my age, i dont have alot of money. So i figure that the best way of getting started is to by an investment that is cheap (eg. under $100,000). Use this to build equity and to also have an “asset” to my name. Then as time goes on simply add to my portfolio.

    What are your thoughts? i know this probably has been discussed before. but i do need any help you can give me to get started. Using parents equity is unlikely too.

    Thanks in advance.

    Profile photo of Robbie BRobbie B
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 2,493
    Profile photo of debtdoggdebtdogg
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 136

    Hi wallace

    Not sure if you have found anywhere in SEQ for $100,000.00 but you would be lucky. Can’t even buy a block of dirt for that in this area. Realistically in today’s market you are looking at at least $150,000 and upwards and that is for an older place in areas like Ipswich which is “all the rage”. I have had a good look around there but as one agent said anything below $200,000 will have a few problems assoiated with age (most were built in the 40’s 50’s and 60’s) The last contract I signed (for $155,000)on an older place failed the building inspection.

    All this said don’t give up. What about a joint venture. $100,000 each will give you $200,000.and you will start a portfolio with that. Alternatively if you can stretch to 180 you will get property around Kingston, Logan, Beenleigh etc.

    Keep trying-time MIGHT help if the market softens but don’t expect to get anything for $100,000. Maybe you can consolidate what you have a save to get to the level you need

    Best of luck

    Happy Hunting

    Profile photo of techhowsetechhowse
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 63

    hi wallace,

    A few questions:

    Which part of SE Qld are you looking at in particular?
    Are you based in that area as well?
    just curious, how did u find


    Profile photo of plproperty


    I own a real estate agency on the Gold Coast.

    I haven’t seen any residential for under 100k, but I’ve seen storage sheds in industrial growth area’s for about 45k.

    At the time of this post, you can still buy New apartments in good growth suburbs for a little over 200k. They are becoming more scarce though.

    For reliable resources to help investors make informed decisions.


    Good luck with your investing

    Luke Woollard
    Pacific Lifestyle Property

    comments made are general information only. you should seek professional advice for your particular circumstances.

    Profile photo of BattleshipsBattleships
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 63

    Hi Wallace

    IMHO ( which i’m hoping means ” in my humble opinion”) there are good deals everywhere – what you need is the education to see them and the time and effort to look.
    EG1 the $45K deal mentioned by plp property
    EG2 a few months ago I looked at a straightforward residential cash flow neutral property investment for $65K within about an hour from Brisbane CBD Rent $130pw( but high body corporate fees)
    EG3 a serrviced apartment was recently offered in Chermside in the northern suburbs of Brisbane for $85K
    EG4 There is a studio apartment currently for sale in East Brisbane only a few kilometres from the CBD for $89K. Rents at $125pw


    Profile photo of wallace

    pl property. Thanks for the heads up. i to also work in a real estate in brissy. i am thinking of doing a joint venture just to get started.

    I have thought about ipswich and the like also. i have a fitness industry background and i still have a client who is a developer, and he has big plans for the ipswich shire and also around the esk shire. so i know good things are happening out there.

    techhouse, i have been on this forum for over 12 months , just never added my two cents. i read most of the threads though.

    Thanks everyone for you input. i welcome anymore advice people can give me.


    battleships, thankyou for the info. your right, i don’t have the full education to look for things that are cheap and that will help with making a good start.but i do know that they are definately out there.

    Profile photo of tyashtyash
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 2

    Hi Wallace
    Don’t know if you are still looking in SE Qld but there were 2 X three bedroom units advertised in Logan Central in local Albert & Logan News this week for $100k
    Regards Vicki

    Profile photo of slaurie44slaurie44
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 3

    In Queensland at present the best investments are to the North and West of the Brisabne area. The South East at the present moment in time isn’t a good investment for returns. With that sadi however, keep an eye on the Gold Coast and Brisbane city area. Fortunately for us there has been a greater number of units built than what there is demand, so eventually the wheel will turn and builders are going to want to off load…They pridict that an aea to watch is Townsville which is far north Queensland. If you look and the infastructure around such areas as Gladstone/Mackay/Rockhampton you will see the growth and future plans for theses areas.

    Profile photo of plproperty

    slaurie44, I’d be interested to hear what you’ve based your statement RE: SE Qld on?

    The Gold Coast has the highest residential rentals in the whole of Queensland. Plus an extremely low unemployment rate (just less than 3% at the time of my post).

    It also has the largest population outside of Australian capital cities and climbing. About half a million people live on the GC.

    Luke Woollard
    Pacific Lifestyle Property

    comments made are general information only. you should seek professional advice for your particular circumstances.

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