All Topics / Opinionated! / Moderators on holiday ??

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  • Profile photo of Dazzling

    Lately there have been quite a few threads with outrageous deviations and off topic tangents that are not being ‘nipped in the bud’ by the relevant Moderators.

    I’m sure these things go in cycles and you’ve handled these things in past with speed and aplomb.

    Could we have the Mods on their toes a tad more, instead of letting vicious and libellous comments volley backwards and forwards ad nauseum.

    It denigrates the forum and must be very off putting to the newby posters and the swath of guests who do not post, but enjoy reading the wealth of prop. knowledge available on this forum.

    Mods, let’s get the forum cleaned up and back on track, for what Steve intended it for.



    “No point having a cake if you can’t eat it.”

    Profile photo of Robbie B

    I put forward making Dazz our newest Mod. Any seconder???

    Don’t worry Dazz, I won’t object to being edited, deleted or banned by you.

    The Mortgage Adviser
    Essential Links

    Profile photo of Mortgage Hunter

    Dazzling – I don’t always find enough time to read everything, sometimes I feel I am the only one here sometimes!

    Please drop me an email with a link to offending posts and I will get onto them ASAP. Anytime you see something.


    Simon Macks
    Finance Broker
    0425 228 985

    Comments may not be relevant to individual circumstances. If you intend making any investment, financial or taxation decision you should consult a professional adviser.

    Profile photo of Robbie B
    Profile photo of Dazzling

    Cheers Simon,

    I have no understanding as to the job you do or the challenges you face…I imagine it would be daunting with a 24 hour site and so many different forums.

    As for posting links and quotes…we’ll I’m just not quite up to speed with all that “hi-teka-nojikal” whizz-bangery. No can do…[blink]

    Could someone be so kind as to step me through all the ins and outs of doing that ??



    “No point having a cake if you can’t eat it.”

    Profile photo of Mortgage Hunter

    send me an email to

    just cut and paste the url to the offending link into the email.

    This page link looks like this:



    Simon Macks
    Finance Broker
    0425 228 985

    Comments may not be relevant to individual circumstances. If you intend making any investment, financial or taxation decision you should consult a professional adviser.

    Profile photo of Mortgage Hunter

    I have tidied it a bit – might be better to delete the whole thread I think.

    That Colbert is a troll. people shouldn’t engage with him – best to ignore him and I will delete as I see him.

    We can ban him but he just comes back as new nicks.

    Please email me as he pops up.


    Simon Macks
    Finance Broker
    0425 228 985

    Comments may not be relevant to individual circumstances. If you intend making any investment, financial or taxation decision you should consult a professional adviser.

    Profile photo of Robbie B

    There is a ‘QUOTE’ button at the bottom of every post. If you press it, a window will open up with the message contained in HTML code. You type your message below this and your signature is automatically attached when you submit your reply.

    It gets very annoying if you press quote and reprint the whole message when you are replying so taking out the section you want to refer to is best. This is done by clicking the quote button in the message where the information you want is attached and delete all irrelevant information between the HTML code.

    The code that must be at the start of a ‘quote’ is [ q u o t e ] and at the end you need to have [ / q u o t e ]. Notice that I left spaces between all characters so you could see the code. With no spaces, it will show a different coloured quote box.

    For all the other stuff like bold print, etc, you need to use ‘ADD REPLY’ instead of ‘FAST REPLY’. You will see some tools at the top of the message entry box. You highlight the text with your mouse that you want to edit and select the tool to edit – eg: the ‘b’ button for bold print.

    Try it out in this thread.

    The Mortgage Adviser
    Essential Links

    Profile photo of Dazzling
    Originally posted by The Mortgage Adviser:

    There is a ‘QUOTE’ button at the bottom of every post. If you press it, a window will open up with the message contained in HTML code. You type your message below this and your signature is automatically attached when you submit your reply.

    It gets very annoying if you press quote and reprint the whole message when you are replying so taking out the section you want to refer to is best. This is done by clicking the quote button in the message where the information you want is attached and delete all irrelevant information between the HTML code.

    The code that must be at the start of a ‘quote’ is [ q u o t e ] and at the end you need to have [ / q u o t e ]. Notice that I left spaces between all characters so you could see the code. With no spaces, it will show a different coloured quote box.

    For all the other stuff like bold print, etc, you need to use ‘ADD REPLY’ instead of ‘FAST REPLY’. You will see some tools at the top of the message entry box. You highlight the text with your mouse that you want to edit and select the tool to edit – eg: the ‘b’ button for bold print.

    Try it out in this thread.

    The Mortgage Adviser
    Essential Links



    “No point having a cake if you can’t eat it.”

    Profile photo of Dazzling

    Nope….didn’t work…???

    Very frustrating….I just quoted the ‘Try it out on this thread..but it took the whole thing for some reason ??

    Profile photo of Robbie B

    You don’t highlight what you want and then click ‘QUOTE’. You need to click quote first and it takes the whole thing and then you delete the words you don’t want. You have to leave the HTML coding which it the stuff at the start and the end of the message that appears in the [ ] brackets.

    Try again.

    The Mortgage Adviser
    Essential Links

    Profile photo of Jenny1Jenny1
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 269

    Oops just playing..and it worked!


    Profile photo of Dazzling
    Oops just playing!

    OK…having another crack at it…looks like it worked in the preview – yay…

    I think multiple quotes and the links better be for another day…my brain hurts ??

    Thanks TMA…

    Profile photo of Robbie B

    No problem. I expect your future posts will be much easier to read from now on. Feel free to use some bold, italics and coloured text. I love it!!!

    The Mortgage Adviser
    Essential Links

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