All Topics / General Property / RIP Derivex
Thanks for your kind offer MH.
When another company brings up IFHL (as will certainly happen) I will, like everyone else, eagerly go to their web site and try to find out what the real deal is. To do that they’d have to at least provide some info on how it works.
Pretty diagrams with colours are good[biggrin].
All in all it sounds like a hard sell. Using a “something for nothing” sales pitch always raises suspicion.
There are pretty diagrams with colours explaining this in my computer. As I keep repeating, there were management problems and the release of information was controlled in a way I considered inappropriate.
As for how it all works, there is an easy to follow layman’s explanation of this as well. Any detail will not be released for obvious reasons. Why do you even want to know seeing the lender is giving you money?
The Mortgage Adviser
Essential LinksHi Rob,
Are you able to say a bit about the management problems? What were they? Any suggestions for strategies to overcome them? I understand if you can’t.
Jason.There was really only two problems. One was an issue of control without the know-how to undertake what was required to get the business operational and the other was aggressiveness. The only way to overcome these was to get someone else to run the company. I can’t say much more.
The Mortgage Adviser
Essential LinksMaybe this will solve the mysterious sytem ?
Posted: Friday 22nd April 2005 10:02:22 am Post subject: How it works…
Have found out the following…Derives uses a similar system to banks. If derives lends you 1 million dollars it can use that secured mortgage to borrow on the international money market – the ratio they use is 21:1. Hence if they are going to loan you 1 million they can actually borrow 21 million.
Now, the rules state that you have to pay back 5% of the principal every year. There are a couple of others but this is the main one. In essence they use your mortgage to play the international money market.
Supposedly there is no risk to you if they lose all their money on the money market – not sure why at this point in time. I understand it has something to do with the fact that the loan is independently secured – hmmm, would need more info here.
Money markets can be volatile so it would be interesting to see how the model works to protect the mortgagor if the mortgagee sustains irrecoverable losses on the international money market.
The way it is being pitched is that it is virtually risk free. Again, that remains to be seen. I understand they are likely to drop the residential lending side of things and focus only on commercial.
Look for more from ASIC etc at the end of April apparently.
With a better understanding of the down side the product could indeed have a use but my opinion would be that is more of a niche product than a standardised loan facility. Still, will be interesting to see what our friends at ASIC come back with. “
So can any of the Derivex advocates confirm that this is the gist of how the system works?
Can anyone clarify the issues regarding risk and the security of the loan?
Planing, nice find. I did not even know there were posts there about Derivex.
Jason, I don’t think anyone is a ‘Derivex’ advocate as Derivex is just a company name. As an Interest Free Loan Product ‘researcher’, I would say that that person has really no idea how it all works although the 20 to 1 gearing is part of the overall structure.
As I said earlier, I will not go into how it works with anyone as it just causes trouble.
The Mortgage Adviser
Essential Linksok.
I’ll keep an eye out for the next interest free loan product offering…someone will have to explain it sometime if they are going to offer it as a viable comercial product (insert picture of me not holding my breath).
Jason.Sorry folks,
The 4th and final hoof of the IFHL nag has just entered the glue factory…Game Over. [biggrin]
What is that supposed to mean?
The Mortgage Adviser
Essential LinksI guess it means IFHL is just a genius’s dream.
I sent an email to them asking about
They replied and thanked me. They forgot to renew the domain name apparently.
The website is back up and running now. So not quite RIP!
Well I guess some of us should take on board a lesson about jumping to conclusions without verifying the truth.
Have a great weekend,
Simon Macks
Finance Broker
0425 228 985Comments may not be relevant to individual circumstances. If you intend making any investment, financial or taxation decision you should consult a professional adviser.
How do we feel about this product/group at the moment???…given nothing has really moved forward since christmas and nobody has ever come forward with a sensible explanation on how this supposed wonder loan works.
The Mortgage Advisor…you mentioned that when you workded there they didn’t let you see the true engine room …do you still think they really have a magic formula that no other bank has ever come up with?
Nat, I would much prefer having no dialogue with you whatsoever. I don’t think a sensible level of discussion can be maintained. I am happy never to address you in any of my posts and I would appreciate the same in return.
Have a nice life.
The Mortgage Adviser
Essential Links
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