All Topics / Value Adding / qld developments, beginner! Needs a start!

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    Great now back to Delboys post,

    To gain experience i suggest u start with a single house and land project.

    I have just bought 3 blocks in Goodna for 75k each, i can build an 18sq 4 bedder with air and dlg etc for 140k inc. land scaping and i intend to resell them for 295k.

    Actually to tell the truth they have been sold already, u can do the numbers your self.


    Profile photo of delboydelboy
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 80

    Hi All

    Thanks for all your replys. Shame some people try and drag these forums down.

    Well obviously some of you have alot of experience in developments. It’s quite interesting to see the different views you share on the matter. I.e. don’t do developments in QLD. Do developments in QLD. Growth/no growth, etc.

    Since I started this post I have talked to people who are developing, councils, agents, builders and depending on the area they are all quite positive about the future of SEQLD.

    I have looked at the SEQLD draft and found many areas where rezoning is going to create opportunities. So I guess its a 50/50. Do I go for it/do I not.

    I think I will go for it.



    Profile photo of plproperty

    There are some good arguments for developing on the Gold Coast being:
    – There is a shortage of low cost rental accommodation
    – Stamp duty for purchasers in Queensland is among the lowest in Australia
    – Land tax levies are extremely favourable – check out the Qld state budget
    – Population level is now 500,000+ according to ABS and climbing

    I live on the Gold Coast – having originally been located in Melbourne, Victoria.

    Luke Woollard
    Pacific Lifestyle Property

    comments made are general information only. you should seek professional advice for your particular circumstances.

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    I also suggest looking at developing something that others arn’t focused on eg; two bedroom townhouses with a 3 way bathroom, just a thought.


    Profile photo of markpatrickmarkpatrick
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 94

    Resiwealth you did well there are none left at this price, did you have trouble finding a builder to do these homes?, guaranteed though the cost will blow out before they are done, price of biulding goes up by the day and it is taking longer and longer for builders to finish homes.

    Profile photo of icarus1icarus1
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 28

    I think its a shame that some people denigrate others on a public forum and think we are interested. I have never had dealings with Michael Yardney but know plenty of developers and agents that have and guess what, i have never heard a bad word.

    I think the individual who posted such nasty replies should own up and put them in writing to Metropole and hope his facts are correct or face a nice little defamation action. [chill]

    Profile photo of plproperty

    Yes I agree with you resiwealth – do something different.

    I think there could be a market in Varsity Lakes for Townhouses with larger than normal bedrooms (some have quite small bedrooms)…

    Delboy – I would suggest visiting at least 15 residences in your preferred development area to give you an idea of what to innovate.

    Luke Woollard
    Pacific Lifestyle Property

    comments made are general information only. you should seek professional advice for your particular circumstances.

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