All Topics / Overseas Deals / Who’s In NZ At Present?

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  • Profile photo of Leigh

    Hi guys,

    Just a quick post to see who out there is actually in NZ at the moment? I’m over here for about another 7 weeks and it would be great to catch up with others if our paths cross.

    Cheers, Leigh

    “In NZ buying properties, email me if you would like one and I’ll put you on my mailing list!”

    Profile photo of Don Nicolussi

    We live in NZ. You should have no problems finding properties at the moment. Alot of new stock coming onto the market with cash + potential.


    Don Nicolussi | Property Fan
    Email Me | Phone Me

    Learning, having fun and doing it!

    Profile photo of MiniMogul

    Don and Liz! you live there! wow! awesome!
    What area??
    I’m moving back there soon myself for three months, to Queenstown


    Profile photo of AlbieAlbie
    Join Date: 2001
    Post Count: 3

    We live there too – in sunny Nelson.I have a place for sale if anyone is interested, look for the post. Still cashflow opportunity in it too. Housese are getting harder to buy with c/f, but then the conditions we buy under are different to yours – interest rates etc, therefore the point of balance in becoming cashflow is at a different place. Of course, none of us kiwi’s are stoked about the investor buying power coming in from over the tasman – makes that market that much more competitive!!!
    Nah! – we just have to work a little harder to sniff out the deals first!

    Profile photo of Leigh

    Hey Albie I’ll probably be stopping into Nelson Saturday night on my down from Gisborne and Wairoa, if you’re around do you want to catch up for a coffee?

    Profile photo of CorporateMonkey

    I’m here, moved from Sydney to rotovagas (rotorua) taking over the world one house at a time… drop us a line if you’re around 021 50 45 69

    Massive Respect
    CorporateMonkey (nathan)

    Profile photo of Leigh

    How’s that for coincidence, I’m just sitting in an internet cafe in Rotorua, I give Nathan a call and he’s in an internet cafe in Rotorua also! Not the same one, but it’s still pretty funny.

    “In NZ buying properties, email me if you would like one and I’ll put you on my mailing list!”

    Profile photo of CorporateMonkey

    bizarre really, it’s a very small world…

    anyone else in rotorua while we’re at it?



    Profile photo of Don Nicolussi

    we are down in Invercargill(feisty little city) The stags take on the British lions at Rugby Park soon. I don’t think it will be much of a contest (hope noone heard that). We will be “up the naki” or in the Taranaki Region of the north Island next week. Should be up that way for 6 to 8 weeks. If anyone is up there drop us a pm.


    Don Nicolussi | Property Fan
    Email Me | Phone Me

    Learning, having fun and doing it!

    Profile photo of Leigh

    Hey Don & Liz,

    I’ll be heading through Taraniki area in the next few days so I’ll probably just miss you there and I’ll be heading through Invercargil in about 2-4 weeks so it looks like I’ll just miss you there too, can’t win!

    I’ll drop you a PM when in Taraniki area anyhow, I might be hanging around up at Rotorua for a few days longer than first planned, either way though I’ve got the ferry booked next Thursday night down south.

    Well hopefully paths will cross, if not next time I dare say they will.


    Profile photo of Don Nicolussi

    No worries Leigh. Have a good trip.

    Good Luck

    Don Nicolussi | Property Fan
    Email Me | Phone Me

    Learning, having fun and doing it!

    Profile photo of kiwipropertykiwiproperty
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 24

    Hi Leigh
    Did you get the book yet?

    Sigrid de Castella & Antony Anderson
    New book “The Guide to New Zealand Property Investing – Australian Edition”
    Available at our web site along with other NZ Resources for Australian Investors

    Profile photo of ayenayen
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 17


    I’m in Christchurch for a couple of days doing due diligence on a couple of projects (one an IP and the other a work related investment).

    Isn’t it cold here! -4 this morning when I got up!


    Profile photo of Don Nicolussi

    tipped to be -6 in southland overnight! The little burner will earn its keep tonight. If we did not have a trip planned it would be good inside weather!


    Don Nicolussi | Property Fan
    Email Me | Phone Me

    Learning, having fun and doing it!

    Profile photo of Leigh

    It’s not just the south that’s cold, although -6 is definitely a little colder than up here in Bay of Plenty. Today I noticed all this white along the side of the road in the shadows of the pine plantations, my first instinct was snow but I thought ‘nah couldn’t be’ so I dismissed that thought, after about 20kms though I had to know what it was so I pulled over for a look. The grass along the road was frozen into a white blanket from frost the night before, not that strange usually, but this was 3:30 in the afternoon! Not overly looking forward to 5 weeks in a campervan in Southland next month!

    Don & Liz:
    Thanks for the well wishes, good luck when you’re up North having a look around.

    Sigrid & Antony:
    Thanks guys I picked up the book in Auckland late last week, quite easy reading so I managed to finish read it cover to cover on Sunday afternoon whilst sitting on an island off Mount Maunganui! You’ve covered a lot in the book, filled in a few holes for me which will come in quite handy. Well done a good book. Remember the spell check on the next one though [cap]!

    “In NZ buying properties, email me if you would like one and I’ll put you on my mailing list!”

    Profile photo of Queenstowner

    i’m in Queenstown(hence the handle)and the best part of the yr is about to begin here :).Just a word of warning to anybody traveling here and looking at the lovely frosted grass,watch the road! it’s likely to be covered in black ice especially on shaded spots.
    Hi MiniMogul, coming here for 3 months hey,hope your got accom sorted out as by july you’ll be luckly to get somebodies garden shed.You’ll love it though,we were only staying for a yr and that was 3 yrs ago.
    regards Queenstowner

    Profile photo of MiniMogul

    Queenstowner, we sure have – we settle on our ‘garden shed’ June 27! Already have new phone number and jetstream sorted!

    We are planning to stay for three months however the words have already been uttered just yesterday ‘but if we like it, we’ll stay until the end of the year’!

    Can’t wait to meet you for a Pizza at the Cow!?
    Oh lifestyle!


    Profile photo of Queenstowner

    hey minimogul
    You’ll love it,long as you can handle the cold and the high power bills( they love to hit ya when you need it most)
    you know, been here 3 yrs and still haven’t made it to the cow.Winnies has great pizza as well.

    Profile photo of MiniMogul

    Cold – well I’m hald German and quarter russian and quarter scottish, so I don’t think it will be too much of a shock, albeit I’ve lived in sunny Sydney for nine years so now I’m one of those weather snobs that goes back home to wellington and says ‘brrrr’.

    I think the key to queenstown is hi-tech clothing.
    I’m talking gore-tex and such!
    Stuff you can’t buy in Sydney and wouldn’t wear anyway. Real winter clothes!

    The cow? I can’t believe you haven’t been there yet (and you call yourself a local!)

    Well I’ll look forward to de-virginating you.
    So to speak.


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