All Topics / Help Needed! / Owner Details

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  • Profile photo of asdf

    Does anyone know a relatively cheap and quick way of getting the details of the owner whom I’m interested to buy a unit off? Property currently vacant so I can’t really knock on the door and don’t think the leasing agent would tell me if I asked. By the way, I’m in NSW. Would a titles search at the land office give me that info? Then I suppose I either have to write to them or look the name up in the white pages? If anyone has a better solution, keen to hear your thoughts. Thank you kindly.

    Profile photo of Robbie B

    A 1km RP Data search around the property will provide this information or you can just check the single address through the Council or if you know a real estate agent with access to RP Data in the area you seek.

    I also find asking a neighbour works well especially if they have an adjoining fence or wall as both have to pay for maintenance or repair or maybe even insurance if a duplex.

    The Mortgage Adviser

    Essential Links Website

    Profile photo of asdf

    Thanks Mortgage Adviser. You must be a night owl just like me!

    Profile photo of Robbie B

    I am like Codral – Night and Day. I am a bit of an insomniac. I only sleep 4-5 hours in every 24-36 hours.

    The Mortgage Adviser

    Essential Links Website

    Profile photo of gatsbygatsby
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 708

    I wish I could. I need at least 8 hours a day!,..(and about 10 at night!). I went to the 7/11 last night at 6pm and they were shutting up! I asked them ‘Hey, I thought you’re open 24 hours?’ ‘We are’, replied the guy ‘but not in a row!’

    Profile photo of andrew8andrew8
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 21

    Assuming it is in NSW, the Land Titles Office has a record of all owners.

    You can visit them in Sydney CBD (perhaps also other offices around the state) or go via one of their online brokers to get the registered owner.


    Profile photo of ohblessed1ohblessed1
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 3

    tax records at your county recorders ofc ask for parcel and tax info for current or last owner


    Profile photo of asdf

    Thanks for all the info guys. Ohblessed, can I ask what “county recorders” are? I’ve looked at the land titles office but looks like I need to pay $8 everytime and then I suppose I need to try to locate the owner through the white pages. Will give it a try. Cheers

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