All Topics / Heads Up! / Rick Otton – Version May 2005

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  • Profile photo of burstock

    Hi All

    We went to Rick’s presentation last night. Having serached this site I see last mention of him was over 12 months ago. Interested to know if anyone here has heard him speak in the last year, how he may have changed his offering and more importantly, if anyone has done any business with him in 2005.

    Profile photo of Terryw

    I hear he has recently been promoting Lease Options and more recently Sandwich Lease options.

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    Profile photo of Robbie B

    I am very interested in hearing what people think of Rick Otton and his reputation in general. I have heard that he presents much of the same material and in much the same way as Steve McKnight.

    Does he have a good or bad reputation?

    The Mortgage Adviser

    Essential Links Website

    Profile photo of JD_2JD_2
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 16

    Hello Everyone,
    We are looking for someone living in Sydney who is operating Rick Otton’s Sandwhich Lease Option program with success. We are interested in it but am a bit skeptical. Any one successful at this interesting in meeting up with us.


    Profile photo of Robbie B

    There is a ‘wrap’.

    Now a ‘sandwich’.

    What next???

    A ‘kebab’???

    The Mortgage Adviser

    Essential Links Website

    Profile photo of FWFW
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 478

    Rick’s strategies and presentation are VERY different to Steve McKnight’s. I’ve met a lot of property gurus in my time, and personally I give Rick 10/10 for genuinely walking the walk. He’s also a bit of a dag, which I rather like! But behind the dagginess there lies a brain which never ceases to amaze me, his ability to take a set of circumstances and create a deal that makes everyone happy is nothing short of astounding.

    Keep smiling
    Felicity 8-)

    Profile photo of gatsbygatsby
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 708

    I don’t know,
    a wrap,
    a sandwich,
    a flip,
    .., an omelette?

    Profile photo of Terryw

    I agree that Rick is a very convincing speaker. Probably mainly because he practices what he preaches.

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    Profile photo of MichaelYardneyMichaelYardney
    Join Date: 2001
    Post Count: 616

    I have known Rick for a number of years and have goten to know him better recently.

    In fact I am having dinner with him in Sydney tonight.

    He’s a nice guy and very genuine. He’s very clever and learned many of his techniques in America in the 80’s when you couldn’t give properties away.

    He teaches many creative techniques, but he is not a theorist. He is actually doing it and has done so for years.

    Just as Steve McKinght has changed with the times and no longer recommends wraps, so has Rick.

    He know taks about lease options and sandwich leases. These are creative techiques that seem to work today.

    Having said that it alllseems hard work. I will stick to property development, but then again most people feel this is hard work.

    All this shows is there is NO one correct way to invest. There are lots of ways and it depends what suits your circumstances.

    Michael Yardney
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    Profile photo of Nigel KibelNigel Kibel
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    I agree with Michael

    There is no one correct way to invest. The market is an ever changing beast. You have to ajust to the market. I am always wary of anyone who states this is the only way

    Nigel Kibel

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    Profile photo of burstock


    I agree with all of the above, well not the kerbab bit, and remain interested in knowing if anyone on this forum, or friends of people on this forum, are using Rick’s current techniques. have done some investigating since starting this thread and it all looks above board. Still however interested in discussing this with someone who is doing it.

    Thanks – B

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