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  • Profile photo of HotRod

    Is the Masterclass worth it?

    Reason I ask is that the wife and I are contemplating going to the Perth one.

    We have a total portfolio of 7 (going to 8 shortly) and are fairly REI savvy and was wondering what exactly we might learn but not already know.

    I’m a firm believer that there is enough books out there to give us all the info we need and have a good team built up, so would the Masterclass be wasted on us and just be a “raa raa” session to get motivated (which we are)?

    I see seminars for those who are still seeking the answer and waiting for the light bulb moment or those who have run out of puff and need some motivation.


    All things are possible to the person who believes they are possible.
    Whateve the mind of man can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve.
    Napoleon Hill

    Profile photo of BattleshipsBattleships
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 63

    Hi HotRod

    I understand what you mean about seminars in general. Perhaps these observations might help you decide.

    I have studied extensively and have expertise in a number of fields. I have noticed that I usually can still learn even from those who are not as expert- either there’s something I missed along the way or others see things in a different way and thus give me another perspective.

    The focus of the Masterclasses( I have been to 2) is on the “business”. 5 properties seems to be an entry level for making full use of the information provided and, to quote a comment from the most recent masterclass in Brisbane, property is a volume business- you need at least 20.

    about 35 minutes of the whole day program I would put in the “motivation” category-the rest is information, techniques and concepts. You may already be aware of a lot of this but it shouldn’t take too much extra to cover the cost
    -but if cost is the big issue-why both go? why not only one?

    It is also fertile ground for making contacts and the attendees (I can only speak for Brisbane)have a wide range of property interests which can complement each other.


    Profile photo of quy17187quy17187
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 22


    I too have read many books and was quite skeptical to go. I did (just myself) and found it motivational and useful (information and networks). I got in early and recieved early bird discount.


    Profile photo of DazzlingDazzling
    Join Date: 2005
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    Not sure I’d agree that the property game is a ‘volume’ business….more accurately I’d describe it as a ‘big $ value game’.

    Give me just one prop worth $ 10 MM, renting at $ 1 MM p.a. nett, [biggrin]- nice… opposed to one hundred little houses or flats at $ 100K each, renting @ $ 120 / week gross, producing one hundred and one little headaches – what a nightmare !!

    Sure – all the eggs in the one basket – but what a basket…

    What do the presenters do at these seminars, ask for a show of hands who owns IPs and then asks how many each person has – and leaves it at that. Someone who has 50 little dogboxes worth $ 50 K each is seen as a guru and the chap with 3 office blocks at $ 10 MM each is classified as relatively green. My radar goes up instantly people start talking about the # of IP’s they own…my instant thought is “So what – what are the total funds under management – that’s what counts”



    “No point having a cake if you can’t eat it.”

    Profile photo of Clay AClay A
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 33

    Hi Hotrod

    I have a similar number of properties to you and read books etc. I also went to the masterclass in Brisbane and it was not your typical “raa raa” sesion.

    A couple of points I picked up on from the class were well and truly worth the the ticket price.

    There is always room to learn someting new.


    Profile photo of Hope_2Hope_2
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 5

    Hi there

    I know this is a late reply to your question but I just went to the Perth Master Class and I found it definitely worth attending. I have not yet purchased any property, but I have read both Steve’s books and still found a lot of very useful info given out today. It was great to hear Steve, Dave and the others and I believe it has given me what I need to get going! As Steve says success comes from doing things differently!


    Libby Phan

    Profile photo of wilprowilpro
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 4

    Hi HotRod
    Did you decide to go to the Perth Masterclass? I have just come back from the seminar and found it very useful. Mainly for networking and new Ideas and markets. The networking was good as we are new to WA. We have 2 properties that we are renovation and we will reno and Subdivide

    I have not failed. Ive just found 10000 ways that wont work. – Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931)

    Profile photo of Damo_2Damo_2
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 13

    Hi all,

    I attended yesterdays Masterclass in Perth. I found it very useful and well worth the money. I must admit I don’t usually go to property seminars but I decided I needed something to get me over a hump in my investing road. This session gave me the insight into new ways to approach my goals.

    I have three IP’s and read everything I can about RE, the masterclass was majic for me.


    Profile photo of toothknighttoothknight
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 5

    G’day everyone,

    I’m new to this forum. I myself had also just attended the MasterClass held in Perth. It was definitely an eye opener and I would recommend attending it.

    Made me really think whether I am in the league of being an investor or just a speculator.

    I suppose the seminar helps you to decide which mindset you want to be in when you are investing, not just in property in particular, but also generally.

    Hope that helps.


    Profile photo of SandymanSandyman
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 16

    I also attended the Masterclass yesterday in Perth.

    I thought the day was great. Well organised, good food, good amenities, excellent information.

    It’s one thing to read material in a book, but it’s great to hear it discussed and explained. Makes it much more simple to understand. Using formulas to calculate percentage return, property value, etc. will now be a sinch.

    I believe the dollar return I will make from applying the information I received yesterday will well outweigh the investment cost of the seminar. If you have the opportunity to attend a masterclass, go for it.

    Thanks Steve, Dave and crew for a fantastic day

    One happy Sandyman

    Profile photo of jebrojebro
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 98

    Yes I was there too yesterday at the Masterclass.
    Did you decide to go in the end? If you did, I hope you did find it worth while. I have been to a number of property seminars run by different people and for different amounts of money. Yesterday in my books was definitely value for money. Yes, a lot of the information isn’t always new, but I always find it interesting to get another person’s perspective. For me it’s also about keeping in touch with other property investors and finding out what they are doing. I met a lot of great people and I guess no two people are doing things exactly the same.
    I got some answers yesterday to some problems I had being having in investing, and part of the answer came from doing a bit of self analysis, which while a bit uncomfortable, can make all the difference to moving forward or staying stuck.
    If Steve ever changes his mind and repeats another Masterclass in Perth again, I would repeat it, as I think you learn new things each time. Then it is up to the individual to actually go and put them into practice.


    J L Smith

    Profile photo of HotRod

    Unfortunately (or maybe unfortunately) I had totally forgotten about this and spent yesterday going over another deal.

    So I reckon I saved my dough and then some!

    Maybe I’ll get along to the next one if in town.


    All things are possible to the person who believes they are possible.
    Whateve the mind of man can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve.
    Napoleon Hill

    Profile photo of PegasusPegasus
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 8

    Ditto. I also attended the Perth Mastercalss and found it well worth my while. Thanks again Steve and team.

    Are there like minded people out there who also attended the Perth class who would like to share ideas and stories of their Perth based investing??


    Profile photo of Smiling SueSmiling Sue
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 3

    Hi All,
    I am in Perth also and went to the Perth Masterclass yesterday too.
    I thought it was good but are a little confused as I thought I was on the right track after collecting some half dozen or so properties and then find out they should not be in my name.
    Well, I will just have to do some sorting.

    Profile photo of kenkoh2000kenkoh2000
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 103

    Dear HotRod,

    1. Personally, it’s part of investing in myself and keeping myself updated on my own property investment educuation. I am also there to meet/interact and network with like-minded people and to learn from one and another through our respective real life experiences in property investing.

    2. At the end of the seminar, I come to this conclusion: believe in myself, my own research work and my own working strategy which are producing good quality results. I now have 5 properties in Australia, 2 in Singapore and 1 in Malaysia, totalling to more than A$2.75 million portfolio.

    3. Each one of us will have to develop our own niche for success and our own unique investing strategies, given our own unique personality anbd specific differing circumstances and resources available for property investing.

    4. Both the Capital Growth and Positive Cashflow Approaches towards property investing have their own advocates respectively and who are more comfortable with their own investing approaches. The key is the investing success and what really works for each one of us and replicate it over and over again.

    5. Thank you.

    Kenneth KOH

    Profile photo of katehasescapedkatehasescaped
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 20
    Originally posted by Pegasus:

    Are there like minded people out there who also attended the Perth class who would like to share ideas and stories of their Perth based investing??


    Hi Pegasus,

    We found out that there is a Perth Property Network in Perth that meet once a month. We haven’t been so have no idea if it’s any good but one of the organisers gave us their business card so let me know if you want their details. We’re going to go along to the next meeting and see if it’s useful.


    Profile photo of SamsonopannaSamsonopanna
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 2

    I to found the Perth class well worth the trip from the Pilbara. A great way to network and overall well worth the money. I would not hesitate to recommend any one who is thinking off buying an IP to go. Thanks to Steve and the team for yesterday. Yogi [cap]

    Profile photo of IronhideIronhide
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 10

    Hi Kate,

    I would really like the info on the Perth Property Investing Group, please can you email it to me?



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