All Topics / General Property / Gate change is on its way

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  • Profile photo of rumbiz

    We have had the Sea change rush and coastal property has surged….we are apparently in the Green change period where larger than the norm lots half an hour from the coast are performing well and next up folks its the gate change where gated communities safe and secure from undesirables ( anyone earning under 80K ) are the way to go for 2006+……which brings up a serious issue….security….how many ways can landlords offer a more secure rental property without going banana’s ( no berlin walls please)
    – all idea’s will be going into my diary


    “love the deal – like the property”

    Profile photo of IbuycashflowIbuycashflow
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 274


    Some years ago I visited a friend who had recently bought a large house in Auckland, NZ. There were 7 or 8 properties within a secured area with a video monitor at the gate. Extremely lavish and secure, each property was on approx 2000m2 of land and then there were some common facilities such as tennis courts and gardners shed.

    I also recently read about a lifestyle subdivision with each lot a triangular shape and the houses situated in the centre. The reasons for this were security and it was also less costly to provide the necessary utilities when all the houses were close together.


    Profile photo of rumbiz

    Maybe in the near future our IP’s will have to have things like remote control garage doors, security lights that light up as you pull into the driveway, burglar alarms and CCTV……sounds drastic but would these features command more rent than say a swimming pool?
    The whole gated thing has been a coastal occurence but I guess we will start to see gated communities spring up everywhere…..I was reading somewhere a while back that #1 concern for over 65’s was security

    From what jeff was saying it is already beginning to happen

    “love the deal – like the property”

    Profile photo of surreyhughes19905surreyhughes19905
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 204

    I thought it was fairly standard to have a remote control garage door opener and motion activated lights on new props?

    Being a long term renter, my preference is for remote garage and lights. I’d easily pay $10 a week more for that. Getting off my motorbike and using a key and physical effort suck too much to not pay extra.

    As for a pool… I’d pay less for a property with a pool rather than more. When I was a kid we had a pool for a while and it was work, work and more work keeping it clean. I don’t even know how much all the pool chemicals cost.

    I think secure car parks are the least measure in the city. If the IP is in a block you’d also want at least one CCTV camera on the garage door. Scum like to break in to garages and nick stuff, break stuff. Much of the time these scum are known to the cops and a simple image taken when they enter and/or leave is enough for them to get picked up.

    In the burbs CCTV’s may be a little much, but motion lights are just handy.

    Profile photo of kay henrykay henry
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 2,737

    rumbiz said:

    “…a serious issue….security….how many ways can landlords offer a more secure rental property without going bananas?”

    rumbiz, some places have discreet camera settings in apartment blocks, but the thing is, tenants don’t want to consider themselves under surveillance also. My apartment block where I rent has just put in such a system, and I must say, I am not terribly fond of the Big Brother thing in my place of residence (I like the show though!)

    Re gated communities, I remember when they came in a number of years ago – in australia- a legacy of the American obsession with private property. I am not sure people are always more at risk of strangers (abuse/violence etc, often occurs within people’s own home from people they know), but I guess gated communities can prevent theft etc.

    I think it’s better to have properties in areas of very little crime. I remember my amazement when I was doing crime research on a place I bought a propety.. the crime at the time was that someone had let off a fire hydrant (ummaa)- and that was it!! No crime at all! That’s the kind of place where tenants will feel safe.

    Some gated communities could feel like one lives in a very rich prison.

    kay henry

    Profile photo of rumbiz

    As for a pool… I’d pay less for a property with a pool rather than more.

    Not in Cairns ya wouldnt…Heee hee!!!

    “love the deal – like the property”

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