All Topics / Heads Up! / CRIN Property vs shares debate Saturday 14 May

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  • Profile photo of Tzaki

    The Great Debate – “Property is better than Shares!”

    This fun and entertaining debate will settle once and for all which type of investment is best – shares or property.

    The debate will be followed by a Q&A session to answer all your questions about investing in shares versus investing in properties. Audience participation will be actively encouraged throughout the afternoon.

    Representing property in the debate will be:

    Phil Kelly
    Phil is an Area Manager for the WISE Property Group, a QLD-based organisation that assist investors in identifying, selecting and buying appropriate investment properties. Phil is himself an active property investor with many years experience in the property market.

    Francoise is an active property investor and former organiser of the Freestyler property investment group in Perth now living in sunny Canberra.

    Representing shares will be:

    David Saintly
    David is a highly experienced and full-time share trader. When not beating the street he runs share trading courses to help people learn the ins and outs of share trading and advanced trading techniques.

    Craig Thomler
    Craig is a serial entrepreneur with over ten years experience building and operating businesses. His investments include shares, start-up companies and property.

    The debate will be moderated by James King, a well-known ACT solicitor who specialises in property transactions. James is an experienced and engaging speaker and moderator.

    So come along to have some fun (and a few drinks) with us as we settle whether shares or property makes the best investment once and for all!

    Date/Time: Saturday 14 May from 1:30pm
    Location: The Irish Club, 6 Parkinson Street, Weston Indicative cost: Free

    Please RSVP ASAP

    Hope to see you there

    Stephen Kerr
    CRIN Committee Member

    Steve Kerr

    Opportunity knocks softly, listen carefully!

    Profile photo of Robbie B

    I can settle that right now…

    Property is a far better investment than shares!!!

    What does CRIN stand for?

    Robert Bou-Hamdan
    Mortgage Adviser

    Investor Links

    Profile photo of wayneL
    Originally posted by The Mortgage Adviser:

    I can settle that right now…

    Property is a far better investment than shares!!!

    Robert Bou-Hamdan
    Mortgage Adviser

    Investor Links

    Depends, there is no right answer to this.

    There are many factors that will influense which is better for each individual.

    ….say, haven’t we been through all this before….ad nauseam!


    wayneL’s Trading Pages

    Profile photo of Robbie B

    Yes we have. I thought it was settled that property was the far better investment.

    What does CRIN stand for???

    Robert Bou-Hamdan
    Mortgage Adviser

    Investor Links

    Profile photo of wayneL
    Originally posted by The Mortgage Adviser:

    Yes we have. I thought it was settled that property was the far better investment.

    What does CRIN stand for???

    Robert Bou-Hamdan
    Mortgage Adviser

    Investor Links

    It was settled that property was a far better investment for “most” people…certainly not everyone though.

    Anyone who makes sweeping statements like “this is best” or “that is best” has been walking around with their eyes closed.

    My best mate has done brilliant with property. It has been the best investment for him.

    I have done much better from shares than property. Shares are better for me.

    ’nuff said?

    wayneL’s Trading Pages

    Profile photo of Robbie B

    No worries mate. Thanks for pointing out that I should open my eyes.

    What does CRIN stand for?????

    Robert Bou-Hamdan
    Mortgage Adviser

    Investor Links

    Profile photo of wayneL
    Profile photo of Robbie B

    What does CRIN stand for???????

    Robert Bou-Hamdan
    Mortgage Adviser

    Investor Links

    Profile photo of Tzaki

    CRIN – Canberra Region Investor’s Network

    Steve Kerr

    Opportunity knocks softly, listen carefully!

    Profile photo of Robbie B

    Thank you. The R threw me off.

    Robert Bou-Hamdan
    Mortgage Adviser

    Investor Links

    Profile photo of Aceyducey


    As you’d expect in a room full of property investors the shares side won the debate :)



    In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But, in practice, there is.

    – Jan L.A. van de Snepscheut

    Profile photo of Robbie B

    Would never happen if I was debating!!!

    The Mortgage Adviser

    Profile photo of Aceyducey
    Originally posted by The Mortgage Adviser:

    Thank you. The R threw me off.

    We could hardly call our selves CIN! :)

    BTW Cashflow game coming up in Canberra on Saturday – information in another post.



    In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But, in practice, there is.

    – Jan L.A. van de Snepscheut

    Profile photo of Robbie B
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