All Topics / Help Needed! / Want to sell privately

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  • Profile photo of leannecb

    I own a positive cashflow property that I’m now wanting to sell. I know, i didn’t think I ever would sell it, but I’ve moved house and changed jobs… I’m concerned that I might find myself in a bind financially and would like to access the equity for peace of mind. I’m still young and I’m sure it won’t be long before I will invest again.

    I was inspired to buy this investment property after reading Steve’s book and it has been a fun and rewarding experience. I’m so grateful to the friend who lent me the book.

    Now that I’m wanting to sell I have found the real estate agent who sold it to me very pushy, wanting me to list it at much less that what other properties are being listed for in the area. So, I’m wondering if there is somewhere I can list the property where keen investors can enquire directly with myself? I love doing things myself where I can, and I’d get a real buzz out of selling it directly.

    I’m considering advertising it in the Trading Post, does anyone have any suggestions?



    Leanne Bruhn

    Profile photo of diclemdiclem
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 537

    Hi Leanne,
    I have never sold property myself but I do know there are a few websites that offer packages for DIY sellers. Don’t know how successful it is but I don’t think it costs much to list.

    Try a google search, I think even jenman’s site has something on selling yourself.
    Good luck,
    Sue [biggrin]

    “Be careful not to step on the flowers when you’re reaching for the stars”

    Profile photo of redwingredwing
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 2,733

    I Know of there are several others in WA..maybe we need a list started of those available in different states..

    As for selling yourself..i’m all for it[thumbsupanim]

    It’s not rocket science and the savings you put in your pocket can be immense..


    “Money is a currency, like electricity and it requires momentum to make it Effective”
    Count The Currency With This Online Positive Cashflow Calculator

    Profile photo of Paul DobsonPaul Dobson
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 1,196

    Hi Leanne

    Another website for private sellers is:

    Good luck.

    Cheers, Paul

    Paul Dobson | Vendor Finance Institute
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    An alternative way to finance your home.

    Profile photo of surreyhughes19905surreyhughes19905
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 204

    I’m curretly selling a property myself. I’m using and odly enough

    Within a couple of hours of listing on eBay I got 2 enquiries. I’ve now sent out a number of contracts (and section 32) to interested parties. Contracts are going to people who enquired through DIYSell and eBay. DIYSell costs $100 and eBay costs I think $70 (or there abouts).

    The eBay auction doesn’t form a contract of sale, it’s just a form of advertising, but it’s a handy place to go.

    I’m actually in the process of putting together a web application you can use to list property, include inspection reports, titles, permits and so on. Also photo’s and links to other gov sites and stuff so you can list your house and provide electronic copies of allt he required doco. I’ve spent so much money in title searches, print and mail I just think it could be cheaper.

    Profile photo of quy17187quy17187
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 22

    My next door neighbour recently wanted to sell his place by himself and used It has been over 8 months but still no takers. We are in the southside of Brisbane and other houses were sold within 2-5 months. I think if you have the time on your hands and you continue to get independent advise, you can still make a good go of it. He has taken it off the market but as he is not in a hurry, he will continue to market it himself if he puts it up for sale in the future.


    Profile photo of DuckyDucky
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 7

    Hi Leanne,
    I sold our house by myself.It was a few years ago but the principal would be the same. I took some photos and made up my own promotional flyer. I placed this on local shopping centre bulliten boards. I advertised in the local paper and the leading Saturday paper. I created a register page where I took down the details of any person who was interested in the property. This enabled me to say to an agent if I decided to list with them later that the person had seen the property previously and therefore I will not be paying them a commission. I also got legal information from Legal Aid which cost around $30 or so. I have found to be very useful even if just to read how to go about things.I suggest getting onto each website and see what is selling in your area with those sites.
    Good luck and yes it is a great buzz to know you did it and wonderful to pocket the full price!

    Profile photo of kidskids
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 1

    Hi Leannecb.I am interested to know more about this property.Maybe interested in purchasing myself.Please email me the details.Looking forward to a response.Cheers Shelly.

    Profile photo of carlincarlin
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 211

    Hi Leanne,

    I’ve sold 2 properties myself and think it’s not hard at all, but you do need to have the right approach and the right personality.

    I found a good conveyancer, who drew up the contract and – when it came to the sale – guided both myself and the buyers through the process.

    I advertised in both the main city paper and the local area rag (it’s called The Messenger here in Adelaide).

    There’s plenty of good info around about making sure you present your property well. And you should present yourself well too.

    I had the floorplan drawn up, had a sign made for out the front. All pretty easy stuff. I think the place where agents often earn their money over private sellers is at the negotiation stage. I think some private sellers lack the skills here and either lose a sale or sell too low. So I advise you to try to get some advice, perhaps read something about “bringing in the deal” so that you don’t make mistakes.

    If you’ve done your research and therefore come up with a realistic price, you should be confident to stick to what you want (of-course, your asking price needs some room for negotiation but don’t lower too quickly or you’llhave possible buyers thinking your real price is much lower that what you’re asking).

    I’ve saved myself thousands selling myself, and I’ve got as much as the agents said they could have got for me without having to pay their commission or exorbitant advertising costs.

    And, contrary to what some agents will have us believe, I haven’t found people to be reluctant to negotiate with me as a private seller. Perhaps because I make it clear I have no emotional attachment to the property so they can run it down to me as much as they like as they try to get a lower price. It’s all part of the game.

    all the best,

    Profile photo of BattleshipsBattleships
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 63

    Hi Leanne

    There have been some properties sold through this forum I believe-if you provide some brief details (and if Shelly doesn’t get it first)there are plenty of people here interested in +ve cash flow property-myself included.


    Profile photo of lonnielonnie
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 15

    Everyone I have known who was going to sell their house privately eventually went to an agent. I have seen houses sit for ever and not be sold. The market is slowing I think you should use the people that people go to when they want to buy a house.

    Profile photo of leannecb

    Thanks everyone, your suggestions and experiences have been very helpful to read. I can’t imagine listing it on e-bay, even just for the exposure it is a strange concept for me. And I’ve decided to not advertise in Dimboola or Horsham, I’m afraid that enquiries might not be serious, I also don’t want people knocking on the door with the tenants inconvenienced.

    I’ve now looked at, and for no upfront costs, it looks like a great place to start. I’m going to visit the property this Friday to be present for a property inspection and valuation. And to take photos for potential buyers to view and check the condition of the house (it is currently tenanted). I hope to find a buyer who will have basically decided to purchase before viewing (which is why I’ll have documents and property inspection report ready), thus hopefully making minimal trips to Dimboola to inspect.

    For anyone interested in buying it, the details of the house are as follows:

    Location: Dimboola (Western Vic)
    Expected selling price: $75000
    Tenant with lease to March 2006 at $130 pw. Is very happy in the house (in her second year) and says she will stay indefinitely.
    Annual rates (water and council): approx $650
    Property management fee of 8.8%
    A gorgeous (my personal opinion!) 1930s weatherboard cottage on half acre block, concrete drive, garage, ducted air con, gas and combustion stove heating, renovated kitchen with gas cooking, close to town centre. 2 – 3 bedrooms (formal dining is currently used as bedroom).

    The capital growth of properties in Dimboola has been surpisingly good over the last year. But depending on the valuation / building inspection, I may advertise for less than $75000. I want to be ethical and make a fair deal.

    I’m enjoying this already, which is half the point of the experience. Learning is to me as valuable as monetary gain.

    Thanks again everyone,


    Profile photo of LuciLuci
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 114

    I guess it partly depends on who you are trying to sell it to as to where you advertise it.

    The majority of people looking to buy will either go through agents or look online via one of the big property websites and Locals may notice a place is for sale by the for sale sign out the front.

    If seeking property investors, maybe find out how much it costs for minimum space advertising in Property Investor magazine. Seeing you’re not a commercial entity, they may offer you a large discount. I used to work for a specialist magazine, and sometimes we’d give discounts of up to 65% if the person was a good enough negotiator.

    You may be able to cut your costs further if you find another seller interested in going halves on the space with you.

    Profile photo of MagellanMagellan
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 50

    You Can sell a property privately Lianne. I have sold 2 properties– both over $1m houses– (when $1m was worth something in property!!) In both cases I sold for more than the agents had estimated the house to sell for.Your property sounds eminently saleable as it fits the profile of what investors want. I found that I was able to answer any questions buyers had with more knowledge than any agent could bring to the sale.You can have your Solicitor hold the deposit in their trust account as Stakeholder which is reassuring for both vendor and purchaser. Beware that agents can “bad mouth” your property as it may be in competition for their listings .Just appeal to the common sense of a prospective buyer as someone who should be able to assess the house for themselves without an agent getting in the way of of sensible communication. Encouraged by my success my daughters have also listed their p.p of R at Glebe,N.S.W.privately on as both have recently married and are going to buy separate houses. All the Best.

    Profile photo of jkmtjkmt
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 25

    Hi Leanne,
    You’ve probably already considered this, though it is amazing how often it is overlooked. Have you offered the property to your tenant? We’re currently selling a property to our tenant, and I know of other tenants who have bought the house they live in. Maybe you have the makings of a wrap, or if not, at least an immediate sale without the costs of advertising and chasing buyers. Selling to your tenant means you can often be quite flexible in the way you structure settlement, etc.
    Good luck

    Profile photo of ilearnerilearner
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 56

    Investment property for sale. $250k Quinns Rocks in Perth. 40km to Perth CBD. 5 minutes drive to Beach. walk to school and bus. In front of a park. 3 Beds 2 Baths built in 1996. Light bricks. Double carports with more parking. Excellent investment opp

    Profile photo of mrssmithmrssmith
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 8

    Hi Leanne, I recently sold our house ourselves in tasmania. It sold after just 2 adds in the local paper – Sat classifieds. There were alot of houses on the market at the time, with seemingly quite a few buyers however they weren’t selling fast (like the previous few years) people were taking their time to decide. So after 2 weeks needless to say we were very happy and we got a good fair price we were happy with. The way I looked at it was that we could price it competitively to match the market but had an extra potential $9k (agents fee) to negotiate with. If an agent sold it there was no guarantee that they would get the asking price then we would have to negotiate down anyway except then have to pay the $9K as well! You need to do your homework in your area to a) see where people are advertising and of course as it is an investment property that may be a little diff from if it was a home (know your market) b) go to open homes to have a look at similar properties in the area to /get several agents to give their opinion then after doing your research you can arrive at a fair price.

    When you look at how much you save ($5-$10K) then it’s worth the time. I was little uncomfortable and nervous taking first few calls but had a list of questions to sift through so I wasn’t just showing everyone thru and after a few times got the hang of it. Also Neil Jenman puts out a sml booklet that one of the agents gave me (I told them I was most likely going to sell it myself but just looking at the options) it was about selling & buying without agents and had the questions you can ask. Was very helpful.

    As I said know your market (and it may or may not just be other investors!) then market your property accordingly. Do up a flier with all the extra details that add value to the property but often is not considered at first glance (ie new heat pump, wiring, insulation etc).

    Also they say the first few weeks is the most hot time in selling – many make the mistake of not adjusting their tactics,price etc after the property hasn’t sold in 4 weeks etc. then property can go stale. Adjust while the interest is still there, get feedback etc.

    All the best. I’m looking forward to doing the same again. tho it’s not of course for everyone.

    Profile photo of L.A AussieL.A Aussie
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 1,488

    another self-sell site is
    One thing that no one has talked about which is a problem with selling yourself is a lot of the enquiries will be from agents who have seen your ads and want to offer their services.[grrr]

    I copped this one time and my response to all was that I would be happy to give them a $1000 commission if they wanted the listing, and only for 30 days. They never bothered me after that.


    “we get sent lemons; it’s up to us to make lemonade”

    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 44

    Another site I found is I think this is a QLD based company but has listings in other states aswell.

    I haven’t used it but might be worth a look.


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