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  • Profile photo of Fast Lane

    Big Brother starts tomorrow night and I must admit I’ve been missing it ever since the last series ended.
    I’m a reality TV junkie and am looking forward to it immensely. Who’s with me?

    Profile photo of destined_for_millionsdestined_for_millions
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 38


    should be a good series, especially with all of the single people looking to get up to mischief[inlove]
    I saw the first show last night… that hotdogs guy looks like a bit of a weiner!

    Profile photo of AdministratorAdministrator
    Join Date: 2013
    Post Count: 3,225

    Hey Guys,
    It’s all about sex sells what they think is going to be attractive to the public. By putting some westies on the show who they know are going to fool around. Alot of today’s tv shows have the whole “sex sells” concept going. Im not saying the show isnt going to be interesting but think how the younger viewer’s are going to take to the fact that they are seeing these girls flaunt themselves all to get some guy to go to bed with them.

    Profile photo of Im excitedIm excited
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 9

    Honestly! Haven’t you guys got something more interesting to do? After they interviewed these people who were on the Big Brother show in England I could see that the individual people were at the mercy of the producers! They only show you the parts that they really want you to see!

    Profile photo of achieverachiever
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 23

    Gee, when do you get time to watch TV. I’m too busy looking for my next deal.

    Profile photo of GoldCoastGirl

    I’m a BB fan from the original series. The only downside is that I’m working alot during the middle of each month at the moment so I’m missing alot… thereby not able to really get into it as much as I would like…

    As for the individuals being at the mercy of the producers coz they cut n edit thereby controlling what we do and do not see…. there is always the webcam. Yes, they control even the webcam to an extent … yet it gives u unedit-ed footage.

    I just like the whole social experiment of BB… the relationships and so forth.

    I’m not so much a reality TV junkie.. just a fan of a few reality TV shows.

    Wishing everyone radiant health!

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    Profile photo of gatsby

    If people enjoy ‘reality tv’ (kind of a contradiction in terms really???) I think that it’s great. However personally for me, watching tv is like getting a bucket of paint and putting black paint over my eyeballs. To me, I’d put tv at about a year 9 level. “I think channel 10 shares my beliefs!” “I think channel 7’s beliefs are more to my liking!”
    Hey wait a minute, there’s one corporation holding up both channels? “SHUT UP! GO BACK TO BED EVERYONE, YOUR MEDIA IS IN CONTROL! HERE’S ‘LOVE CONNECTION’, WATCH THIS AND GET FAT AND STUPID! (By the way, keep drinking beer you morons! – ‘WOW, did the media just say that to me???’

    Profile photo of GoldCoastGirl

    I watch TV as a way to tune out to the world.. to be entertained.. even if that entertainment is pure fluff sometimes. It’s affordable and accessible. I don’t always want to pick up a book. I really have to be “in the mood” to read a book.

    Sometimes I just want to watch… tune out.. not think..

    If you do not like TV, don’t watch it. Simple, easy solution. Otherwise, no point in complaining about it if you are continuing to watch it. I just enjoy it for what it is .. nothing more.

    As for the rest of the comments. I’m very slender and attractive really… I look after my health… so being obsese and beer drinking is the complete opposite of me.


    O’wise I would love to keep discussing Big Brother with everyone in this thread :)

    Wishing everyone radiant health!

    4 out of 5 Taste Buds Surveyed Preferred >
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    Profile photo of gatsby

    Hi GoldCoastGirl,
    My post was not meant to be personally against your post or a personal attack on all who view tv (or watch Big Brother, etc). I don’t watch commercial tv. The point I was trying to illustrate is that I wouldn’t want people to also ‘not watch tv’ by my post either, but to be aware in making their own decision in response to my post. My personal view is that commercial tv has it’s own agenda (so I’m glad you have raised ‘your’ opinion). I’m also very health conscious re: what I put into my body/exercise/working out and I’m just stating that for me, tv ‘sells’ this (info adds, how to look, what to buy, etc) and that it runs counter productive to people making there own decisions (no middle man/woman required). My post/s was/are to highlight the fact that for some, tv can be an excuse, not a reason not to take responsibility for living a healthy life. I take your point that it can serve as a time out/background drop to relax to. It’s not Bigbrother et al, I’m refering to. I’m just stating that for me, I don’t need the media to think for me. I do take your point that watching tv is entertaining as is reading a book. The thing I find though about reading for myself is that it allows me to actively engage with the author who wrote the work in my own interpetation, not necessarly via persons selling it. I do take your point though and agree. For me though I relax by actively engaging in a novel/Indy movie, etc. I just wanted to note how ‘passive’ it can be (including myself) to ‘let tv do all the work’. Apologies if you found my post personally directed.
    Kind regards,

    Profile photo of steve3556steve3556
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 40

    Big brother always reminds me of couples having a ‘domestic’ in the street, you know you shouldn’t look but you just can’t help it!!

    And Yes – Hot Dogs is a weiner and Tim is a big sook

    Profile photo of Fast Lane

    Well after 5 seasons of mostly uneventful housemates, it finally looks like the Big Brother house has been consumated.[inlove],10221,15596843-10229,00.html

    Fun and games…G7

    Profile photo of ScreminScremin
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 448

    I reckon BB is the biggest waste of time and a whole load of W*NK!

    How that be called “reality tv”? There is NOTHING real about it! Thank goodness people are switching off and sending a message to Channel 10 that smut wont sell their tv show.

    I am just glad it is on super late out here in the WA Country. THat’s one thing WIN has got right. I am not adverse to a movie with a good bit of sex in it or a smutty joke or any of that (With my husband, I have to be tolerant…), but I fully believe BB is making our children grow up quicker than they have to.

    They are being confronted with issues and talk that they don’t really need to hear. I know parents have the choice to turn it off, but unfortunately, at schools the child would still be swept up into it all and just be resentful.

    Sigh… I haven’t watched BB since the second series and am glad I switched off. This series just looks like a pack of tacky tarts and a pack of penis envy men…


    Success is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration.

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