All Topics / Help Needed! / rental return vs cashflow

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  • Profile photo of gettingalifegettingalife
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 3

    hello everyone,
    this is my first time at this so please treat me gently. I’ve located a property and have figured out the rental return is a pretty healthy 13.70%. My question is that though this sounds good, after working out actual cashflow per week would only be around $8 which is only just above risk free return. I’m a bit confused obviously.Can anyone give me some pointers.
    getting a life.

    Profile photo of neo25x5neo25x5
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 166

    something is certainly not right in your numbers. can’t give you any pointers without knowing all the figures. can you supply these??

    Profile photo of pete rpete r
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 80

    Hi getting

    How did you work out your rental returns? Either the numbers are so small or there may be an error in your calculations.



    Profile photo of gettingalifegettingalife
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 3

    hello again.
    property price is 35K. rental of $100 weekly.worked out with 20% deposit using buyer beware templates.P&I loan on 28000 @ 7.00%.
    does this help.

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