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  • Profile photo of Demps


    Just a quick question about the “11 Sec Solution”. I’m thinking of buying in the U.K. and wondered if i can still use it there to filter out prospective deals?


    Profile photo of beyondabundancebeyondabundance
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 9

    I believe it’s a universal forumla that can be used anywhere.

    Best wishes and God bless.

    Profile photo of XeniaXenia
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 1,231

    the 11 sec solution flags rents that give a ~10% return. From there you need to work out what is norm for the UK market and what is a good deal there. And also take into consideration, what type of finance you can get there. Im not familiar with that market at all.

    Profile photo of The DIY Dog WashThe DIY Dog Wash
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 696


    This rule as mentioned highlights to the user deals that have a 10.4% return, however it is there to “quickly” help you work it out especially if you are infron of an agent or something like that. The ultimate level of return that you are looking fo ris entirely up to you.

    Don’t get caught up on these formulas. It is just a guide.

    Leigh K

    Profile photo of scotty3scotty3
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 54

    Hi Demps
    Together with the above,I would say that as long as all your calculations are in the same currency, it should work as it does here, but if you’re buying overseas don’t forget the impact of exchange rates, govt rulings, etc. It may make the deals look quite different.


    Profile photo of deardamodeardamo
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 4

    Hey Demps,

    Thanks for the question.

    I’m no expert but I wouldn’t see why not. The 11 second solution gives you (all things being equall)a 10.4% rental yield gross.

    That means that all things being equall, once you deduct your loan costs and other reacuring expenses, eg. Property management fees, Insurance, Maintenance costs etc. You should still end up with a positive cashflow property.

    So 10.4% is what Steve estimates is the yield or rental return% that you need to get too, in turn to still recieve positive cashflow after expenses.

    This is only a guide though and you need to do your due dillagence before going ahead, probably speak to professional for advice as well.

    I think you need to compare the reacuring expenses in the UK with Australia. That will determine if it will work for you over their.

    Goodluck Demps :)

    Profile photo of Demps

    Thanks: beyondabundance; Dr.X; LeighK; scotty3; deardamo for your comments. Much appreciated.

    I’ll see if I can devise my own formula based on the 11 Sec solution – Using the different costs and expenses of the UK market.

    Best regards[biggrin]


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