All Topics / Value Adding / BGC king pin pulls the pin

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  • Profile photo of Dazzling

    Just read in today’s paper that Len Buckeridge has decided to quit his operations here in WA.

    Despite experiencing a chronic brick shortage, and Len bringing in a high tech East German brick factory in 400 or so sea containers, he has been hampered for years trying to find a suitable site, with every Labor politician stalling him.

    How does one go about fighting beaucrats who commence all statements with “We believe …”. How do you change a belief ?? Beliefs are fundamental and by definition cannot be challenged. You can present as much data and logic as you want, people simply repeat their mantra “We believe …”

    If this guy has been fighting unions for 30 years, he’s got my vote, and should be kept and encouraged in WA.

    Are any other big developers finding it hard in an environment where the Fed Govt is Liberal and all State Govt’s are Labor controlled…the politics and infighting are killing property deals everywhere.



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    Profile photo of AUSPROP

    Labor has never been a friend of business so it isn’t really a surprise. What is surprising is that Labor was voted back in in WA even after bashing us senseless with tax rises. And then under pressure from Costello to stop double taxing us Gallop has the nerve to speak on our behalf and say ‘WA will not bullied into this and that blah blah blah’. More like Labor won’t be! To be fair the federal tax system doesn’t help developers either – it is very difficult to actually turn a profit with such hefty tax rates (the combination of GST and tax).

    you would think we would support an entrepreneur such as Len, seems a shame that the govt has clobbered another business man into jelly

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    John – 0419 198 856

    Profile photo of redwingredwing
    Join Date: 2003
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    He’s decided to or he’s thinking about it…Big Move?

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    Profile photo of Dazzling

    I think his termonolgy was ;

    “I’m going to pack up and p*ss off, effective immediately”

    Profile photo of natwayne28707

    How does one go about fighting beaucrats who commence all statements with “We believe …”. How do you change a belief ?? Beliefs are fundamental and by definition cannot be challenged. You can present as much data and logic as you want, people simply repeat their mantra “We believe …”

    I was reading this post about BGC. It draws up a interesting comparison. How does one go about fighting beaucrats. With BGC at the moment I have been wondering how you would go about fighting BGC to finish a house. Hopefully Len sells up once all of our houses are finished.

    I wonder if the building delays in WA would of been so bad if BGC had been allowed to build there brickworks

    Profile photo of AUSPROP

    “I have been wondering how you would go about fighting BGC to finish a house”

    good point!

    given that a lot of the shortages were originally for bricks it may have helped, but brickies are in equally short supply. as are roof tilers, steel and just about every other tradesman and material, so perhaps it wouldn’t be helping.

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    John – 0419 198 856

    Profile photo of natwayne28707

    On my recent house I spoke to the brickies and half of their problem has been retaining a brickies labourer. On a job that the brickie said should take 6 days it ended up taking 3 weeks as they went though to labours just on the one job. He said he had been though 4 labours this year, so I guess this must add to the delays.

    I would imagine that the brickies often pay that labourer as little as possible so they can keep the money for themselves

    Profile photo of buzzwellsbuzzwells
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 83

    some labourers get well paid – after all it’s very physically demanding. And these days there are shortages of labourers (especially good ones!) as nobody wants to do the hard yards!

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    Profile photo of jsandsojsandso
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 44

    Today he closed down his Statesman Homes Building Company and another division will follow.

    From The West

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