All Topics / Heads Up! / Why are Topics Locked?

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  • Profile photo of wezwazwezwaz
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 192

    I want to comment on a previous locked topic. It annoys me that forums encourage us to contribute, then they start censoring contributions.

    Come on guys, be big enough to cop the flack or whatever and let us have our say. As long as people aren’t swearing, what’s the problem? Forums shouldn’t be sanitised by moderators.


    Profile photo of DerekDerek
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 3,544

    Hi Wez,

    Topics are locked for any number of reasons and as a moderator ‘we call it as we see it’

    Certainly from a personal perspective I am mindful of not allowing discussion to transgress legal lines, nor degenerate into a he said/she said/you said dialogue that does nothing to the topic being discussed, or being watchful for those threads that degenerate into personal attacks (some people just want to have the last word and a ‘lock’ is sometimes the sole strategy we have).

    Having your say is fine – but any of the above are not acceptable. Simple really.

    0409 882 958

    Profile photo of learningtoinvestlearningtoinvest
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 9

    I agree with you Derek.
    You can lock this one too now.


    (sorry just being a pain)


    Profile photo of AdministratorAdministrator
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 131


    Just to stress a point… this forum board is not an open slather ‘say whatever you like under the guise of freedom of speech’.

    Nope – this is a moderated forum where every effort is taken to keep posts on track and without defamatory or slanderous comments. Accordingly, from time to time we edit, remove or lock posts (we do the same to members too).

    Much like an public meeting, if a post is out of line then the chair (in this case the moderators) are duty bound to act quickly to keep the discussion ticking along. Having said that… being a moderator is often about determining shades of grey rather than deciding black or white issues. Their involvement is both appreciated and necessary to protect the integrity of this resource.


    – Admin

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