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  • Profile photo of stevieb

    Can anyone give some feedback or has dealt with them.

    Steve B

    Profile photo of redwingredwing
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 2,733

    do you have a link or any details to post for the FORUM ?

    “Money is a currency, like electricity and it requires momentum to make it Effective”
    Count The Currency With This Online Positive Cashflow Calculator

    Profile photo of learningtoinvestlearningtoinvest
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 9

    From my enquiries so far:

    They charge $99 a year to send you property information which meets your requirements.

    I think you have to sign a spotters contract before they send you any information though – this contract ensures that you agree to pay them their spotters fee if you were to go ahead and purchase that property.

    What I like:
    1. They do all the research for you and properties are generally +ve cashflow
    2. I think the guy told me may also negotiate on your behalf to get the sale. This is natural because if it sells, they get their fee.
    3. They have some good feedback/reviews in a Property magazine I read once.

    What I dint like:
    1. $99 Annual Fee
    2. Their spotters fee from the 2 houses which I was looking at (3 months ago) was approx. $3500 for one and $6500 for the other. A bit steep in my opinion – considering the agent also gets a cut out of the sale price.

    The above is from a 10mins conversation with one of their consultants. Please call them yourself as I may not have explained it properly/correctly. Just trying to help.


    Profile photo of stevieb

    Link is

    Any feedback appreciated, cost seems quite high but this depends on the value of the service they provide, how well they vet and negotiate for the properties, hidden commissions etc.

    Steve B

    Profile photo of achieverachiever
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 23

    At the end of the day – they may do the research for you, but you need to ensure from other sources that that information is correct.

    Just do the numbers. Numbers don’t lie.


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