All Topics / Heads Up! / ASIC and Jamie McIntyre / 21st Century
Looks like its back to sleeping on his mate’s floor:
kay henry
ASIC is just <angry> that they couldn’t proof Jamie is guilty in their earlier attempts so they are looking for new excuses to bring him back to court. Don’t worry he will be back. People like Steve Mcknight and Jamie who are teaching ordinary Aussies how to be financially independant God Bless Them. ASIC should do their job properly and target Jenman.
One who ask a question remain a fool for 5 minutes;One who does not ask a question remains a fool forever.
The only thing jamie and guys like him are teaching the woodduck general public to do is hand over their hard earned cash to some spiv who then fills their head with half truths and flawed ideas.
ASIC need to do more of this and act more quickly when doing so.
if you really want to know how the options market really works then do an ASX or Securities Institute course…somebody who knows what they are talking about will impart real knowledge to you for 1/20th of the price of these “guru” courses that are run for the unwashed masses.
Cheers Nat
You can’t charge a fee for medical advice without being a licensed professional so why should financial advice be any different? Health and wealth go hand in hand I would think.[baaa] Get a license! That way, you are more liable for the information that you provide as a professional.
We are all made from Stars
Hear Hear Nat. Well put.
Originally posted by foundation:Hear Hear Nat. Well put.
What the??? Nat r u working for ASIC? ASIA has tried jamie one year ago!!!! They couldn’t convict him because he was innocent! They are now wasting our tax money chasing him again! Are you saying ASIC should go after Steve as well? They are both in the same industry! Man the ASX course sucked i did it and i couldn’t understand anything about option at all due to all that tecknical jargon BS. Jamie had the ability to explain option is everyday language not all that BS about delta gamma etc. My friend did the ASX course on option was more frightened about option then embrace it…he told me it was TOO confusing!!!!!
One who ask a question remain a fool for 5 minutes;One who does not ask a question remains a fool forever.
My friend did the ASX course on option was more frightened about option then embrace it…he told me it was TOO confusing!!!!… which clearly illustrates that your friend should stay well away from options, not that he needs a dumbed-down course.
As Salubrious wrote:You can’t charge a fee for medical advice without being a licensed professional so why should financial advice be any different?If JM gets a license, modifies his literature and stays within the rules of the license, I imagine ASIC will leave him alone.
F.[cowboy2]Originally posted by Perry:…not all that BS about delta gamma etc.
The funny thing is, is that eventually you will learn what they mean…the hard way.
Far better to learn them the easy way. I.E. BEFORE you blow up your account.
As Wayne L said…if you can’t get your head around delt, gamma etc …the stay the hell away from options…if you can’t understand these very basic principals, then you are a chicken about to walk into Kentucky Fried !!!
WHat the heck? What do expect my friend to do huh? Save his ,oney in the bank and earn 5% on his interest? What a good person you are!!! He scared off investing in options because of the lousy ASX course because of ASIC, he also scared investing in property because of Jenman and ASIC.
And its people like you who wants to keep secret to themselves and be rich alone PITY ON YOU!Maybe ASIC are just having a slow month and need to meet their quota?
If so, I know a few celebrities who are handing out footy tipping advice that I can dob in! If I used their *expert* advice and recommendations and placed bets on at the TAB (based on that advice) I might lose some money!
So maybe they should start investigating all the radio and TV footy experts to see if they have a Financial Services Licence and that they are making appropriate disclaimers that their tips are meant to be general investment advice and not based on any knowledge of my personal investment goals, risk profile. etc.
That means just about every TV, radio station and newspaper must also be responsible for those recommendations as they publicise that advice!
This must be stopped – ASIC save me from these evil tipsters before I go broke! Every expert except 1 backed Port to win today, yet the Crows thrashed them soundly 124 to 56! None of the information I read and hear warns me NOT to place any bets based on the advice given,
Ok, so that was typed tongue-in-cheek, but if you think it through, isn’t there a risk that ‘Joe Average’ will read the footy tips from high profile & successful (top of the tipping ladder) celebrity experts and figure placing a bet isn’t such a risk? After all, these people are in the AFL so they must know what they are talking about surely?!?
Personally Robbo, I’d be inclined to lodge complaints about every situation like this we can think of before complaining about ASIC directly.
After we complain about footy tipsters, we can take on the ‘Johnny Tapps’ and the rest of the racing industry that have a ‘hot tip in race 7’, and after that we can start on those darn careers counsellors that recommend people take jobs that they later find out are in oversupply and don’t pay enough (and don’t take their financial objectives in mind). What about the weatherperson that tells you it won’t rain on the weekend (but it does anyway), AND you don’t catch any tommy ruffs where you were told they would be biting (causing you to lose money on the hire of a boat and bait). I’m sure the list is endless.
One who ask a question remain a fool for 5 minutes;One who does not ask a question remains a fool forever.
Anyone who thinks gambling is a good investment needs there head read for a start. What is the relative between Gambling for a possible return and investing for a conservative retirement?
When you place a bet on the GG’s or purchase a lotto ticket human logic say’s that there is a level of risk involved. EG 100 to 1, what is the element of risk with investing in long-term strategies? Tax implications etc, I feel it is a tad more complex than backing a horsy!
Let me explain the sensitive nature of investing, you see Australia has a challenge for the future, only 4% of Aussies retire on an annual income of 40k per year plus and that number is decreasing. What does that mean? The Federal Government acknowledges they have a problem funding retirees. In other words, if you do not have the respective credentials to give financial advice and people have no recourse for loosing money from that advice, that can cause a bit of a bother to an increasing problem. So they jump on you.
I know very little about Jamie, and it is fair to say that the info he offers is very informative and helpful, but rules are rules whether we like them or not. For those who have studied for their diplomas of financial planning etc, well how do you think they feel? Just like a plumber or brickie being undercut by unqualified people.[evil5]
We are all made from Stars
The hole you are digging for yourself is getting deeper and deeper, you started out partailly sane… you will be blaming me for shooting JFK.
I suggest you let it go and go back to whatever it is you do
What ever Nat![blink] you have been avoiding my questions about what would happen if ASIC investigated Steve because you have just shot your own foot.
One who ask a question remain a fool for 5 minutes;One who does not ask a question remains a fool forever.
I have deleted and/or edited a couple of inappropriate posts here.
Personal slanging of anyone is out of order – full stop.
0409 882 958
Property investment advice and researched property in quality locations available.Ok Perry …given you seem so depserate to get my opinion (but in the next breath, you deride my views) here is my take on what, when and where for ASIC stepping in on forums like this.
If a forum or a person’s website oversteps the mark then ASIC has the right to step in.
If you don’t like that fact then either vote out our current govt and start a new politcal party who’s mandate is to allow unfetted investment advice from every Tom, Dick and Harry
Move to some 3rd world country where banking and investment laws are more friendly towards shonks….Nigeria would be my 1st recommendation.
Hopefully that makes my position (and ASIC’s) on this point clear for you.
In case you are wondering….I really don’t need your feedback on this point if you disagree.
Natalie (the new voice of reason)
Well that settles it!
We are all made from Stars.
As this matter is before the courts it would seem inappropriate to speculate or draw judgement in a premature fashion. Accordingly, this topic has been locked for the time being… should you wish to comment then direct your concerns to either the ASIC or Mr. McIntyre.
While not supporting or otherwise, in this country it is normal to presume innocence until otherwise proven.
– Admin
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