All Topics / Help Needed! / Is now the time to buy?

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  • Profile photo of IbuycashflowIbuycashflow
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 274


    My reference was only to this comment and the fact that money can be made by positive cash flow alone, hence my example.

    Cash flow is only really of concern when you’re looking at servicability. You won’t make your millions out of five bucks a week on $20K down. Its the CG where you make your bucks, and the WHOLE market is headed for a prolonged period of stagnation


    Capital Gain has an exponential effect on IRR. It’s fantastic. However, what do you do when “the WHOLE market is headed for a prolonged period of stagnation”?

    ??Put your money in the bank???


    Profile photo of Michael WhyteMichael Whyte
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 269
    Originally posted by Ibuycashflow:

    what do you do when “the WHOLE market is headed for a prolonged period of stagnation”?

    ??Put your money in the bank???

    I think that was exactly my recommendation…

    You’d be better off putting the cash in to a fixed interest deposit with a big bank or some other investment option (so long as the after tax return exceeds the inflation rate)

    If you can find a CF+ investment option with true IRR returns (allowing for potential capital losses) greater than lower risk alternatives such as money in the bank then go for it.

    You’re obviously personally on a winning strategy, well done! If I were in your position then I’d just keep cutting those cookies. But not everyone can always pick the winners in the current market. And my personal opinion, as stated before, is that market conditions are only going to deteriorate for the foreseeable future.

    Sometimes sitting on your hands IS the correct approach…


    Profile photo of DDDD
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 508

    Founbdation thank you for not doing your usual copy and paste jobbie in reply to my post. It is most refreshing.

    If you have a problem understanding my posts then just flip past them as I try to flip past yours in an effort to stay away from the usual dribble.

    Forums are just that, a means for people in different locations with a similar interest to chat and share their views.

    Obviously this is too hard for you to do nicely. Sure I like the Logan area but im sure as hell not alone. I also like Ippy and Coffs and Launceston and Perth and Cairns im researching at the moment. I have a vested interest in making money as i thoght that is what we are all about here. Cross fertalising ideas and assistance for the greater good.

    Go bury your head


    PS146 Certified Financial Planner and Buyers Agent
    Don’t sweat the small stuff,and it’s all small stuff!!

    Profile photo of foundation

    Oops, despite my best efforts to remain courteous, I appear to have touched a nerve. Thanks for the advice about my head. I’ll go do that now.
    Cheers, F.[cowboy2]
    Oh, and the word is ‘fertilise’, and it’s entirely appropriate.

    Profile photo of MiniMogul

    hi Foundation, just a bit of background about DD.
    DD and his wife have made a *fortune* from property and are financially free. I went to an evening where they spoke about what they had done and how they had done it, it was a free evening, to do with a mentoring group that runs in Sydney to which my friend belongs. He was allowed to bring a friend, and took me. There were only about 12 people in the room and it was in a private house, but it was equal in information to anything I have heard in a seminar.

    Best of all was hearing how DD decides where to buy and when, and how he gets his information re: projections and what is being planned in an area.
    This is all bona-fide stuff.

    So I made contact and have since then spent the day with DD and his wife a couple of times, once in Sydney and once since they moved to their divine new dream-home.

    Yes, DD was and is flicking deals, as I was, and neither of us had ‘qualifications’ to do so, but as you know in NZ you can assign deals easily but in Aus the laws are different so you have to do it a bit differently to comply. For this reason DD did a qualification, which is the same as loads of financial advisors do – mostly, ones that are working in a J-O-B. Unlike them, DD is an investor who got a qualification to more legally be able to help investors into deals.

    He really does know his stuff, and I – having been a client – know that he is not only good value from the sourcing point of view but has negotiated discounts all over town through tradies that work on his own properties, and if you like, can even project manage a ‘formula’ renovation if needed – really the service is priceless and goes far beyond ‘here’s a deal for a fee’. That’s why I can relate to DD and what he does.

    The best thing I learned from DD is how to research the areas that *should* experience capital gains in the future to outperform the market, by predicting what HUMANS are going to do in the future. This is actually science, not just conjecture and opinion – you can tell where people are going to move to in the future, all other things being equal – because of what’s changing which is going to attract them there.

    As far as Logan goes, etc, DD invests there himself and so therefore recommends it as an investing spot. He is not as far as I know selling *his own* properties, but just using his market knowledge of prices, rents, etc etc to help clients find deals there.

    A bit like what we’re doing in NZ. Yes, we absolutely do buy there ourselves, as much as possible. And as long as we can find more deals than we can purchase ourselves, we will have spares to flick for a fee.

    I just wanted you to know that DD is someone I would consider an esteemed compadre and someone who I and probably many other people could really learn a lot from.


    Profile photo of MiniMogul

    Also note that DD specialises in Queensland which anyone savvy knows does not represent ‘the market’ – it is doing it’s own thing, so listen to DD, he really does know – he makes it his business to know.

    Profile photo of foundation

    Thanks for than Mini. If you read back through my posts, you’ll find that I was not having a go at anyone, whereas DD is happy to attack me personally not my messages.

    Sure DD’s ‘projections’ may show one thing, but mine show another – thousands of small time ‘investors’ getting royally screwed by unscrupulous developers, mortgage brokers, financial planners, property sourcing agents, real estate agents etc. to the point of personal insolvency, relationship breakdowns, depression and in the worst cases suicide.

    My posts in this thread have no potential to benefit me personally, whereas DDs clearly do. What’s more, he wears his financial planner certification not just as a badge but as though it somehow adds weight to his claims (as well as for advertising?). A good friend of mine is also licensed. It took 3 weeks of part time study once RPL had been used. He is very careful about disclosing this, as ASIC is rather particular about advisors giving personal advice. I repeat, DD should either remove references to his qualifications or qualify any personal advice he gives with the standard, ASIC dictated disclaimers. But hey, I’m no law expert.

    Regards, F.[cowboy2]

    “The power of accurate observation is frequently called cynicism but those who have not got it.”
    . – George Bernard Shaw

    Profile photo of murrayawmurrayaw
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 1

    because the market has softened quite considerably the pressure to buy quickly has diminshed…….if the numbers stack up, it is always a good time to buy

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