All Topics / Opinionated! / Golf vs DIY

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  • Profile photo of Dazzling

    Having read Dr Stanley’s latest spiel on American wealthy people and how they think and what drives their decisions…a couple of things stood out.

    He reckons there is a strong positive correlate between the amount of wealth you have and the amount of golf you play !! Apparently it gets even stronger the higher up the food chain you go. Tennis is a poor second.

    Of more interest, there is a strong negative correlate between the amount of wealth you have and the amount of DIY activities (home reno’s, fix up jobs, repairs etc) you perform.

    Perhaps this is applicable for Ozzies as well..

    I think all husbands should encourage their better halves to read the research…then justifiably put down the hammer and pick up the clubs ??

    Yack – you’d agree wouldn’t you ??



    “No point having a cake if you can’t eat it.”

    Profile photo of kerwynkerwyn
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 145

    Hi Dazzling
    Oh well, looks like I am in real trouble: I hate Golf.


    Profile photo of scotteescottee
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 4

    meanwhile i’m playing less golf recently as i’ve found out that if you sink LOTS of cash into a development there’s not enough left for golf!!!![angry2]

    ( i’m trying to think of a good way to convince the g/f about the DIY bit…)


    Bite off as much as you can and CHEW LIKE HELL!!!

    Profile photo of oziozi
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 262

    That makes sense. Look at how much golfers earn!! They make a bucket load!


    Profile photo of Dazzling


    Yeah – me too…but then DIY doesn’t turn me on either…perhaps I am destined for mediocrity ??

    Ozi – I think it’s all wrapped up in the connections that you make whilst playing and ‘doing’ Golf.



    “No point having a cake if you can’t eat it.”

    Profile photo of 1Winner1Winner
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 477

    I love Golf …. but I love DIY too.[blink]

    Nevertheless it makes sense that if you can use your time to close profitable deals, why would you use that time in working on something that others can do for $400 a day. I suppose it all comes down to where do you get your sense of achievement from.

    Now if I call it a hobby does it still count as DIY?[biggrin]

    “What you want in your life occasionally shows up…
    what you must have… always does.”
    . . . . . Doug Firebaugh
    May God Prosper you.[biggrin]

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