All Topics / Help Needed! / Devine Referral gets $1,000

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  • Profile photo of surreyhughes19905

    I’m buying a house through Devine and the sales guy has told me that if I can provide a name of a person who has bought through devine as having referred me I get a free dishwasher and the referrer gets $1,000.

    So, who here has bought through Devine and wants $1,000?

    If this is the case then I’d need a name to give to the Devine salesman. I think that’s all I need actually, just a name.


    Profile photo of surreyhughes19905

    33 readers and not one knows someone who has bought a Devine home and wants $1,000?

    You can email me if you like.

    Also, I’m bumping this up.

    Heck one could make some money being a Devine referer [biggrin]

    Profile photo of surreyhughes19905

    Oops it’s slipping down the list a little. 71 readers and still no name?

    That’s ok, I’m patient.

    Profile photo of foundationfoundation
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 1,153

    I guess you really want that dishwasher, huh?[biggrin]

    Profile photo of diclem

    Hi Surrey,
    Sorry, didn’t buy a house through devine, but I wish I had now!… maybe your offer sounds too good to be true?
    Good luck,
    Sue [cap]

    “Be careful not to step on the flowers when you’re reaching for the stars”

    Profile photo of surreyhughes19905

    Too good to be true? Nah, Devine just want people like me to go about the place doing their selling for them. $1,000 for a closed deal on a referral is cheap advertising.

    I can imagine that once I’ve settled I’ll be somewhat biased toward recommending Devine on the basis that I’ll get $1,000 each time someone goes ahead an buys.

    Oh and if someone will refer me, I get a dishwasher (worth about $1,000 to me). So for just a name the salesman puts on the registration form it’s a pretty good deal.


    Profile photo of aussierogueaussierogue
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 983

    contact leigh mathews..

    Profile photo of surreyhughes19905

    Thanks AussieRogue,
    A bit mysterious though.

    Could the real leigh mathews please step forward?

    I’d love to give you $1,000!

    Profile photo of lifeXlifeX
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 651

    I nearly got involved with devine homes once and will never deal with them again!

    Thanks for the offer though.

    Live, Learn and Grow


    Profile photo of surreyhughes19905

    I guess I have to say that so far my experience with Devine has been positive. The fellow I’m dealing with has a couple investment properties, he is nice to talk to and has all the answers to the questions I ask (backed up by paperwork).

    My view point is that it doesn’t matter what builder you go with as they will all screw, cheat, lie, steal or otherwise mislead you as much as humanly possible. Every one of my friends and relatives who have had anything built has found builders to be, at best, trying to screw you for hours of labour while they muck things up and at worst just this side of criminal.

    One friend had a builder install an electronic roller door he expressly said he didn’t want and then the builder tried to charge him to have it removed! That was only one small detail of that experience. Another friend was having his bathroom renovated and not only did it take over a month to install a toilet, but when they did they installed the wrong one, then again wanted to charge for their mistake.

    So the way I see it I am expecting a shoddy job at best and it looks like Devine will at least see that I get that [biggrin]

    Now this post is at 200+ views and still no name to add as a referer. I’m quite surprised. No one know a friend of a friend or anything?

    Profile photo of surreyhughes19905

    Still not one name?

    Hard to beleive no-one here even knows a single person who has bought a Devine home. Hard also to believe no-one knows someone who knows someone!

    I just need a name, no other details, just a name oh please wont someone give me a name? My kingdom for a name.

    Profile photo of diclem

    Hi again surrey,
    Don’t they have some “letters from previous customers” on show in the display homes, or in their advertising brochures?
    If all you need is a name, use one of theirs! You could say they inspired you to buy a Devine home. They are supposed to be previous customers after all.
    Good luck,
    Sue [biggrin]

    “Be careful not to step on the flowers when you’re reaching for the stars”

    Profile photo of surreyhughes19905

    Yeah I though of that[biggrin]
    I checked their testimonials and such, but they only use their first names.

    Anyway, I’ve got a name now. I cross posted to the Australian Hayabusa Club forum (the motorcycle club I belong to) and one my biker brothers came to the rescue. He bought one about 4 years ago, made a stack of CG during the boom and sold it nearly 2 years ago.

    So thanks for those who contacted me and thanks for putting up with me bumping my message, but as a wise man once said: “deals are made, not found”[buz2] and I’ve made a deal worth $1,190 (new dishwasher) for zero outlay.


    PS: if anyone else is buying a Devine home just ask and I’ll refer you. At this stage I don’t know if they are any good so I wont actively tell you they are.

    Profile photo of BizibeeBizibee
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 11

    hi surreyhughes,

    this sounds a little too good to be true. am sceptical.

    i’m in the process of buying a Devine home. we should be signing the contracts tomorrow.

    if all you need is a name then how do i go about obtaining the $1K?


    Profile photo of surreyhughes19905

    It’s a fairly standard referral system. That is if I go out and, having bought through Devine, evangelise about the wonders and such which leads to more customers for Devine they pay me for the effort and the reason I’d feel rather inclined to refer and overlook minor stuff ups is that I know the person I refer on will get a dishwasher.

    Now, I’m assuming they get the dishwasher at some remarkable discount direct from the factory or such so it is cheaper than other forms of advertising.

    Considering I’m making a $200,000 purchase I don’t think the $1,000 is much trouble for Devine. If it was a $20,000 purchase then it would be different…

    Profile photo of NobleoneNobleone
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 146

    Hi All,

    Just read thru this thread and noticed that some forumites posted that they were skeptical and thought it was too good to be true.

    This sort of thing goes on all the time and not just in the building game.

    Years ago I had a LOC with Citibank and recommended a friend to talk with the broker about getting a Citibank LOC themselves… Anyway they talked, signed up, I recieved cheque for $1500… Thank you very much.

    As someone said, to the big boys these payoffs/commissions are small potatoes in the overall scheme of things.

    Wish I’d been a Devine buyer coz I’d now have $1000 in my pocket… Ah well back to the J.O.B.

    Cheers, Nobleone. [biggrin]

    “Making mistakes is just another another tool for learning.”

    Profile photo of samosirsamosir
    Join Date: 2001
    Post Count: 2

    Hi Surrey Hughes,

    I did buy through Devine in 1998. I dont know if date matter. I bought one of the unit in Cathedral Place, Brisbane. Let me know if your offer is still on.

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