All Topics / Forum Frolic / Richmond in 2005 ?

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  • Profile photo of westan

    Ok all you Tigers supporters what are our chances in 2005. I’m over in NZ and i don’t get all the news. We see 1 hour highlights on Tuesday nite and the friday game is played in full on Saturday morning.

    Is there any hope of a good season ? Should i book some tickets for September ? Or is it much like other years.[angry2]

    regards westan

    USA information evenings in Melb, Syd and Brisbane in early April, email me for more info. We find cash positive deals showing 15-25% Returns in the USA email me at to join our database

    Profile photo of skippygirl

    Well Westan I hang on to these two facts –

    1. We always win the first game of the season, its only after that we go downhill.
    2. We cannot possibly be worse than Hawthorn so we will not be the wooden spooners.

    Cheers, still in the yellow and black.


    Profile photo of wilandelwilandel
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 761

    Hi Westan & Skippygirl,

    As an avid long time “Hawthorn supporter”, I hope you are not correct about Hawthorn.

    I even paid for Membership yesterday for the first time in my life, (partly because I feel sorry for them).

    At least they can only go up this year!!!! (hopefully)..

    Carn the underdogs!! [biggrin] Go Crawfy!!


    Profile photo of westan

    Hi Del

    actually hawthorn can go down, its the tigers who can’t go down any more.

    Lets hope both our teams can do something to encourage the supporters. Well done on the membership.


    USA information evenings in Melb, Syd and Brisbane in early April, email me for more info. We find cash positive deals showing 15-25% Returns in the USA email me at to join our database

    Profile photo of PhoenixrisingPhoenixrising
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 58

    Tough day at the office for the Hawks this sunday at the SCG.

    Go Swannies.

    Profile photo of westan

    Hey the tigers WIN again

    this time beating the Bulldogs

    GO TIG’s

    We sit in 6th position,

    USA information evenings in Melb, Syd and Brisbane in early April, email me for more info. We find cash positive deals showing 15-25% Returns in the USA email me at to join our database

    Profile photo of Mark KelmanMark Kelman
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 18

    Forget the Eastern States teams, West Coast sits tied in the top three! Lets see if we can hang in there for a grand final victory this time! [strum]

    Profile photo of skippygirl

    So far I’m wrong on the first point and correct on the 2nd.

    Go Tigers!!

    skippyygirl :)

    Profile photo of westan

    GO Tigers

    another resounding win, they are getting better every week. This time a win against an improving side in Fremantle.

    Richo 6 goals and on top of the goal kicking list.

    Hey skippygirl i didn’t see the game did we look good ?

    regards westan

    We find cash positive deals showing 15-25% Returns in the USA email me at to join our database

    Profile photo of Fast LaneFast Lane
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 527

    How ’bout the Hawks now?

    If we can pump Brisbane by 8 goals, imagine what we’re gonna do to the Dockers…? 80 goals!?[biggrin]

    Profile photo of westan

    Go tige’s

    I’m off O/S for 8 weeks- keep this thread going you tiger supporters i want to come back and see the Might Richmond Tigers still in the 8. Should i book some tickets for September ? No your right. lets not get carried away.

    bye westan

    We find cash positive deals showing 15-25% Returns in the USA email me at to join our database

    Profile photo of skippygirl

    Have a great trip Westan.

    Wouldn’t get your hopes up just yet. We are away all of September in Europe – didn’t see much danger in being away at that time for either of us (hubby is a Hawk).

    Nevertheless Terry seems to be doing something right and the management bounced back nicely from the TAC fiasco so the signs of hope are there.

    Have never been in love with Richo I’m afraid – I wanted him sold years ago but hey 6 goals is OK by me.

    Oh if only we could play like we did in the 1995 finals…what a game against Essendon! Time of my life, and 5 months pregnant at the time, singing my lungs out, “YELLOW AND BLACK, we come from Ti……Ger……land…..”.


    skippygirl :)

    Profile photo of Mark UnwinMark Unwin
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 35

    Hi fellow Tiger fans,

    It is a great start to the season and a win is a win but lets put it in perspective.

    We have beaten teams that finished 2nd & 3rd last in 2004 and Freo in Melbourne (they were a disgrace last Sunday – but it was enjoyable to watch![biggrin].

    Hey Skippygirl, I was at that 1995 final also. What a game, bring back Matty Knights!


    Mark Unwin
    Williams Partners Pty Ltd

    Profile photo of skippygirl

    Westan – what a game!!!!!!!!

    Went to Telstra Dome and watched the mighty Tigers beat Port Adelaide – what a great day. Sang my lungs out.

    Brownie, Richo and Pettifer were great. Didn’t look like it though during the 1st quarter – lots of moans and groans at the schoolboy level of skill. And then we were on fire – could not do anything wrong it was beautiful to watch.

    Hope you are having a great trip.

    skippygirl :)

    Profile photo of skippygirl

    Westan we are on FIRE!!!!!!!!!!

    A wonderful win against Collingwood – after playing like schoolboys for 3 quarters Terry turned the mental switch to “play like legends” and off they went. Brownie booted 5 goals – one of those all time great games.

    It was hard because my daughter and her friend follow the Magpies whilst my other daughter and I follow Tigers so I had to contain some of my cheers – but belted out the Club song with gusto.

    And then we beat Brisbane at home!!! First time we’ve beat them at the Gabba for about 5 years I think.

    We are THIRD – can you belive it?? Oh why oh why did I book a trip to Europe in September????

    Well, as history shows……


    skippygirl [biggrin]

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