All Topics / General Property / 2 beda to 3
Hi today i have found a house that is a 2 beda witha second living area that could easily be transformed into 3 bedrrom house, for a nice profit, anyone have any info on costs involed and legalities?[/b]
Hey Chris,
As far as costs go, you can spend as much as you want really. What work is involved? Putting up walls, inserting doors, floor? What is the plan?
This will also govern council regs as they require a DA for work valued over a certain value I believe.
Doesnt sound like too much of a drama.
If the current living area has a window(assume yes), then, all you may have to do is erect a wall- simple plasterboard with a doorway. Possibly minor re-wiring of electrical and re-flooring. If the space is there- do it. Possibly add a WIR as well.If you are not extending the external walls of the dwelling, you don’t really have many drama’s. This is a good situation.
All the best.
Hi Chris
its agreat idea turning 2 bedrooms into 3 bedders, i’ve done this myself a few times on properties always adding much more value to the home than it cost. It is, as others have said, an easy process and depending how cheap your labourers charge it could be done for around $1500. I don’t think you need a permitt for this type of work but best to check.
regards westan
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Yep, I think the value is $12,000 before requiring council permission which you should be well below. Other circumstance usually is structural modifications which I am guessing would not apply in this instance!
Go for it!
I think anything involving extra bedrooms still needs council approval no matter how easy it is to physically build… This may be because of extra grey water/ sewerage etc. or even so they can make sure that the bedroom is of an appropriate size and ceiling height…
A friend of mine has a 3rd ‘bedroom’, but because the ceiling is literally only a few centimetres under the required height, it is not legally allowed to be used as a bedroom.
I was looking at a 2 br place that has a garage under the same roof. Is the benefit of converting the garage to a bedroom better than losing a garage to a carport?
I was thinking it would be big enough to put an ensuite in as well but that would depend on value created. I don’t want to over capitalise.
Anyone done this sort of reno and can comment on the price and pitfalls please.
I know I can, I know I can
Best to get approval. I have a relative adding bedrooms to PPOR and told me of something i had never thought of; because he went from 3 to 4 BR he would have needed to add an extra car space to his block. Because space is tight, that would have meant ripping out half of his garden, making the place look quite ugly. The added value with the room would have been counter-acted by having no front garden.Always best to check.
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