All Topics / Overseas Deals / Dunedin NZ’s best city to live !

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  • Profile photo of westanwestan
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 1,950

    Hi all

    well according to the below article Dunedin is NZ’s best city to live in, More Dunedin residents are happy with the city than any other NZ large city, The survey doesn’t suprise me (i live 45 minutes from Dunedin) apart from the poor weather its a great spot. A pity the story was written by a Wellington journalist as it has a heavy wellington focus. By the way Rodney is an area just on the northern edge of Auckland.

    regards westan

    Three Wellington local authorities have been rated highly for quality of life by a survey of New Zealand’s metropolitan cities.

    Tauranga emerged with some of the highest overall category ratings, though Rodney and Dunedin residents felt their quality of life was the best overall.

    The survey was carried out last year by Gravitas Research and Strategy Ltd and involved the Social Development Ministry and 12 participating cities and districts of Porirua, Wellington, Lower Hutt, Rodney, Auckland, North Shore, Waitakere, Manukau, Hamilton, Tauranga, Christchurch and Dunedin.

    Respondents were asked if their quality of life was extremely good, good, neutral, poor or extremely poor.

    Rodney and Dunedin came out on top with a score of 91 as places offering a good or extremely good quality of life. Porirua, North Shore and Tauranga were second on 90. Wellington and Lower Hutt were on 88.

    Other survey categories covered health, democracy, free-time, wellbeing, public transport, environment, community, crime and safety, corporate ethics and work issues.

    Lower Hutt residents rated their overall health more positively than elsewhere, with 91 per cent giving themselves a clean bill.

    Wellington, Lower Hutt and Porirua scored highly when respondents considered their general wellbeing and the convenience of public transport, but were among local authorities perceived to have problems with rubbish or litter. Wellington recorded high rankings for safety, with 94 per cent saying they felt safe at home at night.

    About 78 per cent felt safe or very safe in their neighbourhood after dark and 55 per cent felt safe or very safe in the city centre after dark.

    Wellingtonians were also the country’s most trusting people, with 77 per cent usually or almost always having faith in others.

    Porirua scored well on home safety, but received the second worst rating for vandalism with 41 per cent of respondents seeing it as a problem.

    In Manukau, 44 per cent of respondents were concerned about violence.

    A total of 500 interviews were held in each of the centres. The survey coincided with a global quality of life report which ranked Auckland eighth and Wellington 15th, from among 215 cities worldwide.

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    Profile photo of Don NicolussiDon Nicolussi
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 1,086

    Hi all,

    Rodney and Dunedin came out on top with a score of 91 as places offering a good or extremely good quality of life.

    Does not suprise me either Westan. What a brilliant part of the world to live in.


    Don and Liz

    Don Nicolussi | Property Fan
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    Learning, having fun and doing it!

    Profile photo of Lachlan_Waterman13263Lachlan_Waterman13263
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 3

    Interesting information. Secured my place today at the Masterclass for the NZ trip in July. How does Christchurch compare to Dunedin?


    Profile photo of MiniMogulMiniMogul
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 1,414

    sort of how melbourne compares to adelaide. both are lovely and both well worth going to on the same trip.

    dunedin has this cool old edinburgh-ish flavour to it, amazing place, and it has water – a harbour – peninsulas etc
    CHCH is very flat with a beach a few miles out of town – city looks like oxford england ‘punting on the avon’ – literally – chch is more $$$ than the same property in dunedin generally

    chch’s original town planner was the same as adelaide’s apparently i seem to remember reading somewhere

    and then there’s oamaru, another gem of a town, and timaru, it’s uglier but bigger and less cool sister

    and while you ‘re in chc check out AKAROA – stay the night, eat in a french restaurant, ride horses up to the ridge – and LYTTLETON scene of peter jackson’s film frighteners, in fact have a drink in the wunderbar in lyttleton, you will never forget it EVER!

    such a cool part of the world. and then while you are there it would be a shame not to visit queenstown, mt cook, milford…ah…

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