All Topics / General Property / Buy a house a year CASH
Sounds bizzare but its true. A friend of mine came up with this clever idea that has just kicked off really hard. He has given himself a part time income of $4000/mth (ive seen the cheque) and looks like he will be earning over $10,000/mth very soon. It was just November last yr when he started doing this. Im very mathematically minded and from what i can see, it looks fullproof. I started doing what he is doing and have already made $750.00 in the last 48 hrs. My overall investment was less than $2000 which i will have made back very soon. I worked out that putting only $300/month of my earnings into my mortgage, i will save close to 23yrs. That fascinated me so i thought id share it with you ppl. Its alittle complex to explain how it works on here so if u need any info u may aswell email him direct. I did tell him i would like to mention it this forum and he said its kool. I just thought if people were prepared to borrow thousands to purchase a house, then a couple of grand to have the ability to buy one outright would be a very smart move. Im very very confident that he is on a sure thing. Id suggest that its worth the opportunity to have a look at it. Please dont ask me for too much detail cuz i only know the basics. The company is on its way to be worth one bilion dollars over the next few yrs. I will not mention the name incase im not allowed to. You can reach him on **MODERATED** He is living in Adelaide so best if only Adelaide Investors contact him at this stage.
nice try, getting there!!!!!!!!!!
how do you spell SPAM
or scam?
I know I can, I know I can
Getting There,
I am going to give you the opportunity to convince us that this isn’t a teaser for a pyramid scheme or such.
I am removing the contact email and will delete the whole post in 24 hours unless you satisfy us that this is a bona fide property investing strategy.
And if it is then I will be the first to want to learn more.
Simon Macks
Finance Broker
0425 228 985Comments may not be relevant to individual circumstances. If you intend making any investment, financial or taxation decision you should consult a professional adviser.
Getting there,
I’ve perused quite a few posts on this forum, and have to admit yours takes the cake…
You’re very confident it’ll work ?? [blink]
You’re very mathematically minded ?? [blink]
It’s a little too complex to explain ?? [blink]
You only know the basics ?? [blink]
So you’ve actually seen the cheque !!!!! [blink]
It looks fullproof – what does that mean ?? [blink]
Worth 1 Billion in a few years ?? Why tell us ?? [blink]Seriously….are the Admin folk gonna step in here or what ?? [angry2]
“Go hard or go home”
Looks like I was 2 minutes too late…onya Simon.[biggrin]
“Go hard or go home”
Moderators might also like to visit the profile of ‘getting there’ and remove the link to the web site!!!
“Making mistakes is just another another tool for learning.”
No need, the link is broke![angry2]
And I was really looking forward to getting my hands on some of that pie. It sounded like a winner.
PM me with details Getting There.
Cheers, F.[cowboy2]hmm, very interesting, yes, be my guest and remove what you like. I did mention the word “company”. i dont know any companies operating that work on so called “pyramid” scams. I take offence to that but thatas ok. I do understand this site is inteneded for positive cashflow property at buying correctly and wrapping and all the other little tricks that some people have used in the past to attain positive cashflow. Yes, it would be nice to profit $20/week for a while until the property increases its value over the next 7 – 10 yr cycle, and yes it would be nice wrapping a property and making $20,000 or so. I guess we are all opportunitist who seek advice and hope we one day find what works for us. I have a passion for property like most of you probably have, and personally, i prefer the buy and hold way instead of wrapping, but then again, thats me. If another opportunity comes along which will help me buy property much easier to keep for myself, and not tie up my lending capability, and if will allow me to expand my portfolio many times quicker than i could ever imagine, then YES for me it has alot to do with investing in property. If someone gets on here and asks how much extra they need to add to the their investment loan each month to reduce the amount of years, and someone is answers their question, then they are in the right forum. If i know that the investment property i purchased a year and a half ago at 80%LV will now be paid off in probably 2 yrs from now instead of the 30 yrs i initially intended and was probably capable on paying it off, then im sorry, but i think this is very valuable information for property investors. If you dont think so, then be my guest and elete all you like. This will happen with or with your input. Its been happening for 5 yrs. This concept has patents and patents pending in 150 countries and. It has no competition anywhere else in the world and the industy is making more millionaires than any other industry anywhere else in the world. The science behind this company has won Nobel Prizes. How many Nobel Prizes have property investing strategies won??? All i know is that the system i saw has substancially improved the odds of making a very very strong foundation for income earnings beyond most peoples comprehension and i wanted to be part of it.
Look, i dont mean to tread on any toes in here and i dont want to take your concepts of property investing from you either but there really is more than one way to skin a cat.
his site has been very helpful for me to gain knowledge on property but i think i may be only coming in as a guest from now on occasionally. Wish you all the best with what you all do. Cheers.So where’s my PM?[angry2]
I’m pretty keen to jump on board this company. Sounds like a ‘Good Idea'(tm)
F.[cowboy2]I think we’re all intrigued…
The scepticism is caused by the fact that your original post was big on sentiment, but pretty skinny on facts.
Perhaps you could outline the basics?
getting there – me too!! please send me the details either by PM or how about starting a new thread outlining the details. bet you wont!!
What Nobel Prize are you referring to Getting There? Keen to look it up for my own curiosity!
Sorry to have offended you mate.
Still long on sentiment and short on facts. Lot of people seem interested – can you provide some more detail?
Simon Macks
Finance Broker
0425 228 985Comments may not be relevant to individual circumstances. If you intend making any investment, financial or taxation decision you should consult a professional adviser.
Hmmm… sounds like Getting There is not very thick-skinned. Appears to be a little sensitive about the initial criticism.
Aw, come-on Getting There, don’t be like that – we’ll try to be a little nicer to you if you come back. Perhaps a little more grovelling from others will convince you to share the details of your grand plan?
yep… I’d like to know more aswell PM me with a link that works or more info on it.
Rick[biggrin]Maybe it leverages punctuation and paragraphing in some way?
Details details!
I know I can, I know I can
How’s that saying go? if it’s too good to be true it probably is!
Greed is a powerful force
That’s two long and involved posts that say little more than words.
Hey Getting There-bring it on. I would just love you make me eat my words.
Happy Hunting
http://www.kentscollections.comWell, I got the PM from Getting There. It actually did show me a way I could possibly buy a house in 1 year. Unfortunately the initial post stated that you have to be in Adelaide, and I’m not, so… oh well.[glum2]
I wonder if GT’s friend would be interested in sending me some cheap Magna-RX all the way over here in Victoria. God knows I need it![biggrin]
Cheers, F.[cowboy2]Getting there…
You should ask the people at network marketing (read “pyramid”) school to come up with some new sales tactics…selling the dream on all bluster & no substance is sooo yesterday.
In today’s economic climate, i think you’ll find most experienced investors won’t buy promises.
But then again, they say there’s one born every minute, so maybe you should just keep plugging away.
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