All Topics / Heads Up! / Help please! Anyone heard of Sample and Partners?
Hi all,
A friend at work rung me today. She bought a house for her parents a while back, in conjunction with her sister, and has a mortgage. Going on what she’s told me, I feel she probably paid too much for the place. In any case, she told me today that she has been speaking with a company called Sample and Partners about reducing the amount of time she has to spend in paying off her mortgage. They’ve been suggesting things like using credit cards to buy day to day things then paying them off before the interest free period ends, using any spare cash to reduce the principal of her loan, and so on. No extra payments, and they are apparently the ones who negotiate with the bank. And so on. (She wanted to know if I wanted her to give them my number. I didn’t, though I said I’d have a look through their literature on Monday.)
My friend has little if any interest in investment at this stage, and knows little about finance or negotiation. Basically, while I consider her to be a truly wonderful person etc, etc, she seems to be a tad too much of an easy target for unethical businesspeople.
What I am hoping to find out here is:
Is this company reputable?
Are there any traps in this sort of thing to look out for? (I don’t know anything about these kind of companies. I’ve always negotiated directly with the bank.)
Will this company be able to do anything for my friend she couldn’t do herself? ie: are these companies of any use?
Are they likely to charge her ridiculous amounts, and hit her with undisclosed fee after undisclosed fee?
Basically, is she going to get ripped off?
Thank you for your time,
Not dead yet.
Tell her to be careful and to watch out for high interest rates and high charges. Most brokers would be able to set up something similar for free with possibly a lower interest rate. This sounds like it is a line of credit type loan, and the rates for these start at around 6.72% (thats after the 0.25% rise), depending on loan size.
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Among other things you need to know your friends spending habbits and know what she is like with her money (needs to be disciplined). Line of credit loans are a great way of cutting down your loan but if you spend the extra money which meant to be used for decreasing your loan amount then you don’t get anywhere and could even go deeper into debt.
If she is good at monitoring her affairs (money) it would seem a good idea to look at these kinds of loans.
In regards to the credit card, they would set up a dirct debit from her line of credit a/c to her credit card a/c so she pays for everything before the interest free days are up.
Thanks very much for your help. I’ve since found their website, and assuming it’s accurate etc, they at least appear to have been around for a while.
Although personally unfamiliar with my friend’s spending habits, I would be amazed if I found out she was careless with her cash. If that’s all she has to worry about, she’ll be fine. I passed on the warning about fees and interest rates, and she seems comfortable with what they’ve outlined for her. So, hopefully, all should be well.
Thanks again!
Not dead yet.
Suggest you go to and and the department of fair trading. Ask for the names of the directors and punch them in as well, only if you want to find out who you are dealing with, other wise you are on your own.
Hi Originalsinner,
I have sent you an e-mail.Regards
StevenMortgage Broker
Mobile Mortgage Market
Ph: 0402483216, never heard of ’em. be careful cause there are a lot of cowboys out in them thar hills..and they promise the earth and the only thing they deliver is a pretty tatty and dog eared 1989 refidex!!!!
have fun…
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