A head up for the property expo. A few of us went there last year, and it’s a fun day Lots of free stuff and info to take home. There’ll probably be some website or other later on that sends put free tickets too, so I’ll keep an eye out for that.
I wonder if the Expo will be much less well attended this year with the current state of the market, and an IR rise.. Will be interesting to see if the marketeers push their products much more aggressively.
You may as well just stick to the Melbourne one- they are all the same- it’s a travelling roadshow! I like the free talks by Margaret Lomas and the other ones on good property management etc. Hopefully, they’ll be talking about the new state of the market, and not rehashing old stuff.
There’s a tonne of marketeers talking about Qld property- all off the plan. I’ll be interested to see if they have reduced their prices from last year.
Wealthwithin, take all the free tickets you can…!!!
these guys, cost me $1000’s and ripped me off, and still i never made any money with them… biggest so called, rip off Guru!
– Short story short, there suppose to provide you with stocks that will make you money, 20% plus returns, unfortunatly, i lost $1000’s with them in such a big bull market we had…
waste of money and heart ache for many others, who also lost $1000’s
yes.. but too much hard work.. with trading shares and options.. lol
though i hear your doing very good in your property investing.. 100% + gains in a year..
Well Done! and keep up the good work!
i have booked tickets to fly down to sydney + ive booked a ticket already for the Louise Bedford Seminar, down there.. here is the link for who is interested, but i think this seminar, might be well worth it, as it has value for money, and many of Louise’s books, ive used in helping me become a better trader, but also, i love the use of candlestick trading… but it includes the 3 day free entry into the expo..
Hey folks A reminder that the Sydney Property Expo is on this weekend- yay! Anyone thinking of going? I am gonna go on Saturday, I think, and I’d love to catch up with people if you’d like to go then.
For a free ticket, go to sydneyexpo@renos.com.au
It’s the reno king dudes, and they’re speaking there at noon each day. Just send a blank email to that address and you get a pdf for tickets. They also say in their email for you to copy the tickets for anyone else who wants them, so it doesn’t seems dodgy to do so.