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  • Profile photo of MasterREL

    Has anyone been to this guys mind rich 5 day entrepreneurs training course.Is it rehashing basic stratagies ????.Or covering things you wont find in the average buisness/investment book.

    Profile photo of foundation

    Sorry, I can’t help. Out of curiosity, is this the same guy that charges $10,000 for a five day course then charges another $100 for an unscheduled toilet stop? I remember seeing a tv show about one of the gurus and I think his name was Brad S.. omething.
    Cheers, F.[cowboy2]

    Profile photo of IbuycashflowIbuycashflow
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 274

    Brad Sugars is the author of “Billionaire in Training” among others. His business is Action International which is basically business coaching and mentoring. He’s managed to franchise it out around the world and by all accounts is pretty successful.


    Profile photo of TerrywTerryw
    Join Date: 2001
    Post Count: 16,213

    I have a few of his books, and his material is really good.

    His courses sound very demanding and tough. You can read a bit about them on his websites:

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    Profile photo of MasterREL

    His course is about 10000 for 5 days. But after researching one of his testimonies (that is in a similar trade to me) I have to wonder if this could be a good kick in the butt to further my business.If the content is all rah rah and back slapping, Id give it a miss though

    Profile photo of foundation

    Ah, yes. And he boasts of being a self made millionaire with $3,000,000 worth of cars in his garage! Wow, let me see, that’s… about 300 people paying $10k each. It’s easy to see where this guy’s money is coming from, and let me assure you it’s not all from being clever with investments.
    Cheers, F.[cowboy2]

    Profile photo of MasterREL

    Actually he made all his money before he got into the seminar business. I thought the same thing till I saw a program on the abc. I think he is one of the few who actually did not gain all their properties and shares through running seminars. He also has a (among his other businesses)international business that is one of the fastest growing in the world.
    He has better creds then the other spruikers.And seems to know his stuff.He made his money long before he started teaching.And at $10000 a pop I bet he wish he thought of it sooner.

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