All Topics / General Property / Seminar Scams…

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  • Profile photo of MichaelYardneyMichaelYardney
    Join Date: 2001
    Post Count: 616
    Originally posted by JasonBourne:

    Hi Michael,

    Do you know of any surveys or the like that discuss the proportion of people who self-report that they have made significant financial gains as a result of attending seminars?

    I was just wondering if anyone does this style of survey? It would be intersting to see the results.

    For example, it may be that everyone benefits to a low to moderate level, OR it may be that a few benefit substantially while the majority benefit very little, OR something else altogether?


    No I don’t and its possibly because they don’twant to hear the bad results.
    My gut feeling though is that a differnt group of people will go to a $55 seminar than will go to a $3,000 seminar.

    To satisfy my mind I have followed up attendees of our workshops. 9 months later over 70% had done some significant deals in property, and they said that attendance had contributed to this.

    Michael Yardney
    Author of Australia’s leading property e-magazine.
    Join over 10,000 readers each month.
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    Profile photo of GrantH_1974GrantH_1974
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 190

    Hi Michael,

    Congratulations on following up with customers & taking an interest in evaluating the effectiveness of this aspect of your business. [specool] Hopefully, others will follow your example.

    I have recently purchased a book from your website & it has given me some ideas I hadn’t considered previously.[biggrin]


    Profile photo of checkerchecker
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 8

    Hi Michael,
    I was not having a go at you as I am sure you are one of those genuine presenters who know property like the back of your hand. I was expressing my opinion about marketers like Henry Kaye who made hugh money from seminars and don’t really know much about property investment. e.g. a lady who claims she is a guru who owns a princely total of EIGHT properties !

    Profile photo of MichaelYardneyMichaelYardney
    Join Date: 2001
    Post Count: 616
    Originally posted by checker:

    Hi Michael,
    I was not having a go at you as I am sure you are one of those genuine presenters who know property like the back of your hand. I was expressing my opinion about marketers like Henry Kaye who made hugh money from seminars and don’t really know much about property investment. e.g. a lady who claims she is a guru who owns a princely total of EIGHT properties !

    Hi Checker

    Thanks for the kind words. I understand exactly what you are getting at.

    I have been involved in property for 30 years (tha’s giving away my age[blush2] but I only started doing seminars about 5 years ago becuase of people like Henry Kay.

    He was giving a lot of “misinformation” so I started my “Real World” real estate workshops to give real wrold advice.

    For a number of years I have been warning about the slowdown we are curently in. This year I am explaining the lessons I have learned for the 4 property cycles I have traded and invested through

    Michael Yardney
    Author of Australia’s leading property e-magazine.
    Join over 10,000 readers each month.
    FREE subscription

    Profile photo of peeblespeebles
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 7

    Hey all,

    Well, I just attended the Melbourne Masterclass today, but i’ll try not to let that influence my post here too much. [cap] I’m personally of the mind that seminars can be a very useful tool… stressing the word CAN. In the end it’s up to the participant to take any action to get results for the money invested in the seminar, book, whatever.

    True, in many cases the material you will go over at a seminar will be exactly the same as in the author’s books, tapes, etc. It can sometimes be just hearing the author describe something a certain way that flicks on the light switch and brings in a new realisation. I think the best description for it i heard was from Robert Kiyosaki, when he describes it in terms of content and context.

    Content is the theory and information itself, which as mentioned before can be the same between seminars and books etc. Content can be visualised as the water(ideas, information) which you would pout into a glass(your head).

    The context however is the size of the glass that can hold the ideas you learn. I find seminars (not that i’ve been to lots mind you) to be a great way to expand your context, as they’re more emotional, intimate and intense due to the personal contact with the author, discussions you can start, like-minded people you can meet and throw ideas around with. Expand your context, and you’ll be able to take in more ideas and insight, and get more value from the experience.

    There are of course various ranges from $50 to many thousands of dollars for seminar programs, but i think each of those can be indicative of the value you’ll get. I don’t mean to say that a $50 seminar won’t be worth attending, but more that the larger-scale events will have lots of backing and support, higher quality, etc. Probably the most important thing though is the money you put on the line yourself, and hence the pressure you then put on yourself to make the most of your investment, and there are cases where this has paid off very well (from stories i’ve heard, not my limited personal experience).

    This leads me back to my initial point… Seminars, just like books, CAN be very useful. In the end it’s up to the individual to make the most of the opportunities presented by the experience. As you can see, i’m diligently doing my ‘homework’ from the Masterclass, and am intensely pumped to make changes to my investing approach, and drive myself to take action. In this case the seminar was a very wise investment, and in property, if it drives you to take successful action, you don’t need much to recoup your initial cost.

    *Phew* i didn’t realise it was going to be such a long post, will try to trim it down in the future.

    Cheers all,


    Profile photo of MelcMelc
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 10

    I think people get different things out of seminars that you can’t get from books, meeting and sparking off like minded people. People draw together because of common interests. Being around people who are negative about your goals can sap your motivation to achieve, being in a room full of people who share your vision/direction is revitalising.

    What did I learn? – there is a way around the glass ceiling of borrowing – I just need to rejig my structure.

    I would also challenge your friend to buy a book for under $10 that has some value!



    Profile photo of MiniMogulMiniMogul
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 1,414

    hi guys,

    “a lady who claims she is a guru who owns a princely total of EIGHT properties”

    well, when she got to the third one she joined the 0.7 percent of investors who own three or more properties. and what is it, only 70 percent of Aussies own a property, the rest rent (or something) so based on that math, that lady knows something that most people – 99 percent of investors – don’t. And she knew it 5 properties ago, to boot. In fact she probably had the knowledge at property number three to know how she was going to get to eight.

    If you do have eight properties, you wouldn’t need to see that lady, cause you’d know it, but if you didn’t, you might learn something. I was able to help loads of people starting from when I had only bought one, two, three! I don’t call myself a guru but people have called me a guru! So what if they were only joking!

    (and I’m not that lady by the way!)

    Marg Lomas only has 10, last I read, now is she a guru?

    Profile photo of stargazerstargazer
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 344

    Hi all
    Does it really matter how many properties you have. Its not a race and not everyone is in a position to run out there and just buy buy buy.

    I find it hard to agree with the sought of amounts charged for some seminars.

    When a person is making so much out of there own investments and they genuinely want to help i feel that charging thousand excludes the very people that may need the start.

    Sure people will find the money and increase the wealth of the presenter. The old do wahtever it takes type stuff. Put it on Visa etc. Show your serious etc.

    These high net worth people that attend well its probably a tax deduction to them. Why not give someone a big discount for every say 10 high net worth person that books.

    I can’t justify it to myself to spend thousands on seminars.

    No disrespect to anyone i guess its just me. I have bought plenty of books and spoken to other investors and have found that a big help.


    Profile photo of bruhambruham
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 189

    G’day Mini,
    The difference between you and Margaret Lomas is
    that “we” know you. Margaret lomas “we” don’t.
    Plus from all your posts,you have showed that you’re a very clever person.
    Way ahead of me.
    I hate to admit that I learnt a few things from you.
    If I was to have a mentor,Mini you would be my number one person for the position.
    Take care.


    Profile photo of MiniMogulMiniMogul
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 1,414


    wow, that’s one of the nicest things I have ever heard and especially coming from you, anyone who remembers what we used to get up to will appreciate that as I do.!

    “spoken to other investors and have found that a big help”

    exactly, and seminars give you access to the sorts of investors (Steve, Dave, Tony, Reno Kings etc) for an entire day that you wouldn’t necessrily have in real life ‘for free’ as part of your circle of friends, especially if just starting out and didn’t have any ‘real life’ friends into investing. Also being in a room full of investors for whom it was normal to have one, two, ten, 30 investment properties, was so fantastic especially looking around and just seeing a bunch of ‘normal’ people who you couldn’t tell by looking were property investors – they certainly were’nt a bling bling crowd. Yes for me, although I had spent probably a couple of grand at that point on books and audio products, the seminar bought it all home for me and helped me actually then start investing without a doubt.

    now not everyone is that underconfident and some will just go out and do stuff, learn in the field (best way, ultimately – is just go and do deals) but it’s getting to the point where you trust yourself to go and *do* those deals. For some, books are enough and off they go. For others (me) books I read and understood, but somehow I still lacked the confidence not to make a mistake. through the seminar I actually met people who were ahead of me in the game and who I could call and email and bounce ideas off. I am not sure how i could have actually met these people in real life without going to a seminar where they were all in the same room.

    it was for me a breath of fresh air to get out of the ‘world’ full of people telling me it’s risky, I could lose money, what about this that and the other, and be in a room of people who thought it was very much possible and were out there doing it. In fact as someone who had not yet invested I was very much in the minority in that room and I found that a very good feeling to be amongst people that were doing it and said ‘It’s OK! Just do it!’

    it was a two day seminar I think, for around $900, I have also been to one day seminars for around $500, and I don’t find that a rip off price at all. It was well worth it and it was actually FUN to go! I went again too just for the fun of it and to catch up with some people – it is just good to reinforce, re-connect. I think seminars are a great service, if it’s not for you, then fine, go invest, but don’t discount the pleasant learning, social, and fun, memorable experiential nature of the seminar which although not as cheap as a $30 book, so much more memorable. and then when you re-read the books they will likely be in a much different light too.


    Profile photo of bruhambruham
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 189

    Long live HENRY KAYE!!!
    By far and away Henry was the “MAN”.
    I went to his Sydney seminar(show) a few years ago.My tickets were free(love that word).
    He called the “cops” for the removal of some poor little old man who called out “you’re wrong”.
    Henry couldn’t take criticism.

    Henry taught me the smoothest of all tricks.
    You open ten bankcard credit card accounts for ten thousand dollars each.(Must be on the same day,this only shows up as one credit application).

    You then buy ten insurance deposit bonds.These are used as deposits for ten off the plan units
    Two years down the track,property values are jumping, units are completed, you sell nine
    and the profits give you a brand new unit for free(love that word-again).
    Of course,times are now different.Property is now on the nose.

    Smart girl Mini has the right property waiting for you on the South Island of NZ. I’m almost tempted to surrender to you by admiting that you know best and for you to do me a property deal.
    I’m thinking about it.

    Mini,I only tell the truth.
    This would be a very dull website without your input.
    There’s something different about you.
    (I don’t have much time to play with websites these days. I’m absolutely flat-out.Work work work).
    I can’t put my finger on it,but there is a difference with-in you.
    What could it be? Flicked the boyfriend-found GOD-escaped from Sydney,back to NZ.-getting old?????
    Take care.

    Every day above the ground, is a bonus!!!!

    Profile photo of stargazerstargazer
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 344

    Hi Mini

    Thanks for your input i always find your posts refreshing and have a get up and go slant to them which is great.

    When i said it’s not for me that is in the context of spending thousands. I have heard of seminars for $3000 i at this point cant justify that.

    $500 and knowing and recommended by fellow investors would certainly worth looking closer and as you say just for the experience of it all.

    As i said at this stage books and other investors have been of help this is not to say that reasonably priced seminar to me is out of the question.

    Mini how did you handle this: This is what i find difficult.

    You ask and seek information from fellow investors that have much more exprience and knowledge. They give up there time and help with opinions and offer some advice etc. Being not as enightened as the other person/s how does one recipricate to say thankyou i really appreciate your time and input.

    Do you understand what im saying like here you have a multi millionaire giving you advice you are just starting out what can i possibly offer that person in return.

    Maybe i have a problem expressing myself? What are your thoughts.

    Kind regards

    Profile photo of MiniMogulMiniMogul
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 1,414

    well interesting question stargazer

    “Being not as enlightened as the other person/s how does one recipricate to say thankyou i really appreciate your time and input.”

    Well, I think to be a mentee is to offer an energy exchange of some sort. You may not be as enlightened in property, but you may be extremely enlightened at something else that you could help your mentor in. Who cares if it’s growing tomatoes or running errands, an offer of anything makes it an exchange and therefore your mentor will appreciate the thought even if it’s not taken up. And if not, still continue to offer to help anyway.


    “do me a property deal.
    I’m thinking about it.”

    Ok, email me and I’ll send you some stuff if you like – do you have broadband? You might need it…

    “This would be a very dull website without your input.”

    Awww! Shucks!

    “There’s something different about you.”
    Yeah, same with you, you’re not on my back like before…God works in mysterious ways…

    “I’m absolutely flat-out.Work work work”
    tell me about it, I like to post on forums, but only if it’s fun.!

    “I can’t put my finger on it,but there is a difference with-in you.”
    Yes things for me have definitely moved into high gear since I started buying cheap and dusty houses in NZ and improving them for rental, that’s for sure.

    Changed my entire future in one fell swoop.

    “Flicked the boyfriend”-
    oh, no way! We’ve actually just newly “re-negotiated our relationship contract” for another 9 years!

    “-found GOD-“
    Oh, that’s old news, and God found me when I was a kid, and my grandmother used to schlepp me off to see Him once a week, and sing in the choir and stuff

    “escaped from Sydney”
    I wish! UK tempts me, but not yet

    “back to NZ.”
    As often as I can, but just for fun, friends, and family!

    “-getting old?????”
    and still in denial

    “Take care.”
    You too, and God Bless you!!!
    No really! You have changed too…hey maaaan, peaceee maaan, and like we’re all like growing together, sort of like mouldy spores in a petri dish, a kinda sweet/gross analogy really
    – a bit like life

    Profile photo of stargazerstargazer
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 344

    Hi Mini

    “An exchange of energy”….great stuff and excellent way to look at it.


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