All Topics / Help Needed! / The real estate economy cycle

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  • Profile photo of servantservant
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 13


    I have no idea on the economy cycle (boom and bust, etc) for real estate. For example, interest rates are rising, whats going to happen? Is this a good or bad thing for investors? What’s going to follow this? History repeats itself but I have very little knowledge of finance history.

    I’ve just got no idea, which isn’t good if I’m to become successful.

    Can anyone recommend any readings that can help me to understand this cycle?


    Profile photo of MonopolyMonopoly
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 1,612

    Watchya waitin’ for boy, run for them thar hills!!! [blink]

    [grin]Sorry Luke (couldn’t resist) [blush2]

    There is so much information in libraries, internet and virtually any RE type of publication that talks about property cycles, booms, busts (no not female anatomy!!!)[blush2] and such topics.

    Any book by Jan Somers, Peter Spann, Steve McKnight and so on (the list is endless). Do a search on “books to read” and you will find many recommendations on what is good value in the way of investments.

    As for not having any idea, heck man, do you think WE were all born with this knowledge; it was taught to us by parents, authors, speakers (at seminars), mentors, friends and family.

    Don’t worry if you don’t know where to begin….YOU ALREADY HAVE…simply by visiting this forum and reading the posts, and if you keep it up you will find an array of wonderful people, with diverse opinions and great information sources.

    Welcome and enjoy!!! [biggrin]


    Profile photo of Greg FGreg F
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 83
    Originally posted by Monopoly:
    Don’t worry if you don’t know where to begin….YOU ALREADY HAVE…simply by visiting this forum and reading the posts, and if you keep it up you will find an array of wonderful people, with diverse opinions and great information sources. Welcome and enjoy!!! [biggrin] Jo

    Another welcoming and uplifting post from you, Monopoly.

    Well done (as usual)!

    My advice is to:
    1. Stay well away from paralysing doom and gloom prophets, and
    2. Read Peter Spann’s “$10 Million Property Portfolio in 10 Years” asap.

    I’ve mentioned Spann’s 5 year suburban cycle elsewhere on these boards, but if you want an EMINENTLY PRACTICAL way to profit from the purchase of Median House Price statistical data over the past 10 years in your capital city, there’s no one better than Spann.

    You already know this, Jo, but I can’t think of a better way for a serious novice (ie., a novice who’s prepared to ACT on the tips provided) to start than by learning how to practically apply data re 5 year capital city suburban cycles.


    Profile photo of DDDD
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 508

    read, ask questions, find a mentor, then go for it. The best time to invest is always when you can afford it so good luck and have fun.


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    Profile photo of TorachanTorachan
    Join Date: 2004
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    Profile photo of DerekDerek
    Join Date: 2004
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    Originally posted by servant:


    I have no idea on the economy cycle (boom and bust, etc) for real estate.

    Hi Luke,

    The critical point missed here is that the real estate cycle (as you called it) is not a single entity.

    Was listening to Michael Matusik on Saturday and he has a number of compelling arguments to make mince meat of many of the negative media comments abounding at the moment – particularly as they relate to SEQ.

    The question is sifting through the 50000 Courier Mail weekend adverts to find the good investment properties.

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    Profile photo of windcloudwindcloud
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 5
    Originally posted by Torachan:

    Sorry don’t know how to paste picture here.

    So it currently seems the market is on top of the boom now?

    Profile photo of TerrywTerryw
    Join Date: 2001
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    Just remember that there is not just one property market in Australia. There are many, each at different stages. Each city is different, and even within cities, there would be different stages for different areas.

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