All Topics / Opinionated! / Is Neil Jenman for real?

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  • Profile photo of Jon_BarlowJon_Barlow
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 0


    just had a look at the Jenman website. Is that guy for real or just some looney?

    Looking to get into investment property in Sydney or Melbourne (I live in Brisbane).

    Someone told me to look at the Jenman site, but it’s full of hype and promotion. Can anyone help with whether he is believeable or just a nutter?



    Profile photo of pelican

    <edited to read>

    More of the latter and less of the former.

    Hope that answers it for you…..

    Profile photo of DerekDerek
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 3,544

    Hi Jon,

    Suggest you do a search of the forum. This topic and reference to Jenman comes up from time to time.

    Just under the ‘forum boards’ button is the ‘search’ function.

    As always in matters property investment – you need to make up your own mind.

    0409 882 958
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    Profile photo of byronent_2



    Adelaide SA

    Profile photo of ANUBIS

    I guess it depends on whether you are or intend to be a wrapper or not..

    If you wrap – he is obviously out of control & doesn’t understand the win/win situations you are creating.

    If you don’t wrap – he performs consumer advocacy against the morally corrupt.

    [Tongue firmly in cheek for the righteously indignant reading this]

    Profile photo of Mortgage HunterMortgage Hunter
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 3,781

    I have never met him but have read much of his stuff.

    I get the impression that people do not have any middle opinions of this guy – he is either loved or hated!

    Simon Macks
    Finance Broker
    0425 228 985

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    Profile photo of byronent_2

    He lives in his own fantasy which is kind of sad.

    Years ago, a guy like that would have been committed.

    Adelaide SA

    Profile photo of icarus1icarus1
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 28

    Neil Jenman has evolved from an estate agent to a trainer and now more of a commentator However he was involved in an organisation that provided training for real estate agents some of it very good and other parts created to provide a point of difference so as to create a commercial advantage for the agents he trained and was involved with. Give him credit he was one of the first to hammer the property sharks that follow the unsuspecting public. Everyone is entitled to their opinion so lets accept that and move on.

    Profile photo of christobellchristobell
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 30

    I agree with you Bill…Neil Jenman has many good points..there are some sharks out there of which Mr Jenman is trying to make people aware.I think the realestate world is a safer place for having Neil Jenman in it.

    Profile photo of kay henrykay henry
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 2,737

    Nice post for your first, Jon…

    I check Jenman’s website each day or two to find out who’s been up to what- just part of my research and interest in real estate- saves having to trawl through google news.

    I think he’s an honest guy and has a good heart- go figure, some hate his guts, which I find kind of sad.

    kay henry

    Profile photo of senator_255

    For those wondering into the world of real estate blindly or that are new to real estate or investing, Neil Jenman’s website is an essential. He exposes the sharks and warns of the possibilities. I too read the website every couple of days to find out what is going on. It is a part of my research also. I also used some of his predictions for my investing which I and my family members have benefited from. The best information that I have learnt has been the simplest. A lot of it is in Jenman’s principles.

    As for those that blindly disagree with him, perhaps there is something to be learnt from him… Everybody is entitled to their own opinion, but don’t crusify someone for wanting to prevent harm. If it wasn’t for Jenman, Henry Kaye would probably still be around.. That’s just my thoughts anyway. [biggrin]

    Sen [cap]

    Profile photo of pelican


    Yes the basic principles are there…..

    Jenman fuels everyone’s FEARS to enable more sales through his system of agents…. which in turn satisfies who’s GREED ???

    The above mentions the two most commonly manipulated emotions out there…… guess who’s a master at it ?? The media, and, so called watchdogs, who happen to have a business on the side…..

    YES, he does good, but he ALSO does QUITE BADLY in many areas…. one of those is honesty…..

    If I went into the auto industry and started lecturing on how bad the industry was, I’d be seen as a looney… seeing as I only know a little about cars…..

    Why is Jenman different ?? He certainly seems to do a lot of preaching based on Newspaper articles he sees, or, worse yet, based on incorrect or biased information…….

    I have MUCH MORE RESPECT for people like Tim O’Dwyer who is out there exposing the cheats…. but guess what…. he doesn’t sell a system, or market property……. He’s a solicitor…. and he does not stand to gain if he warns people…

    THERE IS A DIFFERENCE…. see if you can spot it…..

    Profile photo of senator_255

    Neil Jenman is in consumer protection. Fueling peoples fears? He makes people aware of the dangers in real estate. Obviously not enough people take notice of his warnings, otherwise not so many people would be burnt in real estate. I understand that his views may rub some people up the wrong way, but perhaps those people have a guilty conscience? Or not enough of a conscience? I don’t know… As far as using it to create sales through his own system? Last time I checked he made his money from training real estate agents in an alternative system. One that offers a higher level of protection for consumers.

    As for “doing quite BADLY.. in honesty” how so? where has he lied, I don’t believe that you could provide such evidence…

    “He certainly seems to do a lot of preaching based on Newspaper articles he sees, or, worse yet, based on incorrect or biased information..”
    Neil’s Writing or “preaching” as you like to call it is not based purely on articles in the newspaper, infact a lot of the real estate matters that are published in the media come from Neil’s research. It may seem biased, but when the likes of Henry Kaye aren’t given a chance aren’t you glad he was?

    You do seem very anti-Jenman, is there any personal reasoning for this?

    Sen [cap]

    Profile photo of pelican


    If I read your post are you inferring that I have a guilty conscience ?? nope… sorry…. I do things ethically, not only that, I do things with Morals….

    I dont have hidden agendas…..

    Evidence – sure can show….. it’s openly available if you care to look for it……

    Suggest you re-read my post…. let me spell it out in basic english….. YES THE GUY DOES GOOD, but he ALSO DOES BADLY ,which UNFORTUNATELY TARNISHES THE GOOD…..

    I have no personal reasons for or against Jenman…. I simply tell it like it is….. and when I see a wolf in sheep’s clothing I say so…..

    Can you seriously tell me that he has nothing to gain by training agents in his so called scheme ?? Then how else did he amass over $20mil in licencing fees and such……

    It’s about being impartial…. you can’t have your cake and eat it too…..

    Profile photo of byronent_2


    You are either on Jenman payroll or you have your head in the sand on this topic.

    Adelaide SA

    Profile photo of ANUBIS

    That’s not very nice Byron. It’s like me accusing you of being a morally bankrupt wrapper disguising your ripping off of the aussie battler with empty platitudes like “I create win/win situations”.

    I believe we have already established that there are two separate views on this. We are all equally entitled to our views surely?

    Profile photo of pelican

    wow Neil.. er I mean Anubis….

    who’s the opinionated one now ???? hmmmm ????

    Profile photo of ANUBIS

    Pelican – obviously the irony went straight over your head. I do not deride others opinions or their right to have opinions, much as I expect to be able to express my own opinions.

    My issue (that appears endemic to this site) is the “conform to my view or you’re an idiot” or “conform to my view or you are Neil Jenman”. Is it because of the large number of wrappers who frequent here? Personally I don’t care about it as an issue, I have no opinion on it one way or the other, but wrappers are without a doubt the most sensitive group to perceived criticisms.

    So because I don’t agree with you I must be Neil Jenman’s lovechild? By your logic you must be the product of a union between Steve McKnight and Rick Otton then?

    Profile photo of senator_255

    I agree with Anubis. To have a different opinion is not to suggest that we are in bed with Jenman. I am not on Jenman’s payroll, I can just see the logic in his writing and the help that it brings to consumers..

    Spot on Anubis, the people that seem to be more sensitive about the topic of Jenman are the “wrappers.” Funny eh?…

    Pelican, no guilty conscience? fine, then what is your beef? What good do you put in to society out of you own pocket??

    Just my thoughts any way, sorry for not conforming..

    Sen [cap]

    Profile photo of FWFW
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 478

    I prefer to listen to people who get their facts at least reasonably right before they go spouting off opinions to the media.
    I also prefer to listen to people who contribute in a positive manner to discussions to improve a situation, rather than just issuing all encompassing tirades about it.
    Keep smiling
    Felicity 8-)

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