All Topics / Heads Up! / The 2005 Spruiking Season

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  • Profile photo of OSiennaOSienna
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 37

    Steve McKnight features in Jenman’s latest write-up on the 2005 “Spruiking Season”:

    The 2005 Spruiking Season

    Across the Tasman, Brad’s spruiker mate, Phil Jones, has started pushing his absurdly named Richmastery Property Academy seminar for around $4,000 a ticket.

    The New Zealand Consumers’ Institute issued a warning to use “extreme caution” with Jones’s company. Extreme avoidance would be better advice.

    The top-billed spruiker at Jones’s Auckland event in May is Australian spruiker, Steve McKnight, who, in 2005, is being described as a “TV personality”. Huh? In case Kiwis think McKnight is the Aussie version of their TV personality, Holmes, you’d better know what Jones means by “TV Personality.”

    McKnight was featured on the ABC’s Media Watch over misleading millionaire claims designed to flog his wealth products. He was also the subject of SBS’s current affairs program Insight which highlighted the dangers of a property loan-sharking method known as wrapping. The program showed how battlers were kicked out of homes by wrappers.

    Investment editor of The Courier Mail, John McCarthy, recently summed up the growing national attitude towards wrapping when he described it as “nothing short of a rip-off.”

    To flog his get-rich products, McKnight has slashed his wrap course from $2,195 to $695. His seminar spruiking season begins in March where he promises to reveal how he made $76,384.47 in just 4.5 months. If you want to know his secret, well, pull out your credit card.

    Steve McKnight thanks God “for the blessings bestowed upon me”. He should also be thanking the regulatory authorities for not banning wrap loans (yet).

    Profile photo of TerrywTerryw
    Join Date: 2001
    Post Count: 16,213

    That is a bit harsh!

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    Profile photo of RedhavenRedhaven
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 81

    Oh dear. Yuck. I had been trying to keep an open mind about him, “eating the meat and spitting out the bones” to use an old saying. Sometimes the most ignorant folk can be the most judgemental.


    Profile photo of pelican

    More typical Jenman propoganda………

    Steve, PLEASE TELL US, you are asking your lawyers to look at his latest article…. I prey, just for once the little ponce oversteps the line……

    Profile photo of williwilli
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 186

    Is Jenman ever going to grow up?

    Has he ever actually attended or heard these peoples seminars/material?

    I find it interesting that I have never heard Jenman actually review a product or seminar directly. He always seems to be reviewing the marketing material and/or media reports not the actualy substance of the information given. Is it me or is that somehting to think about?

    …Beware of the dreamtakers…

    BTW – I was part of the MAP Program and am more than happy to answer and questions/comments you may have – Happy Investing…

    Profile photo of MTRMTR
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 663

    Maybe a good time to mention “John L Fitzgerald”

    I went to a FREE seminar last night in Perth, promoting John L Fitzgerald’s Custodian Wealth Builders Group. Joyce Property Investment Group are developers involved in building land and house packages.

    Would like to receive your comments. I thought their packages were a little pricey.

    Profile photo of kerwynkerwyn
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 145

    Same old stuff from the losers of the world. The thick headed opinionated people who wouldn’t believe in ET if one landed in their backyard.
    It is sad really that people like Jenman can say things without any understanding of the concepts being taught by these so called spruikers.
    Well I for one would like to thank the spruiker who got me into the property investing area. I now have an extra $40000 that I didn’t have 4 months ago and I didn’t even rip anyone off.

    Profile photo of cruisercruiser
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 43

    I think all you guys are far too harsh on Jenman! All he is doing is drawing attention to the times where Steve has sailed close to the wind – and been called to account. That is surely a good thing. Wrapping can indeed be a bad thing for some people. And if gurus are being misleading in their claims, they need to be reined back in.
    Even if it’s Steve.


    Profile photo of pelican


    Sorry, but the only attention Jenman seeks is for himself, and, more importantly, his systems….. so that he can make more money…..

    Get real will ya ? Steve does his investing and wraps with ethics. Sailing close to the wind… ?? you gotta be kidding me……

    Profile photo of kay henrykay henry
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 2,737


    I’d be a little wary about buying into an alliance company. I think we wanna get idea from gurus- not just buy houses from them or their builders.

    As oyu’d know, Fitzgerald has a fairly conservative buy and hold for CG approach, which is kind of suitable to me, but it’s also a bit risky to pay big bucks for property now and depend on CG.. when the market has changed so rapidly. Is Fitzgerald offering some “discount” for these properties? Many discounts are bogus anyhoo, so you could just go on the usual principles for B/H C/G- location, scarcity/supply etc etc. If the builders are more exxy than other comparable builders, then go the cheaper one and apply Fitz’s principles- that might be less risky.

    kay henry

    Profile photo of Johnny1Johnny1
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 58

    re: Marisa

    I’ve been to one of Custodian Wealthbuilders roadshows and they’re “developers”(to use the words of a pushy Custodian consultant who I had a meeting with later that same week) who try and push “negatively”geared property investments.

    Regards – Johnny1

    Profile photo of wezwazwezwaz
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 192

    “Sorry, but the only attention Jenman seeks is for himself, and, more importantly, his systems….. so that he can make more money…..”


    I’m not judging who’s right and wrong, but considering your statement, what are the seminar providers doing?


    Profile photo of pelican


    Sorry but I can’t be bothered replying to what you are referring to by quoting a posting completely out of context…..

    The topic at the time was about Jenman, not about others…….

    Too busy out there INVESTING….. how about you ?? just bought 4 houses in the last ten days……

    Profile photo of senator_255senator_255
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 13

    Marisa, Kay Henry is right. Be careful. Use any good ideas that you get from the free seminars and implement them yourself. You don’t need to pay anyone big money for that. As for the properties, yes Fitzgerald sells properties. He can also organise finance for you. The all in one shop can be somewhat of a trap. Try and research what is selling for what price in the ares that you want to buy in. Agents will give you a rough idea. Then see if what he is offering is worth the money. Otherwise, buy or build yourself.


    Sen [cap]

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