All Topics / Overseas Deals / How To Talk The Talk
> > How to speak New Zealand
> >
> > say out loud for full effect!
> >
> > Milburn – capital of Victoria
> > Peck – to fill a suitcase
> > Pissed aside – chemical which kills insects
> > Pigs – for hanging out washing with
> > Pump – to act as agent for prostitute
> > Pug – large animal with a curly tail
> > Nin tin dough – computer game
> > Munner stroney – soup
> > Min – male of the species
> > Mess Kara – eye makeup
> > McKennock – person who fixes cars
> > Mere – Mayor
> > Leather – foam produced from soap
> > Lift – departed
> > Kiri Pecker – famous Australian businessman
> > Kittle crusps – potato chips
> > Ken’s – Cairns
> > Jumbo – pet name for someone called Jim
> > Jungle Bills – Christmas carol
> > Inner me – enemy
> > Guess – vapour
> > Fush – marine creatures
> > Fitter cheney – type of pasta
> > Ever cardeau – avocado
> > Fear hear – blonde
> > Ear – mix of nitrogen and oxygen
> > Ear roebucks – exercise at the gym
> > Duffy cult – not easy
> > Amejen – visualise
> > Day old chuck – very young poultry
> > Bug hut – popular recording
> > Bun button – been bitten by insect
> > Beard – a place to sleep
> > Sucks Peck – Half a dozen beers
> > Ear New Zulland – an extinct airline
> > Beers – large savage animals found in U.S. forests
> > Veerjun – mythical New Zealand maiden
> > One Doze – well known computer program
> > Brudge – structure spanning a stream
> > Sex – one less than sivven
> > Tin – one more than nine
> > Iggs Ecktly – Precisely
> > Earplane – large flying machine
> > Beggage Chucken – place to leave your suitcase at the earport
> > Sucks Sivven – large Boeing aircraft Sivven Four Sivven – larger
> > Boeing aircraft Cuds – children
> > Pits – domestic animals
> > Cuttin – baby cat
> > Munce – usually served on toast
> >
> >[biggrin][biggrin][baaa][baaa]
Wow. Racial taunts on the Kiwi Thread of property investing. LOL. I don’t suppose you have the moral strength to talk the talk when you are talking to the majority of Bouncers in Australia?
Cough up your address Bro. I know some people who’d love to talk to you and share a few laughs.
ha ha ha. I take it you are from Brisbane? I know for a fact that there are some Maori who are VERY keen to have a chat. The words that caught my interest were Respect, teach and a phrase about female parent and copulation. I think they were interested in you.
They want me to convey a message “Te reo maori e mate, te tangata maori e tino kino”. How’s that for kiwi?
Again I challange you to have the courage of your conviction. Or are you going to hide behind your avatar?
Before you waste anyones time … I’m not the one making racist jokes.
Hi Torachan,
This was not intended as a racist slur. I am a New Zealander and I have heard all the jokes and dont take offence to the majority of them, I didnt believe this was inflammatory. I have also heard the jokes New Zealanders make about Aussies.Plenty of my friends are also Maori.So sorry you take everything so seriously.Martin
Hi Guys
As the saying goes: the more New Zealanders who go and live in Australia raises the IQ of both countries.
Thanks Martin,
LOL [laugh4][laugh4][laugh4][laugh4]
I’m a ex Kiwi too. Man if you can’t laugh at yourself……..?
Keep talkin the talk cuzzie bro, you’re a crack up!
I gotta take a copy and send it to my family. Some of them are Pakehas, some of them are Moari, some of them are Islanders. And I’m sure none of them will want to meet me down a dark alley [biggrin]
Hi Brisbane 04,
I gotta laugh!!! Even though I have lived here twenty sucks years…..I haven”t lost the accent and get pulled up almost every day!!!
We all know how many times we must relay our phone numbers to others so when I recently moved,
I requested new home phone number and mobile number without a “sex” in it!! …has lessened the continuous flow of Kiwi jokes that I have heard a million times over!!GGG
Thanks Go Go Girl and Shaztaz, for your support along with some of the New Zealand jokes I’ve heard I also enjoy Irish jokes, male jokes, Scottish jokes, female jokes, animal jokes etc,etc, etc,.[biggrin][biggrin]
Heaven help us if we have to put disclaimers on the bottom of fun threads!
This post was in no way directed with malice at anyone living or dead, with or without a sense of humour…
HI Brisbane 04.
Thanks for the light hearted look at the Kiwi accent!!! I actually find it really funny now when I go to NZ, because I am the one with the Aussie Accent that gets a caning for the way I sound!! – and a lot of my family are Kiwis as well! although I am Aussie through and through!!
NZ Investor and Property SpotterAroha Mai e hehu ata pai. Kio iwi e tangi atu nei. Ma o tonu e whakamarie.
MiniHey Fullas,
I have been in Oz for Sux years now and am proud to have Aussie Honki Fullas tease my accent!
I have heard all the crap jokes and still crack up at some of the Aussies that think they are funny with the sheep shagging jokes. All I can say is “And you lot thought you were getting lamb? where do you think we export all our used sheep when the velcro gloves wear out? Heh Heh…..
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We are investing in NZ so if you ar looking for + cashflow properties…contact: to join our database.I try and lay my NZ eccent on really thuck when I am talking to NZ real estate agents and so on and they STILL think I sound like an Aussie. Damn 9 years here!
Hi Mini-Mogul,
Sorry Ididnt understand what you were saying in Maori can you please translate? One of the things that I do miss about New Zealand is the great food in particular going to a Hangi(Hope I spelt that right)best food.Hi Kiwi-Fulla like the reply must remeber to use it some time.Last visited North Island approx 7 years ago must say the scenery was fantastic.[biggrin]Martin
a few kiwis I’ve been talking to keep raving on about kiwi fish and chups. whats so special about them ??
Anyone recommend any places to go try when I am over there soon ?
I had some fish and chups at a place in Taumaranui… forget the name. But I think it should have been called ‘oil and chips’ instead. The fish, or what there was of it, was probably 60% batter, 30% oil, 10% fish.
Aussie fish and chips rules!
I have to say that last time I was in NZ I was a little disappointed with some of the fish shops. Not as good as they used to be. However, I did manage to find some battered oysters – now there is a taste sensation!
And the ice creams are as huge as ever!
Oh, and I forgot to mention the FRESH CREAM cakes!
Fat Shar
…..OOohhhhhhhhhh the memories…..the bestest ever BOSTON BUNS….yum yum yum..fresh cream filling with a “wee” bit of jam, that luscious pink icing sprinkled with coconut….Aahhhhhhhhhhh
….Battered Oysters…now I’m starting to cry…That’s it…time for a trip home!!!!!GGG
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