the thing that made me change direction in life is falling head over heals in love with the most precious woman in the world….meeting her made me think long and hard on what I want out of life
Q}how would you confront your partner if you thought they were cheating on you with someone they work with??
A) By definition w.r.t your intent you have failed.
Q) If you were forced to give up either all of your property assets or all of your property knowledge, which do you think you would be able to acquire back more swiftly ??
I’d pay off all my debts, buy a big ‘go f*$% yourself’ present for my boss (please excuse the profanity but he deserves it) and probably have some left to buy a couple of new cars, and a big arse tv, that’ll do me… that’s some fast shoppin tho!
If you checked your bank balance one day and there was an error with the transactions and you had an extra $2,000 in your account, would you tell someone?
I’d leave it there for a month and if it wasn’t picked up, would assume it was mine.
If you woke up one morning but back X amount of years to when you were 15 years old with the knowledge you have now, how would you live your life any differently?
A : Just some comfy clothes, photo albums & a couple of big loaded up memory sticks. Get an acquaintance or family to send the rest in a 20ft container at a later stage.
Q : Which would you choose – living at home with your family and working in Oz for $X after tax, or work overseas on rotation and spend 200 days / yr away from your family for $3X ??
well in answer to this question i would pick the Job OS, it dose sound a bit harsh but, over the past few weeks time away from everybody would be fantastic [cap] and then i could make a fresh start where nobody knows me 2 judge me [biggrin]
Q: if the opportunity arose to be able to spend one night with your first love, would you take the offer even though you are in a relationship but the partner would never find out??
ANSWER: It takes only $18.00 an hour to keep me away from my dear wonderful home and family and if I wasnt doing anything about it (setting myself up to retire) Id probably be dead from overwork in about 20 years
QUESTION: If you had to choose a reason other tham making money to be investing in property what would it be?
A year ago this would have been a difficult question, but right now, I know, the reason im investing in property is not so much for financial gain, but more for time wealth.
Working 11hr days six days a week, with demanding hobbies and life commitments, makes you appreciate time an awful lot. But I am slowing down now.
A forked road appears ahead of you in the bush, which one do you take?