All Topics / Help Needed! / BIRDDOGGING
Can someone out there please give me some details as to what is required to become a bird dogger?
I have sourced what I consider to be a good positive cash flow property with the chance of some nice capital gains.
Unfortunately, I have 3 other projects going on at the moment and time and money make it impossible for me to go ahead with this one.
What are the procedures to be followed to pass this one on to someone else for whatever fee is applicable?
Many thanks in advance
ChristineMy understanding is that there are certain finders fees to be paid if the transaction is completed.
I am looking for a reliable bird dog myself. Where abouts are you located?
TigerHi tesbs
As for Tiger I am looking for a reliabile birddog myself as I am a mother of 3 young children and finding it hard to get started due to my responsibilities. I have contacted agents buyers via email, most of whom don’t bother to get back to me.
Which state are you from and which state have you found the deal?
Shelley (ss2306)I know a couple of great buyers agents in SE Qld. One of them has 118 people on his waiting list looking for property. The other one does it occasionally.
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I have a similar enquiry. It seems like the responses so far have missed the question which was :Can someone out there please give me some details as to what is required to become a bird dogger? Does anyone hve some advice re this question?
This questions seems to get an airing every couple of weeks and gets the same answers each time.
Each State has its own legislation so check with the OFT in your State.
Certainly as far as Qld is concerned you need to be licensed.
Cheers Richard
richard at is no such thing as a problem.
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Hi All,
Basically, ‘birsdoging’ is taking a payment/finders-fee for finding a property for someone else.
There are a couple ways you can ‘birddog’.
1. Simply put the property under contract with a ‘and/or nominee’ clause and then flip the contract/property to the person who is interested in taking it off your hands.
2. Find a property and get the purchaser to pay to $X if they proceed and purchase the property directly.
I am not sure why you would need to be licenced though – Qlds007, can you give more detail?
I have been away from the forums for some time and ma just getting back in volved so apologies Qlds007 if this question has previousl been answered.So basically, all that is required based on my understanding is a property that you have found, and someone who is willing to pay you a fee to find out about.
…Beware of the dreamtakers…
Hi all,
You can also secure the property on an Option and either flip the option itself….. or nominate the buyer in the paperwork. This way you can still walk away from the whole thing if it turns sour and you ahve only lost you option fee.
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I would be very wary of trying to flip using the and/or nominee trick. In most states, if not all, you would be up for stamp duty in addition to the purchaser (- unless, in some states only, you had a prior written agreement) and you would be legally required to settle on the property if you cannot find a nominee.
I also beleive that in NSW you would need to be registered as a buyers agent with the Dept of Fair Trading to do ‘bird dogging’. ie you would be profiting from the sale/introduction of a property. I maybe wrong, so send them an email to check – better to get it in writing.
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Here is a link to another post I replied to the other day: are links there to the dept of fair trading (NSW) section on buyers agents.
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Hi If there is a monitor monitoring could you check my post re legslities re spotting as for the last few weeks noone can reply to my questions as the site flashes off making it impossible to add comments. you can ony read it if you choose the print option. could you fix this so people can reply. “legalities of spotting”
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