All Topics / Forum Frolic / cashflow the game in melbourne?????

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  • Profile photo of aussierogue

    does anyone here get together and play cashflow 101 in Melbourne if so – please pm me as i would love to participate…


    Profile photo of gatsbygatsby
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 708

    I live in Melbourne too and would also be interested in playing if anyone else gets together for a game?

    Profile photo of NobleoneNobleone
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 146

    Hi All,

    How good is the Cashflow game?

    My wife and I would love to get it, but the price tag seems a bit too high, while there’s a chance that it’s not that good a game or maybe a game you play once and them it gets stuffed into a cupboard for eternity.

    Thoughts / commments please…

    Cheers, Nobleone. [blink]

    “Making mistakes is just another another tool for learning.”

    Profile photo of aussierogue

    i just bought it!! havent played it yet – who wants to play??

    pm me and ill try and organise something!!

    Profile photo of Michael WhyteMichael Whyte
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 269

    Ah, the tyranny of distance! Sydney is just a tad too far to drive for an afternoon’s cash flow. Never played it myself but hear good things.


    Profile photo of PropertyGuruPropertyGuru
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 1,502

    it’s good game we play some times in Sydney. next time we might play cash flow 2. [:)]

    PropertyGuRu [sultan]
    Mortgage Consultant
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