All Topics / Finance / finance for hall conversion

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  • Profile photo of collie

    Hi, just wondering if anyone has any advice on the type of finance I could get to buy a Church hall which I would convert into student accomodation.
    The asking price of hall is $200,000 and I would think the conversion would cost aprox. $100K
    How could I structure this sort of finance?
    Is it possible?


    Profile photo of brahmsbrahms
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 485

    either cash (yours) or its going 2 b xpensive – it could be difficult to make this look attractive to a lender.


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    Profile photo of Alistair PerryAlistair Perry
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 891

    Hi Collie,

    Would you need council approval to change the use of the hall. I know of quite a few churches that have been transformed into houses, if you have approval to do something similar I would think you would need just a basic resedential construction loan.


    Profile photo of TerrywTerryw
    Join Date: 2001
    Post Count: 16,213

    There are private type lenders that would look at these deals. Generally finance would be hard.

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    Profile photo of collie

    Thanks for all your replys. Have decided not to go ahead as there is hassles with no parking……..


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