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  • Profile photo of tombola

    Hi everyone, I have had a few requests for the April meeting to be later int he month than the 3rd. I was thinking maybe the 23rd but this is very close to Anzac Day and people may be going away. What do you think?[biggrin]

    Profile photo of gatsby

    Hi Gill,
    Fine with me.

    Profile photo of Kim RosenbergKim Rosenberg
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 3

    I would be interested in being part of this group. I’m based in Mont Albert North so the location sounds great. Please keep me posted.

    Profile photo of Tigerbob_2Tigerbob_2
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 20

    Please keep me posted as I would also be interested in attending. I live in Mount Waverley so not far away.


    Profile photo of tombola

    Hi all am just sorting out a venue now so will let you know asap.

    Profile photo of peeblespeebles
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 7

    Hey all,

    I live in Carlton, and I’d definitely be interested, sounds like a fantastic idea! If you can email me any details as they come up for future meetings, that would be great.


    Profile photo of tombola

    Hi there the date of the next meeting is 23 April at 2pm at 270 Auburn Rd Hawthorn. One of our members has kindly offered the use of his office – thanks Tony!! Please reply to if you wish to attend.

    Profile photo of tombola

    Hi everyone – just a reminder that the next meeting of the group is Saturday 23 April at 2pm -270 Auburn Rd Hawthorn Melways Ref 45 F12. We have a town planner as guest speaker. Tea & coffee will be available for a small charge to cover costs. We currently have 18 people attending so if you are interested please drop me a line to help with planning. Thanks C U there.

    Profile photo of gatsby

    Hi all!
    Firstly, Gill sorry to hear you couldn’t make it. I trust all is well. Tony, many thanks for the use of your office (sitting in those leather boardroom chairs made me feel like Robert De Niro as ‘Al Capone’ with the base ball bat in the scene from the ‘The Untouchables!’ I felt 100 properties more powerful from the examples you gave! Don’t worry about chewing peoples ears off all day Tony, I’ll just change my avatar to ‘Chopper Read!’) Frank, thanks for a very informative presentation and great to see a few more new faces. Looking forward to the next meeting (hopefully sooner than later).
    Many thanks again!
    Kind regards,

    Profile photo of tombola

    HI all – sorry I couldn’t make the meeting. Adrian, thanks for “stepping up” and letting us all know how the meeting went. VERY much appreciated. Sorry to say that due to crazy business commitments I am unable to spend much time organising future meetings. So all you “posters” please feel free to set up a meeting and keep the lines of networking open via this website. Hopefully I will get along to a future meeting.[biggrin]

    Profile photo of landt64landt64
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 166

    I’d be really interested in coming to the next meeting if someone could le me know when it will be happening. Do you have any minutes from the first 2 meetings that you’d like to share?

    Profile photo of Leila

    Hi All,
    I’d just like to second Adrian’s comments – Gill, I was very sorry you couldn’t make it and hope all’s well at your end(hope to see you and Sharon at the next meeting). Tony was a brilliant source of inspiration once again and it was great to meet some of his colleagues and enjoy the comfy chairs. It was also great to see some more new faces and I look forward to getting to know you all better and learning from your experience and knowledge.

    Following Frank’s presentation on Town Planning, Tony and others suggested future topics and it looks like there will be some interesting meetings coming up for the group.

    Gill, if you’re not in a position to organise any meetings (I empathise, I know what it is to be very busy – I’m only sitting down right now because I sprained my ankle at the gym today – very frustrating!!) Perhaps circulate the group email list to each of us, and this way we can ensure we all keep in touch and can organise future meetings.

    I suspect Tony and Alistair may be organising the next meeting, but I’m sure that after this we can take turns so that no-one has to bear too much responsibility for this. What do you think?


    Profile photo of alvinnalvinn
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 2

    Hey Guys,

    what a fantastic meeting on saturday. It was amazing sitting in a room with like minded individuals and learning all sorts of stuff from everyone, especially Tony and Frank.

    Can you believe we sat for 3 hours!

    Guys, i thought of a better way to manage communication with the group, as some of us dont come to the forums that often, and it took me forever to use the search function to find info about the group, so, i started a YAHOO GROUP.

    I use this in my own business, and its a great way to keep in contact with people EASILY. We can send emails to all members in the group from one email and it will make the organisers job a lot easier.

    Here is the info

    I have MODERATED it as in my experience a lot of unsavoury characters can come in and SPAM us with all sorts of SPAM.

    So let me know what u think and i look forward to the next installment!


    Who is Alvin from Melbourne anyway?

    Have Fun Make Money And Make A Difference with ANNASA!

    Profile photo of AdministratorAdministrator
    Join Date: 2013
    Post Count: 3,225

    Hi there,
    Would be really keen to know if this is still happening? How did the initial meeting go?
    My wife and I have a unit in Armadale, yet we are currently living in Sydney. In mid July, we move back to Melb, so we would be really keen to hear if you guys are still meeting up. If so,we’d really like to start attending.
    We just attended our 1st Masterclass yesterday in Sydney. Had a great day and are really motivated to build our portfolio when we get back to Melb.

    Profile photo of Alistair Perry


    I am glad to hear that people enjoyed the afternoon as much as I did. I know Frank enjoyed giving the presentation, so I hope everyone got something out of it.

    I think Leila’s idea of rotating the organisation is a good one. (I hope your ankle id getting better by the way Leila.). I also like Alvin’s idea of the Yahoo Group and have signed myself up.


    Profile photo of tombola

    Hi there, am certainly happy to circulate the email list. I have it in an Xl spreadsheet so will send it to all. If you DONT WANT this please let me know by 5pm Wednesday 28/4. Thanks

    Profile photo of gatsby

    Hi all,
    Who’s up for another meeting? 18th May will be a month since our last meeting. If this time suits people (or not) feel free to add a reply so we can organise a date, time and perhaps a topic such as ‘trusts’, etc that was mentioned at the last meeting. Looking forward to hearing from others.
    Kind regards,

    Profile photo of Alistair Perry

    I’m happy with the 18th. In terms of speakers I’d be really keen to have somebody speak on either asset protection or valuations, but any topic would be fine.


    Profile photo of Leila

    Hi Guys,
    Wed 18th sounds fine to me – maybe do it at a (fairly quiet) restaurant so that we can combine with dinner and keep it pretty informal? As Tony suggested at the last meeting, starting at the beginning – asset protection, finance etc. would be good topics for a speaker if this can be arranged.

    Gill, can you please forward me the email list as I haven’t yet received it.



    Profile photo of JenDJenD
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 33

    Hi all,

    My partner and I currently live in Mickleham (soon to change) but just bought our first investment property in South Melbourne, and would love to attend one of these property investment meetings, either in the Sth East Melb suburbs, or anywhere else in the Melbourne area (if they exist). Any information on these meetings would be much appreciated!!


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