All Topics / Value Adding / Cost Estimating Package/Spreadsheet

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  • Profile photo of copperg

    I’ve been a forum reader for quite a while but haven’t posted too much, so bear with me….

    I already have quite a few IP’s under my belt but in the current market I need to “make a deal” as +CF is almost non-existant to buy at present.

    Does anyone know where I can find a quick/simple “Building Costing Package”?? Something one notch up on just using a $$/m2 rate as I’m looking at a few options of building single houses, town houses, units etc.

    I have access to a “high-end” estimating package but it’s over-kill for what I’m after.

    I can always knock up a spreadsheet I guess but thought that there’s sure to be something out there to input basic costings, PC items etc and drop out some bottom line numbers.


    Profile photo of copperg

    Ok, Obviously with 147 Reads & Zero Replys, no-one has any advice on a “low level” estimating solution.

    So….., That being the case, how are all you Developer Types out there going about crunching the numbers for your developments???
    Probably the same as me, now, ….putting it thru a spread sheet???
    (I do use Somersoft PIA for straight Cash-Flow Buy/Hold/Rent/(Hope?) deals.)

    Any Ideas???


    Profile photo of Greg FGreg F
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 83
    Originally posted by copperg:

    …how are all you Developer Types out there going about crunching the numbers for your developments??? Probably the same as me, now, ….putting it thru a spread sheet???
    (I use Somersoft PIA for straight Cash-Flow Buy/Hold/Rent/deals.) Any Ideas??? GC

    Hi GC

    Sorry for my tardiness. Life’s just too darned busy. My JV partner and I are doing our first Rural Residential sub-division in SE Qld, and have so far relied on a basic spreadsheet.

    Our surveyor has just done his first preliminary surveys (“thumbnail sketch dipped in tar”, as he calls it), designed to get the contours for the most economical road route. He’ll be sending this to our Civil Engineers, who will then be able to come up with more accurate “ballpark costings” to help us get ready to submit to our banks re infrastructure funding. We’ve also joining forces with our competitors (2-3 other key developers in our area) for a possible joint approach to Ergon Energy re 3 Phase electricity to service all our lots.

    Am very interested if you can get good info on this, so don’t give up. My tip is to try the direct approach – PM directly some of the key developers here or on somersoft. Hopefully they won’t “have my guts for garters” for dobbing them in here, but I’d suggest clicking on the “Members” button in the top Left Hand corner, then searching for and PMing:
    ~ Michael Yardney (under M, not Y)
    ~ Qlds007
    ~ Richmond
    ~ Resiwealth
    ~ Rick Otton
    to get you started, as well as myself.

    If we work together on this, we should be able to come up with something more refined than our basic spreadsheets.

    Looking forward to your pm, and please post your findings here afterwards, okay?


    Profile photo of showmethemoneyshowmethemoney
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 103

    G’day there

    Personally I use Devfeas 5.0 (now superseded by Devfeas 6.0) to carry out my feasibility studies.
    The software is created by the Andrews chaps in South Australia. I don’t remember the website, maybe
    It is not cheap, mine cost $500 but new version is probably more, but a good package.
    As with all software, it is ultimately only as good as the data entered into it.


    Profile photo of MichaelYardneyMichaelYardney
    Join Date: 2001
    Post Count: 616

    I also use Feastudy for most projects.

    For complicated projects I sometimes use estatemaster. Its a super duper excell spreadsheet. You can download a trial version at

    It is much more difficult to “drive” than Feastudy, but it is the program most valuers use. If you think Feastudy is expensive (and it isn’t) you will be blown away by the cost of this and the annual support contract.

    I have just been chairing an industry conference aimed at big property developers and conducted a session on Feasibility studies

    The big guys use Estatemaster but most mediun size developers there were using Feastudy.

    The programs are great, but totally useless unless you know what figures to put into them.

    At my annual “Real World” real estate workshop in June we concentrate on teaching the development process – how to become a proeprty developer – including an in depth discussion on how to conduct a feasibility study

    Michael Yardney
    Author of Australia’s leading property e-magazine.
    Join over 10,000 readers each month.
    FREE subscription

    Profile photo of JulieEllenJulieEllen
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 15

    OK, I want to set up a spreadsheet for a buy/reno/sell project. I have Excel but only use it for simple things that add each cell. How do I set up something to show the various renovation options? I keep running into a wall with Help. Yjete is an expesenes spreadsheet but it doesn’t sem like it will work[biggrin]

    Profile photo of jparsonsjparsons
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 91

    Yes, this renovation spreadsheet would be excellent. I have completely two reno/sells, and have just begun another, unfortunately I have not had the time to create a decent program for the initial feasibility or even the completion study to see where I am making money and areas wher I am not profiting- therefore wasting time and money. I will hopefully come up with something within the next 6-8 months once I get a couple projects out of the way. I will remain in touch. If you find anything let me know….I will stay in touch.

    Yes, this is my first post, been a member for a while, will start getting into it more now.

    Good luck to you all.



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