All Topics / Overseas Deals / Finnding right financier and solicitor in NZ

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  • Profile photo of KurraKurra
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 19

    Hello every body,
    I am going to NZ this week to research a little about property market in NZ.I heard alot I just want to see it first hand too.Is there any experienced NZ investor to direct me to the right locations.I also know that I need local financier and solicitor.Do you know any contacts that I can arrange a meeting with them.I appreciate any input.


    Profile photo of PropertyGuruPropertyGuru
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 1,502

    You Can contact westan for info about NZ. You can get loan for NZ from OZ also.

    PropertyGuRu [sultan]
    Mortgage Consultant
    MSN ID: amitash, Yahoo Id: bornguru

    NZ loan pre approval from OZ in 48 hours

    Profile photo of NobleoneNobleone
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 146

    HI Kurra,

    I currently have IP’s in the north island and the solicitor I have used each time is Crichton Parker @ Young Carrington Shera Solicitors – 52 High Street
    Ph (06) 278 4055
    Fx (06) 278 4934

    Never any problems and always efficient service.

    Cheers, Nobleone.

    “Making mistakes is just another another tool for learning.”

    Profile photo of kiwiduvetkiwiduvet
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 92

    Insurance brokers are pretty good too if you are thinking of more than one kiwi IP

    when the going gets weird the weird turn pro

    Profile photo of kowhaikowhai
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 5

    Hi Property Guru how can I get an oz loan for a property in NZ? all help appreciated

    Profile photo of westan

    Hi Kurra

    which island are you going too ?
    email me directly and i’ll put you in touch with some legal people depending what cities you will be in.
    Try to have a good knowledge of where you are hoping to buy before you get to NZ , its actually a lot bigger than you think and you risk running all over the place so have a plan to check out some specific markets. ( which is why you’ve written your post).

    regrads westan

    I live in New Zealand and for a fee find cash positive deals there, email me at to join our database

    Profile photo of Mobile Mortgage

    Hi Kowhai,
    Quite a few Australian Mortgage Brokers, Myself included have access to finance for non-NZ residents,
    Rates and fees will vary between lenders; LVR is 80% to 90% subject to Mortgage Insurance policy/guidelines, location etc.

    Fixed rates currently offered by the ANZ in NZ are reasonable at the moment, however their NZ variable rates are NOT competitive at all,
    Lower rates are available for Aussie investors from less well-known lending institutions with cheaper set up costs and no ongoing fees. Hope this helps, cheers.

    Mortgage Broker

    Phone: 0402483216

    PLEASE note comments made should not be taken as specific taxation, financial, legal or investment advice.

    Profile photo of westan

    hi Steve

    what are the rates on a variable loan with some of these lesser know finance providers ? You are right about ANZ their variable rate is more than their fixed rate ??? Don’t see that very often in OZ.

    regards westan

    I live in New Zealand and for a fee find cash positive deals there, email me at to join our database

    Profile photo of aptamaptam
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 61

    Hi Westan,

    So fixed rates being below variable is rare in NZ?

    I would have thought with the US’s deficit the size that it is, and the fact that it has increased rates 6 (or is that 7 now?) times in a row, and with the RBA being so “hawkish” as the media put it that there would be upward pressure on rates.

    If thats the case you would expect more people to be fixing mortgages, and therefore increasing the price of the fixed mortgages above the price of variable mortgages?

    This may be getting slightly off topic – apologies! Any economists in the forum?


    Profile photo of Mobile Mortgage

    Hi Westan,
    The variable rates with Pioneer are currently 8.25%, I have a few NZ lenders on my panel including ANZ and have found Pioneer to be one of the more accommodating NZ lenders, they currently offer P&I or I,O repayments, a $250 application fee and no ongoing fees, 80% LVR but will lend to 90% LVR subject to LMI policy.
    Pioneer also include 80% of current and proposed rental income when assessing an application, Loans are in $NZ.
    Conditional Pre approval is valid for 90 days and in most cases this will be conditional subject to valuation,
    Applicants can organize there own valuations, this can be beneficial if the subject to finance clause in the purchase contract is of a minimal time period and short notice is required for a valuation to be carried out.
    I hope this helps, cheers.

    Mortgage Broker

    Phone: 0402483216

    PLEASE note comments made should not be taken as specific taxation, financial, legal or investment advice.

    Profile photo of westan

    Thanks Steve

    thast package look very attractive.

    Do they do any fixed interest loans ?

    Sorry for asking so many questions but i expect others would be interested in the answer also.

    regards westan

    I live in New Zealand and for a fee find cash positive deals there, email me at to join our database

    Profile photo of Mobile Mortgage

    Hi Westan,
    Pioneer does have fixed rates, however they don’t compete to well with the fixed rates offered by the ANZ.
    Pioneer Fixed Rates,
    I year 7.99%
    2 & 3 years 7.95%
    4 years 8.00%
    5 years 8.05%
    ANZ 1 to 5 years fixed rates 7.70%

    Mortgage Broker

    Phone: 0402483216

    PLEASE note comments made should not be taken as specific taxation, financial, legal or investment advice.

    Profile photo of muppetmuppet
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 900

    Hi Guys

    Have a look at current interest rates in NZ at


    Profile photo of scorpioscorpio
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 16

    Hi Kurra,
    By the time you read this you will probably be in NZ. I hold a number of properties in NZ, predominantly in CHCH, and as such can refer you to a CHCH based broker, solicitor and accountant who understands what we in the wider investment community want to achieve. Feel free to PM me if still required.

    Profile photo of pooombapooomba
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 8

    Hi Kurra,
    If you didn’t find what you were looking for in NZ email me. I’ma full time investor in Auckland and provide mentoring services to investors. I can put you int ouch with the best leagal beagles and finance people. There are only a few that are really any good for investors. Let me know if I can help with any info

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