All Topics / Help Needed! / West Aussie just lookin!

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  • Profile photo of suzieq

    Hi all,

    Just wondering if anyone has any thoughts on both Midvale and Forrestfield in WA? Any feedback at all would be appreciated![blush2]as I have heard the block sizes are decent, but what about the rental market if one was to buy in these areas?


    Profile photo of PurpleKiss

    Hi Susieq,

    As no one is answering I’ll give it a shot. I odn’t know much about Forrestfield so cna’t comment there, however, Midvale adjoins Midland and blocks in may parts have been rezoned to allow development on the back. Having looked in every real estate window in Midland this week, there wasn’t a lot of properties for rent in Midland or Midvale ie: each agent had about 4 -5 displayed. Most had spaces for more that were empty so I guess that’s a good sign.

    Sorry can’t be more specific.


    Profile photo of jhopper

    A few other comments on the area:

    Not wanting to sound snobby but the tenants you may get in Midland maybe less than desireable. That info only comes from working close to the area and certainly not from experience so, PK correct me if I am wrong.
    On a positive, Midland Gate shopping centre is currently under construction which may help the area somewhat.
    As for Forrestfield, again, this is where I work and am glad to leave everyday. We do have a number of people in our office who live in the area and are very happy so I guess thats my North Shore Sydney mentality coming out!
    Must say though, Guildford has some really nice areas which is next to Midland!
    Like PK, only putting in my biased and possibly misinformed opinions forward, as you dont seem to be getting much response and look forward to being shot down in flames!

    Profile photo of AdministratorAdministrator
    Join Date: 2013
    Post Count: 3,225

    Hi there ,mainly that area is for 1st home owners I have had a sniff around 98% are home owners and the rest rental, young families looking too buy their 1st homes around that area, though Midland up the road is upgrading , be very careful some of the lower income rental area’s are a problem.

    Regads [cap]


    Profile photo of jhopper

    Sorry, clarification. Was not suggesting you are biased and possibly misinformed PK, thats just me!!



    Profile photo of MTR

    I believe with current developments/improvements taking place at present in Midland this will affect adjoining suburbs such as Midvale and Bellevue. This is already happening.

    I would only buy a house where block can be sub-divided down the track, as I feel this would provide best CG in future, (only my opinion).

    You just have to look at areas like:
    Balga, Westminster, Nollamara to realise that you need to look further than the people currently living in the area.

    Good luck[biggrin]

    Ausprop can probably provide more info on Bellevue

    Profile photo of MoJoJoMoJoJo
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 26

    There are some zoning changes happening around Midland too to allow higher density housing. Also plans for “inner city” style HD developments modelled on Subi, east perth and the like, from what I can gather.
    Should be good news for the area.


    Profile photo of redwingredwing
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 2,733

    Had a look at some of the information re the developments in Midland, looks good.. maybe look at buying close by?

    The Midland counil has been pushing for years to upgrade the area, they have the D.O.L.A offices there, the Police communications area etc

    Midland gate will soon have an upgrade with a big cinema complex..

    Research the area and gain some local knowledge on areastoavoid..on the negative i see ECU has left the area (they had buildings in the TAFEcomplex..

    Anyone elsehave info to share?

    it’s a bit inland for my liking, but i’ve seen some great areas in sth/guildford

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    Profile photo of MTR

    Hi Redwing

    I think it is the Midland Redevelopment Authority which is involved in many ongoing projects. They can also give you an overview on what is currently on the table and future projects.

    Also Time Conti is selling cottage blocks, as Jo stated trying to get this Subi Centro thing happening. Possibly specific building requirements etc. which generally means more up market housing.

    I guess with the many attractive features, such as historical buildings, village atmosphere, cafes etc. Nearby Wineries (Swan Valley) and restaurants it is definately worth a look at.

    Also possibility of development potential, some large blocks still available.

    What I want, I cant afford unfortunately.


    Profile photo of suzieq

    Hi all,

    Thank you all for your feedback. I went looking at Midvale & Forrestfield on the weekend and noticed a reasonable amount of activity in the Midvale area. Subdividable blocks are definately a possibility with good access to Midland providing you buy close enough to walk to the main roads (Morrison Rd and Great Eastern Highway) which will make it a hop step and jump from the action in Midland once the re-development is in full swing. Could be worth a shot. Not much to say about Forrestfield though but will need to go back when I have more time on my hands – ran out of time, kids getting cranky and all that stuff.

    cheers sq [biggrin]

    Profile photo of ActTodayActToday
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 232

    I have it on very good authority that a flight path will be constructed over Forrestfield and another over Midland. Midvale seems a better proposition to me although folk do seem to get used to halting conversation mid sentence as a plane flies over.

    If I knew then what I know now……….you know how it goes

    Profile photo of PurpleKiss

    jhopper, I did not take anything you said personally, it was your opinion , just as my comment was my opinion. Glad to see some onthers have now added comment as well. Flight paths was an interesting comment. I attend a craft class on a Thursday evening in South Guildford and the planes there sound like they are just over head and well, I’m sure if you stood on a ladder you’d be able to touch them! Kidding there, but if a flight path does go other these other areas at low attitude then it’s deifintley got to be taken in to consideration as it’s mightly loud because it is so close to the airport.

    I’ve found Midland and some of the areas around it have already gone up considerably, whether there’s still room for growth or whether it’s already grown in anticipation of all the changes…..I guess time will tell.

    As for bad areas, bad tenants, just screen your tenants well and have landlords insurance.

    Good Luck Suzieq. Let us know how you go.


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