All Topics / Creative Investing / Wrappers in Melbourne – meeting!

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  • Profile photo of FWFW
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 478

    Hi everyone
    I mentioned a little while ago that Lewis O’Brien was going to run another information night in Melbourne early this year, and that I would post the information when I had it.
    I have it now, so here goes!
    Keep smiling
    Felicity 8-)

    As previously foreshadowed, I am convening my second Wrap Update Seminar!

    The session is designed to keep you up to date with current developments in the world of wraps as well as provide an opportunity for some networking and an informal get together.

    Topics that I will formally cover include:

    1. Default and Termination.
    Recent experience suggests that a refresher on the default and termination process would be useful. I will include a range of real life examples in addition to advice on how to minimise problems from the outset.

    2. Money Partners
    I will outline how joint ventures and second mortgages work from a legal perspective and work through some examples.

    3. Consumer Affairs Victoria
    I hope to be in a position to discuss the latest news and attitudes from Consumer Affairs – but this will depend on a number of developments and hence is not guaranteed.

    4. Vendor Finance (Wraps) Association
    As there is some dissatisfaction with the Association’s performance in Victoria, I will attempt to foster a group discussion on how you want to move forward on this issue.

    5. Stamp Duty
    A primer on recent changes to the rules relating to stamp duty on nominations and joint purchasers.

    There will also be time for questions on these and other topics.

    The Seminar will commence at 7:00 pm on Thursday, 17 February, 2005 in the Oakford Room at the Clarion Hotel, 326-330 Canterbury Road, Forest Hill (Cnr Canterbury Road and Springvale Road). Coffee, tea and light refreshments will be provided.

    After the formal part of the evening concludes (at approximately 9.00 pm) we will adjourn next door to the bar.

    Tickets are on sale now. Cost is $44.00 (inc GST) each. However, the cost for existing clients is $22.00 each provided the tickets are booked and paid for by 4 February, 2005.

    Bookings are essential. Tickets can be booked by email ( or by calling the office.

    If you would like any further information or details let me know.
    Lewis O’Brien
    Commercial Lawyer
    4/310 Whitehorse Road, Balwyn, 3103
    Ph: (03) 8801 0111

    Keep smiling
    Felicity 8-)

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