All Topics / General Property / South East QLD Draft Regional Report

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  • Profile photo of pelican

    Has anyone out there read this report yet… ??

    What are your thoughts on the assumptions ???

    Sounds interesting to me…. they want affordability, yet do not want to supply any more land for development……

    Also – Do they really believe that everyone wants to live in a shoebox ????

    Hmmm…. comments please……..

    You may know the cost of everything…. but what about the value ????

    Profile photo of Fast LaneFast Lane
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 527

    Awesome post. I’ve been laughing at this plan for nearly a week now. Idealogical rubbish, who wants to live in an ugly McMansion on 500sqm in Ipswich and catch a bus to the Gold Coast?

    Profile photo of wilandel

    Hi Scott,

    Do you know where I can find a copy of this report to read??

    We are very interested in SE QLD (shifting there), and I would like to find out more about it.


    Profile photo of alexleealexlee
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 46

    Here you go, Wilandel.

    Very interesting. So far those developers who bought cane land around the coastal strip are screaming. The government may reverse it’s stance down the line, but these things tend to be self-fulfilling, right? If the government insists on the plan for 5 years, say, the developers are going to start developing homes (such as the new subdivision in Edens Landing: I just bought a house NEXT to the new subdivision) and infrastructure according to the plan.

    If the government holds on enough, developers will fulfill the plan for them. As someone else said, transport is ALWAYS a problem everywhere, so you’d do well to stick to the current train lines instead of hoping new tracks will be built.

    Profile photo of wilandel

    Thanks Alex, I will have a read!

    Del [biggrin]

    Profile photo of pelican


    Suggest you also read the article in API (Feb) about the report…. makes some very valid points…..

    As does ALEX above……



    You may know the cost of everything…. but what about the value ????

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

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