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  • Profile photo of eliteviews

    Have just started my first reno and wonder if anyone can advise me if it is a good idea to just do reno’s or should I combine reno’s with rental properties. Have not had much luck with rental’s in the past
    regards to all


    Profile photo of PropertySharkPropertyShark
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 4

    Would you consider yourself efficient at renos, if not start with an easier approach to investing (if thats what you doing). Target your success by being confident you can close out the deal to your advantage.

    mark wyld

    Profile photo of DanTheManDanTheMan
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 100


    Do whatever makes you money. If you are successfull at renos (proberbly helps if you enjoy it), spend your time at that. If you are not making money, or get bored, branch out.


    The most important thing is to make the most important thing, the most important thing.


    Profile photo of eliteviews

    Hi Mark and Dan
    Yes, I’m ok with reno’s, I know a few things, I have spent the last 4 years owner building a 480 sq mt house Queenlander style and clearing and fencing the 25 acres around it. Total investment around $5ook and now valued at $1.255.000. That is why I would like to do reno’s but wondered if I should have some rentals as well


    Profile photo of PurpleKissPurpleKiss
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 580


    Will you have enough income from your reno’s to see you through retirement? If so, then do your reno’s and get the income together to live off. If not, then perhpas have osme rentals to provide inocme for retirement.


    Profile photo of eliteviews

    Hi Purplekiss,
    Thats what I was thinking, As you get older you don’t want to be doing reno’s, maybe it’s just a matter of finding a good Property Manager to control the rentals. Thanks for your reply.


    Profile photo of wallyjillwallyjill
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 1

    Hi David,
    Why do you need to find a good PM? Find a good tenant and manage them your self.

    Cheers Walter

    Profile photo of eliteviews

    Hi Walter
    Thanks for your reply, I guess the hard part is working out the max rent one can get for the IP.
    If you charge a bit more than the market value do
    you get a better tenant


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