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  • Profile photo of Ambo72_2

    Can someone PLEASE tell me how to change my member profile so I can get one of those character thingies beside my name. I can’t seem to do it as it always says that my member name and password already exsist when I submit the form. Obviously I need to get a life but does anyone have any suggestions. [blush2]



    Profile photo of Monopoly

    Hi Ambo,

    Go to your profile page, and near the bottom of the page is a box/section entitled AVATAR, go there select the one you want and when done re-save your profile.



    Profile photo of Ambo72_2

    Thanks Jo,

    Will give it a go.


    Profile photo of Ambo72_2

    [eh] Jo,

    How do I save it??

    Profile photo of Monopoly


    Bottom of the page, there will be a box entitled SUBMIT, click on it, and it is saved.



    Profile photo of Ambo72_2


    Still won’t let me do it.

    Thanks anyway,



    Profile photo of Monopoly


    When you going into your PROFILE do you see the AVATAR box??? Have you selected one, that is highlighted one (make sure it previews in the box), then when all this checks ok, go down the the SUBMIT button and click to save it.

    Failing that, don’t know what you could be doing wrong.[blink]



    Profile photo of Ambo72_2
    When you going into your PROFILE do you see the AVATAR box??? Yes.

    Have you selected one, that is highlighted one (make sure it previews in the box) Did that.
    , then when all this checks ok, go down the the SUBMIT button and click to save it. Did it.

    Failing that, don’t know what you could be doing wrong.

    Don’t see what else I could be doing wrong [blink].

    It still keeps telling me that my username is already in use/exists. Never mind.

    Thanks Jo.


    Profile photo of Monopoly
    Originally posted by Ambo72:

    It still keeps telling me that my username is already in use/exists. Never mind.

    This COULD be the problem.[blink] My suggestion would be log out totally, thus freeing up the “username” being inaccessible. Then, when you log in, when it gets to the box that asks whether you wish to move onto ACTIVE TOPICS or YOUR PROFILE etc, select your profile, and try it from that point.

    Fingers crossed.



    Profile photo of Ambo72_2
    My suggestion would be log out totally, thus freeing up the “username” being inaccessible. Then, when you log in, when it gets to the box that asks whether you wish to move onto ACTIVE TOPICS or YOUR PROFILE etc, select your profile, and try it from that point.

    Tried this also Jo….No luck. I’m at a loss!![hmmm]



    Profile photo of CalderCalder
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 44

    I thought I would have a go following Jo’s instructions to see if it would work for me. It did. There may be a glitch somewhere in your profile. Suggest you contact Admin and see if they can fix it.
    Have fun choosing one.


    Profile photo of Ambo72_2

    Thanks Calder.



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