All Topics / Opinionated! / Let’s have ‘conversations’ that add value

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  • Profile photo of Steve McKnightSteve McKnight
    Join Date: 2001
    Post Count: 1,763


    Despite this being the opinionated forum, I can’t see the purpose behind contributions that don’t add much value.

    For example, I have just deleted some posts that I consider use hurtful language.

    I think a good rule to live by is: Only post if you have encouraging things to add. If not, say it, but don’t type it in or post it.

    Also, while I have mixed feelings about some forum members from time to time, I try hard to remember that a rainbow needs more than one colour, that varied opinions are very useful, and that it is better to say something nice than it is to make someone feel hurt.

    Come on. Everyone – let’s try harder to leave a footprint on the forum that people admire us for.


    Steve McKnight

    Remember that success comes from doing things differently.

    Steve McKnight | Pty Ltd | CEO

    Success comes from doing things differently

    Profile photo of pelicanpelican
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 454


    Thank you….. Sanity prevails…..

    Profile photo of Sonja

    <link deleted as forum post is now gone>

    Wonder if this is the sort of thing Steve is referring to?

    <Steve: yes it is which is why I have deleted that post too>

    I also find it interesting that a moderator chose to lock this topic and leave it on display rather than delete it altogether.

    Kind Regards,

    Profile photo of gatsbygatsby
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 708

    I hope my conversations add value? I’ve just renovated half of my friends! I was just about to start on Dennis. When I joked about his caesarean birth he was so offended, he took off out the window! (I had the window renovated too!!!) That’s OK though. Dennis didn’t jump. His still in the window. He’s not afraid of heights. He’s afraid of widths. Maybe I joke because, to be quite frank right now, I’m afraid of my boss. No lol here. I just hope some of my posts add some value to some.

    Profile photo of padmaa23108padmaa23108
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 41

    The very first post that I made asking for a suggestion, I was called STUPID for even thinking what I was planning to do. That put me off for a minute, but I brushed it off and went on. As I read on with interest everyday, there are certain posts that make me flinch hard and think OUCH! THAT WOULD HURT!.
    I don’t understand why people have to be so harsh in replying or commenting, seems to me kind of ‘one up thing’.
    I agree with Steve – If we don’t have something constructive to say in a sweet manner, don’t say anything.
    For what it is worth – my opinion.

    Profile photo of Monopoly
    Originally posted by padmaa23108:
    The very first post that I made asking for a suggestion, I was called STUPID for even thinking what I was planning to do.


    I remember your first post, I was the one who replied, and I did not call you stupid. It was tongue in cheek sarcasm, and may well have come across harshly, as I am guilty of not “sugar coating” things, that is my nature; I can assure you even though I may come across as sarcastic (nasty?) at times, I would bend over backwards to help people. If you knew what line of (volunatary) work I did, you’d understand.

    I am a firm believer that if you “sugar coat” everything in life you will end up with nothing more than a sticky mess. [blush2]

    All the best to you; I hope you grow and learn from your time here.[biggrin]


    Profile photo of Sonja

    My personal belief is that I am responsible for my own actions. I hope that I don’t use other people’s behaviour, appropriate or otherwise, to justify my actions. I also believe that all people deserve to be treated with respect – regardless of their mistakes, flaws or differences in opinion. At the same time, I’ll say again, we should all be held responsible for our actions.

    I think it is a pretty sad state of affairs when Steve has to start a thread such as this. Personally I like Rob and appreciate his input. That was not always the case. Back in April (Hi Rob:) don’t take this the wrong way) when he was having a rather vitriolic exchange with another forumite I also consider a friend (Hi Jo) I was quite scared of him. But both of them have shown enough character to get past it. Just BTW (although I have had little or no personal contact) I also have great respect for the other forumites who have been involved in more recent differences with Rob.

    I guess, perhaps, I am being more than a little idealistic here but I would like to get past the rather ugly personal conflict that has crept into the public forum. I have been around long enough and read enough posts to say that it seems out of character for the more established forumites. As for the newbies who start off by deliberatly and agressively antagonising others… well I’ll hold off on forming an opinion because I just don’t know where you are comming from.

    Sorry to get on my soap-box here but truth is I’m just sick of it. I think is great and so are the peole here. I guess I’ll just leave it at that.

    Kind Regards,

    Profile photo of Monopoly
    Originally posted by Sonja:

    Sorry to get on my soap-box here but truth is I’m just sick of it.

    Sonja honey, you really should get off that box before you hurt yourself!!![tongue]

    No seriously, thank you I appreciate your kind words.

    I think what we all need to remind ourselves that this medium of communication is open to misinterpretation. As long as we remember there are REAL people behind the text that appears before our eyes, and that they are just like us, with real feelings and emotions, we would post in a much friendlier manner.



    Profile photo of RedhavenRedhaven
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 81

    I do enjoy my time on this forum and certainly find it educational, but I have been disappointed by the amount of backbiting and snarling going on. Is it just that everyone’s a bit fed up with school hols and the Christmas rush? I find it embarrassing, to be honest. I wanted to share the Derivex information with my parents but apologised to them for the verbal abuse the thread contained. It certainly doesn’t give a great impression to others. Is it that we are all getting too familiar with each other and “familiarity breeds contempt”? There’s certainly not a great deal of respect between certain people. Sure, certain folk get on my nerves but I am not about to rip their heart out publicly and stomp on it.

    I would like to think that just because I may post something quickly without putting it past an editor or spellchecker, that I wouldn’t be shot down in flames, but this has been happening a lot lately. We are all at different stages, so lets just accept each other as we are, instead of following the pack and verbally flicking spitballs at each other like school children. [baaa]

    How about it, guys!?

    Profile photo of erikkoerikko
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 12

    for me oil makes the world go round, without it many industries and homes will be invalid. It's high time for us to divert other sources other than oil

    Profile photo of rickypleasrickypleas
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 22

    I could not agree more. Let sanity prevail and may we all possess that in our minds. Amen.

    Profile photo of
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 1,248

    Thank you Steve well said and we/I are all guilty at times through passion and belief …

    ONE suggestion Steve to you …

    Clean up the registration process of your site … stop multiple post names under different profiles …


    Profile photo of alynaalyna
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 9

    Wow Steve,

    I admire you for that…

    That's a very great thing you know.

    For a change, let's all do it.:)

    Profile photo of razzhmrazzhm
    Join Date: 2011
    Post Count: 4

    When i posted here a month or so ago under creative deals i was blasted for looking for JV partners, i was open and honest enough to discuss fee's and terms etc and some details of what our business did and i came away feeling quite "bullied"….i am a robust personality however and recognise that the people who jump heavily on others are often the one's with the most self doubt so having been a listner of the forum in the past have decided to continue to be a contributer….but unless someone is personally attacking you as an individual lets all give each other room and opportunity to discuss, offer opportunities and be part of an encouraging open community….most of the time i think we are an interesting bunch….tho how some of you guys find the time to post so much idont know! full respect from me!! i am a Mum of 3 yr old twins. work in the emergency services on a roster nght/day, business and manage a property development business too….i'd love to spend more time here with you guys but its hard….so be gentle wth each other….there's plenty of people in the world will put you down…dont be one of them unless its really necessary!

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