All Topics / Opinionated! / Why the West is Riding for a Fall

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  • Profile photo of NobleoneNobleone
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 146

    Twins Michael… I’m tellin’ ya we’re twins… [biggrin] [withstupid]

    Cheers, Nobleone.[jerry]

    “Making mistakes is just another another tool for learning.”

    Profile photo of aussierogueaussierogue
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 983

    willem – once again michael makes good points. i like the bit about needing to be protected from themselves – as we all do somethimes! i would also add that tolerance doesnt mean accepting everything the world throws up. having an opinion and stating that opinion has nothing to do with tolerence

    it if dont like the death penalty that doesnt mean im intolerant of executioners………

    Profile photo of Michael WhyteMichael Whyte
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 269
    Originally posted by aussierogue:

    Having an opinion and stating that opinion has nothing to do with tolerence

    If I dont like the death penalty that doesnt mean im intolerant of executioners………


    Good point, particularly about tolerating the executioners if not the death penalty. I’m always flumoxed when I hear about the hard-core Christian conservatives that are anti-abortion because it is “murder”, so what do they do about it? They go and find some abortion clinic and kill the poor security gaurd standing out front so he can keep his working class wife and 3 kids in food and clothing. What the? And this is because you’re OPPOSED to murder!!!

    On a side note, my wife cried when the soviet union imploded. She saw them as the last hope for socialism ala Le Internationale. I was equally dissappointed but for a more pragmatic reason. I saw the USSR as the only balance to the USA in the global arms race. With the demise of the USSR, the USA now enjoyed a singular position as the unopposed global superpower. At least with MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction) there was some control over the US using their WMDs, what now? Is it any wonder they want to leverage their unique unfettered position for their singular benefit. They want to ensure there is no spread of WMDs so they can maintain their global supremacy. And they use this global supremacy to invade resource rich countries and impose interim governments that are US friendly. They go solo with a coalition of the willing and without the mandate of the single remaining global institution, the UN. Dubya has actively advocated a go-it-alone strategy and the irrelievance of the UN. They also are not signitaries to either the Geneva convention (seriously!) nor more recently the international criminal court which Australia fought to establish. Why would they? They might then be held accountable for the prisoner abuse scandals and illegal detention at Gunatanamo Bay. In their opinion, they are the law! Dubya is the self-proclaimed leader of the free world, but I didn’t vote for him???

    They are the big gorilla on the block and they use their muscle in their singular interests. The best the rest of us can do is to watch and make waves. Yell when you’re angry and vote against it when you can. I marched against the war in Iraq, but it seems the lack of WMDs in Iraq has made little impact on the Dubya juggernaut. They went to war on a lie without international backing, and when the lie was proved they shrugged it off and started naming the next targets. Yes, you are right to be afraid!

    OK, enough venting for now…


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