All Topics / Value Adding / Developing Books

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  • Profile photo of DanTheManDanTheMan
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 100

    Hi All,

    Can anyone recommend a good book/DVD/course to get educated regarding developing?




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    No just experience, you just have to through it mate … its called the school of hard knocks … welcome to my world, regards Phil

    Profile photo of Michael Whyte


    Any suggestions on where to start then, go for an urban infill townhouse jobbie, or just a plane old subdivision with a council approved plan for a new residence then flog it for profit.

    I think the only way to turn a nice profit in the current market is to make it yourself. I don’t think the market is making them any more. I was thinking of doing the odd reno, but am interested in development options too.

    Problem+Solution=Profit, or so I’m told.

    Thanks mate,

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    Hi Mike, how was the Whitsundays you lucky dog!!

    Love to help,

    1. Start small, duplex – triplex – then quad

    2. Buy a small acreage (2) then cut it up, now you are a developer.

    My second eldest brother was a builder now he ownes 19 motel complexes, all in country towns or city fringe. He got into motels because no one else was in those days.

    So do the opposite that others are doing, don’t follow the flock.

    You don’t make money, you create it.

    The secret of the rich is to provide some thing in demand and make it easy for them to buy.

    Commersial in Sydney makes sence to me, but if you buy res.a you must have rocks in your head, my opinion only mate.

    We just took an option on a caravan park for 3.9m i bought the block next door (550k) wraped the two together and had a buyer ready for 6.3m.
    That deal took under 30 days with costs out inc. tax of 30%. Make profits and move on.

    Mike, my brother taught me that in his experience you only need good luck and good timing.Opinions are like bottoms we all have one, be patient do your numbers.

    Some one is always making money some where, go find where that is, research different markets and become creative.

    Can you afford to loose, read Kipling.

    My first book will be out in Feb (101 ways) but my third book (201 stratagies and techniques rich people do in realestate has some of the above). I have lots of stories of people winning and loosing the game of life as you do.

    Steve and Dave have a formula for success but not every body likes to follow in the same path so don’t feel you r a failure if you only have 1 -2 properties.

    Its not the number you end up with that matters its all about the targets you have set for yourself and your family. There are many millioneres in the grave yard, work hard play hard.

    If you own your home and one investment property by the time you are 55 you will be in the top 5% weathiest in Australia (isn’t that bloody shameful) work on solutions not problems.

    Now is the time to make money!!!! there are some desperate people out there ready for the picking, there are more profits when you buy than when you sell.

    Oh heck mate i’m getting carried away, i had better send you one of my books (3) he he. I’ll try and keep up on here but i’m getting bored because i think the direction is changing from the outset.

    you’re on track mate and i believe you and a FEW others i have communicated with here will win. Remember that 97% of people on this forum will fail to live a dignified retirement at 65… regards always

    Sorry 4 the spelling mistakes, but i’m in a rush

    Profile photo of Michael Whyte

    Thanks Phil, sent you an email.

    Cheers mate!

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